Under such circumstances, would Yunlingchuan's lineage have any chance of winning?

Obviously extremely difficult!

But this was only on the surface. When he carefully felt the aura of these geniuses, he found that less than half of them could really compete with Yun Ling.

And there is only one person in each line who can participate in the final showdown, that is to say, the number of people does not directly affect the final showdown, but strength does!

These people will go through layers of selection in the Yun family, and finally one person will be determined to play.

The lineage of Yunlingchuan is undoubtedly Yunling, and the lineage of Chiyuncheng is still unknown, but basically the possibility of them winning in the end can be ruled out, because the strength and background of Chiyuncheng are worse than Yunlingchuan's, and they are even worse. It is impossible to compete with Moyunling, the hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

There is no doubt that the Yun family's three lines rank from weak to strong, they are Chiyun City, Yunlingchuan, and Moyunling.

Judging from the induction of spiritual sense alone, Yun Xianghan was not among these people, but Jiang Tian did not draw conclusions hastily, but turned on the magical power of "magic eye" to observe carefully again.

Layers of purple halos spread before the eyes, and the halls in front of them instantly turned into phantoms of nothingness. Figures came into view. They either crossed their knees and closed their eyes, or squeezed the seals with their hands, and some kept turning their arms to hold Take the pieces of heaven, material and earth treasures placed in front of you and refine them with all your strength.

After careful observation, Jiang Tian finally confirmed that there was indeed no Yun Xianghan among these people, which made him extremely confused.

At the beginning of the Boundless Sea in the Lower Realm, Yun Xianghan was taken away by the strong Yun family who descended from the cross-boundary. Judging from her reaction at the time, there was no doubt about it. That is to say, there should be no problem with the identity of the person who took her away. .

But why didn't he find any trace of Yun Xianghan after traveling all over the Yun family?

Could it be that the Yun Family not only has the three major branches of the Central Territory, but also some other unknown lines?

Jiang Tian frowned, and his face became ugly. If this is the case, things will be complicated!

Judging from the information he has collected so far, it is true that there are only these three major branches of the Yun family in the central region, and there is no fourth lineage besides this, but how does this explain the fact that Yun Xianghan has disappeared?

Could it be that after she was brought to the upper realm by the blue-robed old woman and Yun Hao, she encountered some accidents and fell into some unknown predicament?

This thought made Jiang Tian's face change!

"Will not!"

Jiang Tian shook his head fiercely, dispelling the uneasiness in his heart.

The two Yun family powerhouses who took Yun Xianghan away in the Boundless Sea back then should not be too low in cultivation. The other party has crossed borders, and there is a possibility that there will be some support and backup in the upper realm, and there may be problems. Sex should not be big.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a question, and his face became extremely ugly!

This upper realm is connected to more than one lower realm. Did the blue-robed old woman and Yun Hao not come from this upper realm, but from another lower realm connected to this realm, and the level of martial arts in that lower realm is obviously stronger than his? The original lower bound, but should be slightly lower than this upper bound.

If this is the case, the situation is too complicated!

At the same time, he also thought of another more complicated possibility.

Before that, he only knew that this upper bound corresponded to more than one lower bound, but he never thought about whether the lower bound he was in corresponded to more than one upper bound?

In other words, is there really only one upper bound?

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, and his heart shook!

He couldn't answer this question. He really wanted to use an affirmative answer to dispel the fog in his heart, but with his current knowledge and experience, he didn't dare to draw conclusions easily.

If these two conjectures come true, finding Yun Xianghan will be harder than reaching the sky!

Jiang Tian's thoughts surged wildly, and there was a storm in his mind.

There are many wonders in martial arts. With the improvement of cultivation and experience, the world has not become clearer and simpler. On the contrary, it is becoming more and more complicated, and the complexity is beyond his imagination!

At this moment, all kinds of thoughts surged up, and he could not restrain himself from thinking of more.

Besides Yun Xianghan, could the mother he was looking for also be in a place that he still couldn't touch at all?

He felt as if he was trapped in a cloud of fog, surrounded by phantoms and clues, but he couldn't find the right direction for a while.

What kind of strength is needed to break this predicament?

If his guess is true, how long will it take him to grow to that level, and how long will it take to get where he should be?

All kinds of thoughts frantically rolled in his mind, making Jiang Tian frown.

After a long time, he forced himself to calm down.

Right now, he still can't imagine too many unknown situations, so he can only return to reality and continue to search following the existing clues.

Jiang Tian collected his mind, suppressed all kinds of distracting thoughts, and when he was about to retract his "Xuanmu", his eyes lit up!


His eyes fell on the more than one hundred halls in front of him, and under the sweeping of the magical power of "Phantom Eye", he could almost see the situation inside these halls at a glance.

Although the area of ​​these halls is not too large, it is not comparable to the Artifact Refining Hall of the Artifact Refining League, but there is a spiritual power circle in each of the main halls, and the spiritual energy is abundant inside, accumulating a quite strong spiritual power!

This means that a spiritual vein, or a branch of the spiritual vein, is connected under the magic circles in these temples.

And with Moyunling's background, the spiritual veins connected to it must be super spiritual veins!

"Since you're here, you can't go back empty-handed!"

There was a flash of light in Jiang Tian's eyes, and he immediately mobilized the spiritual power of the space to rush into the temples in front of him.

The halls with the best aura conditions have already been occupied by those dozen or so geniuses. All he can do is to choose the one with the best aura conditions in the empty halls.

His gaze quickly landed on a certain hall in the middle of the third row, and without hesitation he activated the spiritual power of the space to escape inside.

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Tian came to the palace quietly, glanced around and couldn't help but admire deeply.

After advancing to the late stage of the Shattering Void Realm, his bloodline spiritual power has reached 70% of the total, and there are still three layers to be filled before he can hit the next realm.

But with his special aptitude, it will be very difficult to fill the remaining 30% and the time will not be too short.

To solve this problem, either a huge amount of cultivation resources is required, or there must be a strong spiritual support.

And these two conditions are what Jiang Tian lacks now.

Although he had killed several elders of the Dragon Clan in the Yunyuan Mountains and harvested a few storage rings, compared to his resource needs far beyond ordinary people, it was just a drop in the bucket.

It was also because of this that he was so greedy for the Yun family's spiritual veins. Although he knew that there would be certain risks in doing so, for him, improving his strength was the effective way to deal with all risks.

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian quickly suppressed his distracting thoughts and absorbed them with all his strength.

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