Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

5354--Andrew The Strongest Holy Son Showdown


Jiang Tian looked intently, only to see a list of Yun family geniuses who participated in this duel engraved on the stone wall, and the word "Yun Xianghan" was not among the dozens of people on it.


Jiang Tian frowned, feeling greatly disappointed.

Judging from the list alone, Yun Xianghan does not seem to be on Yun Lingchuan's side, but he did not jump to conclusions, but silently pondered other possibilities.

Maybe her practice didn't go well after going to the world, or she encountered some special changes like Su Wan and Feng Weiwei, which caused her practice to be slowed down and she missed the opportunity to participate in this duel.

If this is the case, the situation is undoubtedly a bit complicated, and it will be more difficult for him to find the other party.

At this moment, a young man from the Yun family wearing a brocade robe with cloud patterns suddenly came forward.

His appearance aroused the restlessness of many warriors, and he seemed quite popular.

"Look, it's Mr. Yunyi!"

"Mr. Yun Yi is the son of the elders of the Yun family. He is very popular inside and outside the family. He is known as the 'Little Smart' of the Yun family. It is said that he also knows a lot of anecdotes about the Yun family!"

Everyone leaned over excitedly, surrounded Yun Yi and asked questions.

Some fast-talking people even asked him directly about the secrets of the Yun family.

For these people, Yun Yi always responded with a smile, and was not annoyed by the recklessness of the other party. When encountering certain questions that were inconvenient to answer, he often used ingenious ways to bypass them.

Such a scene made everyone sigh incomparably.

"Mr. Yun Yi is really as his name suggests, not only is he very 'smart', but also has an easy-going and eager temperament."

"Hehe, this is just on the surface. In fact, almost no one in Yunlingchuan dares to provoke the Yun family. As the son of the elders of the family, Yun Yi doesn't need to be vigilant and high-profile all the time, but if you really provoke him Or offend the Yun family, I believe, that's another matter!"


Everyone nodded. At this time, Yun Yi was surrounded by people. Many people were eager to inquire about the situation of the Yun family. Some even asked the question "How can I join the Yun family and become a disciple with a different surname?" It still revolves around this "Strongest Son" competition.

"Mr. Yunyi, is the list on the stone wall all the candidates for this 'Strongest Son' competition?" A middle-aged warrior in a gray robe asked with a concerned look on his face.

"That's right, this list has gathered dozens of the strongest talents in the family. Their strengths are actually evenly matched. Only a few of them have a slight advantage. There is no way. The talents and aptitudes of the younger generation of our Yun family are too strong. , It is not a simple matter to decide who is superior!"

Yun Yi nodded and smiled, with deep pride in his words.

"No way?" A black-haired old man touched his chin and said with a strange smile: "I heard that Chiyunzhou and Moyunling are both determined to win the 'Strongest Son', so they must have prepared some trump cards , our Yun Lingchuan side shouldn't expose all the cards in the open, right?"

"Hehe, this senior is quite well-informed. The hole card that was exposed is not called the hole card, but I can tell you that Chi Yunzhou's lineage is inferior to ours, and only Mo Yunling can barely wrestle with us. But I am absolutely confident that this year's 'Strongest Son' will definitely come from our Yunlingchuan lineage!"

"Master Yun Yi, by saying that, is he admitting that your Yun family still has a hole card?" the black-haired old man asked along the way.

Yun Yi smiled but said nothing, neither admitting nor denying.

"The Yun family's hole card, could it be her?"

Su Wan and Jiang Tian looked at each other, thinking of the same person in their hearts.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, but stopped talking.

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded!

"I heard that your Yun family brought back several talented geniuses from the lower realms, and cultivated them secretly at any cost. I wonder if those people are the so-called 'bottom cards'?"


"Is there really such a thing?"

"Who is speaking?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, but they couldn't find the exact source of the voice. Obviously, the other party used some kind of cover-up technique to make it impossible for people to trace it.

Yun Yi smiled leisurely: "Your Excellency is cautious enough, but there is nothing wrong with this matter. As long as conditions permit, the family will send envoys to the lower realms almost every few years to find geniuses with special bloodlines and bring them back to the family for training. Unfortunately, Although those people have great potential, they are extremely rare who can really grow up. The point is that they don't have much advantage in combat power compared to the native-born geniuses of their own clan, and they are often annihilated in the end."


"Is it obliterated by everyone, or does it have another deep meaning?"

Everyone frowned, silently chewing on the meaning of the words.

Yun Yi smiled mysteriously without explaining.

No one knows whether the so-called "annihilation" is giving up cultivation, or has some other cruel meaning.

"Yun Xianghan, will he be among these people?"

Su Wan lowered her voice and asked quietly.

Jiang Tian shook his head slowly: "It's hard to say, maybe it will, maybe it won't."

"Then what should we do?" Su Wan frowned.


Jiang Tian really wanted to go to the Yun family to investigate, but the Yun family had a strong foundation, and he didn't know anything about the situation inside. In addition, for the safety of the three companions, he had to wait patiently and silently.

Fortunately, there are only dozens of candidates for the "Strongest Son" of the Yun family, and the competition will not take too long if the competition goes on one after another.

Jiang Tian and his companions waited silently, observing the venue, but he didn't see Yun Xianghan until the two sides took the stage in the final duel.

"It seems that sister Yun is not in Yunlingchuan!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu shook their heads and sighed, their expressions extremely complicated.

"This is only the result on the surface, and it's hard to say what it will be like in reality."

Su Wan shook her head slowly, and did not draw conclusions hastily.

"It's really impossible, I can only find a way to enter Yun's house to investigate!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, but he didn't give up easily.

Yun Lingchuan's Yun family has a strong background, and it is too risky to bring your companions in to investigate. Before that, you must settle the three companions well before entering alone.


There was a roar, and the final match had just begun, and the winner was decided!

A young genius wearing a golden cloud-patterned robe defeated his opponent, a burly genius wearing a blue cloud-patterned robe, and the victory was decided by one move!

"My God!"

"too exaggerated!"

"It's unbelievable that both are the top talents of the Yun family, but there is such a huge gap in strength!"

The whole audience exclaimed, and even the warriors of the Yun family were stunned by the result.

They stared blankly at the man in the golden cloud pattern martial robe standing in the air on the ring, their eyes were full of fanaticism!

"Cousin Yun Yan!" Yun Yi looked at the man above the ring in shock.

Before that, he had predicted the final result. Yun Yan did not have a clear advantage among the strongest people, but he did not expect to achieve such a feat in the end.

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