"I didn't expect that your Excellency is the arrogance of the upper three veins. What happened this time is that our Yunyuan Mountain Range is wrong, but there are some things that Long must clarify. Before coming here, the patriarch had an interview with me. He admired your talent very much. I urge you to do everything possible to invite you to be a guest in the clan. Maybe the patriarch has already guessed your origin, but he didn't say it clearly. As for these three people...they can't represent the clan leader, let alone the entire Yunyuan Mountain Range. The grievances and grievances are clear, don't blame this clan, I can assure you here, after the patriarch understands everything, he will definitely provide enough compensation and sincerely apologize to Your Excellency!"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly and looked at the eighth elder.

Although the other party participated in manipulating the restraining formation, they had never attacked him from the beginning to the end, and now they made such remarks, clearly to draw a line with these three people.

To be precise, on behalf of the patriarch, let the entire Yunyuan Mountain Range draw a clear line from these three people!

The Eighth Elder of the Dragon Clan bowed to apologize to Jiang Tian, ​​and then decisively activated the life-saving talisman and fled away without the slightest hesitation.

This scene stunned the powerhouses of the Wei family!

"What, what did he say?"

"I... Did I hear correctly?"

The powerhouses of the Wei family on the silver flying boat looked at the Eighth Elder of the Dragon Clan one after another, and were stunned after feeling his majestic aura in the Star River Realm!

The dignified elder of the Dragon Clan, a strong man in the Star River Realm, is actually apologizing to that junior!


"The upper three veins? Hiss!" An elder of the Wei family gasped, with a look of horror on his face, "The dragon clan is divided into the lower nine veins and the upper three veins. Although the dragon clan in Yunyuan Mountain has a strong background, it is only the lower nine veins One, it is said that even among the lower nine meridians, it cannot be ranked among the top five!"


"Oh My God!"


Hearing the companion's explanation, the elders of the Wei family gasped, and their faces changed!

"Patriarch must be careful!"

"The existence that even the Dragon Clan in the Yunyuan Mountains can't afford to provoke, how can our little family be able to provoke it?"

"Although the young master has suffered a bit, his life is not in danger after all. This matter must not continue to expand!"

"Hmph! With all due respect, the patriarch has always been too doting on the young master, and the clansmen have complained for a long time. If you don't change your temperament, you will be in trouble sooner or later!"

"At that time, his life and death will be minor matters, and our entire family will probably be buried with him. It will be a disaster!"

All the elders became angry because of fear, and hated because of anger, they quickly turned around and denounced Wei Zixing angrily.

"Bold! Attacking this young master and conspiring to rebel, do you want to betray the clan? My lord father, use the clan rules to teach them!"

Wei Zixing was furious when he heard the words, pointing at the crowd and yelling at them.

But he didn't notice that Wickingham's complexion became more and more ugly.

"Wei Zixing! Don't think that I don't know the truth. This matter all started because you coveted those three women. It was you who caused the trouble!"

"Master Patriarch! You should understand what it means to our Wei family that even the dragons of the Yunyuan Mountains fear and fear the existence!"

"Don't go around these detours, in a word, this is an existence we can't afford!"

"Master Patriarch! It's not once or twice that your precious son has done this kind of thing. We reminded you before, but you just played it lightly and didn't take it seriously. This time, are you planning to play it perfunctory?"

While everyone pointed their finger at Wei Zixing, they also began to express dissatisfaction with Patriarch Wei Jinhan, and all the grievances in their hearts erupted.

Wei Jinhan gritted his teeth and sighed: "Forgive me, everyone, the dog caused these troubles because of the lax discipline of the old man. After returning home, the old man will definitely discipline him well and give everyone an explanation!"

"Give them an account? How unreasonable!"

Wei Zixing's face changed, and he almost vomited blood with anger!

Originally, he brought everyone to take revenge, but before the fight, everyone pointed their finger at him. For the pampered him, this was unbearable!

"Listen to you old things, I, Wei Zixing, will use the power of emergency in the name of the family heir today!"


"Emergency power?"

"Who do you want to deal with, and how?"

All the elders were shocked!

He didn't know how to repent after causing such a catastrophe, but he was still clamoring and kicking his nose and face.

The faces of the elders all darkened, and they stared at Wei Zixing with gloomy eyes.

"What I'm dealing with is you rebellious old things!"

Wei Zixing couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, he raised his palms and slapped the elders opposite.

"It makes no sense!"

"Bold lunatic!"

"I see you dare?"

Bang bang... boom boom!

Everyone's breath was soaring, and they all wanted to take this opportunity to teach Wei Zixing a lesson, but because of the face of the Patriarch, they didn't dare to hit hard after all.

The two elders standing at the front shot in time to defuse Wei Zixing's offensive, which made him back again and again, almost falling out of the flying boat.



Patriarch Wei Jinhan yelled like thunder, and the huge coercion forcibly deterred everyone.

Before Wei Zixing could react, he slapped him across the face.

"Nie Yi, kneel down!"

"I... I kneel down?"

Wei Zixing covered his swollen face, dissatisfied.

"Kneel down immediately and kowtow to the elders to apologize!"

Wei Jinhan's eyes were sharp, and he was really angry.

Although he is the head of the Wei family, it is impossible for him to act recklessly, especially when it comes to major matters involving the survival of the family, the opinions of the elders of the Presbyterian Church must also be considered.

In this situation, Wei Zixing is obviously going too far, which has already aroused public outrage. If he doesn't suppress the matter, it will only get worse and worse, and even affect his authority.

"Hmph, discipline him earlier, so that you won't make such a big mistake!"

"The Patriarch finally understands, maybe it's not too late now."

Everyone nodded slowly. Although they still felt uncomfortable, it was not easy to pursue too much.

Seeing the eight elders fleeing, the three elders of the dragon clan in the forbidden circle were ashamed and completely desperate!

Jiang Tian didn't stop the Eighth Elder from leaving. Firstly, there was a large formation of restraints, and secondly, the other party activated the life-saving talisman. Even if he wanted to stop him, it might not be possible in time.

He withdrew his gaze from the silver flying boat, and suddenly slapped forward with his right hand hanging in front of him.

Boom... Boom!


Amidst the screams, Long Qitian's body shattered and he fell to his death!

"Long Qitian, you misunderstood me!"

The Ninth Elder scolded angrily, remorseful.

Click... Boom!

The purple light flashed again, and the Ninth Elder's body exploded, falling to his death!

With one step, Jiang Tian rushed to the front of the Seventh Elder, raised his right hand lightly and irresistibly covered the opponent's forehead, and performed the secret soul search technique.

A moment later, he palmed his mind and spit madly, finishing off the other party.

The memory of the Seventh Elder of the Dragon Clan is very complicated, and there are many secrets about the Dragon Clan in the Yunyuan Mountain Range, but there is nothing he wants to know the most.

This soul search disappointed him.

He raised his hand and grabbed three storage rings engraved with dragon patterns, turned around slowly, and looked at the silver flying boat.

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