Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5378 Star Blue Spirit Fruit

"That's right, the magic weapon that is enough to threaten the strong in the Galaxy Realm, let alone 100 million, even if it's a few hundred million higher, I won't be surprised!"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and their attitudes were vastly different from those at the beginning. They were all spurning it just now, but now they are worried about whether they can get it.

This treasure not only has a huge space to store spiritual power, but also has both offensive and defensive capabilities. It can be said that one treasure has three uses, and its value is extremely high!

"I see!"

"No wonder Zhu Xuan is so calm!"

In the VIP box No. 1696, Wei Feng and Wei Yu nodded again and again, solving the doubts in their hearts.

"Jiang Tian, ​​your judgment is correct!" Su Wan sighed silently.

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and didn't say much.

Although the power of this treasure is not bad, it is dispensable to him. During the recent period of time, the cultivation resources in his hands have almost been used up. Except for a few magic weapons and magic tools obtained from the elders of the Dragon Clan, he has nothing to do. It is some monster material.

These things can also be exchanged for a considerable amount of spiritual crystals, but it is hard to say that it is easy to use on this occasion.

Among other things, judging from this "Qingxu Yunling Ding", its starting price is 100 million high-level spirit crystals, and the final transaction price is definitely far above one billion!

He has also participated in many auctions in the past, and each time he held enough bargaining chips and participated in the auction with enough confidence. He often made a big splash and became a blockbuster, but this time it was quite different. At this moment, he felt the feeling of being shy in his pocket.

Fortunately, the purpose of his coming here is not to bid for these rare treasures, but to search for the trace of the mysterious turtle swallowing mountains. From the very beginning, he didn't have much thought about this auction.

If there is no suitable treasure for him to attack, even a long experience is good.

While Jiang Tian was concentrating on it, everyone had already started a fiery auction.

The "Qingxu Yunlingding Ding" climbed to a price of one billion in three to five rounds, and was finally auctioned off by a star river realm warrior in a VIP box with an astonishing value of three billion.

The fiery scenes and attractive results lifted Zhu Xuan's spirits, and he immediately invited the second lot.

These are a pair of fist-sized exotic fruits exuding mysterious blue light all over their bodies. They are contained in a special forbidden magic weapon in the shape of a fruit plate, and they cannot feel the slightest breath outside.

But when Zhu Xuan activated this forbidden magic weapon and let go of a trace of its products, an extremely alluring fragrance immediately permeated the audience, going up to the Galaxy Realm and down to the Star Realm. Be enchanted by it!

"Oh my god, what kind of strange fruit is this?"

"Just a ray of breath refreshed the old man, and even accelerated the circulation of blood and spiritual power. This is too exaggerated!"

"The old man has been trapped in the early days of the Star River Realm for a long time. For hundreds of years, he has not been able to find the slightest opportunity to advance. The breath just now has given the old man a sense of inspiration. If he can take a picture of this thing and go back and enjoy it, maybe it will make him feel better. The old man broke through the predicament and entered the middle stage of the Star River Realm!"

The whole audience exclaimed incessantly, and countless warriors were moved by it.

Seeing the eagerness of those great powers in the Star River Realm, the quasi-Star River Realm and below warriors present sighed bitterly.

"Have you seen it, the strange fruit that even the great powers of the galaxy are flocking to, how can we have our share?"

"Hehe, let's face the reality, warriors of our level are destined to only learn a lot when they come to Moyun Auction!"

"Yeah, it's not bad to gain a lot of knowledge, otherwise, what else do you want?"

"Unless we have the support of a powerful family or a wealthy family behind us, no matter whether it is strength or wealth, we will have no way to compete with the great powers of the Galaxy Realm!"

Zhu Xuan suppressed the noise of the audience, and said in a loud voice: "Zhu will solve everyone's doubts. This pair of twins named 'Star Blue Spirit Fruit' is a pair of twins. Warriors are all great tonics, which can increase the chance of advancement, and they are even more rare treasures for fellow daoists who have comprehended the 'power of the galaxy'!"


"This is the legendary 'Star Blue Spirit Fruit'?"


The word spread, and the audience became a sensation!

Many people present have heard of the name "Star Blue Spiritual Fruit", but even those who are strong in the star river realm, almost no one has seen its true face, so when Zhu Xuan announced its origin, it immediately aroused people's attention. There was a sensation in the audience.

"'Star Blue Spirit Fruit', I have been looking for it for a long time!"

"Hehe, fellow daoist, calm down, the old man is also very greedy for this pair of spiritual fruits!"

"'Stellar Blue Spiritual Fruit' is a rare nourishing product at the level of the Galaxy Realm, and I will fight for it no matter what I say next!"

"Hmph, there are a lot of people who want this pair of different fruits. As for who will get it, it depends on your confidence!"

"Elder Zhu, don't wait any longer, start bidding immediately!"

One by one, the star river realm powerhouses stood up and shouted, eager to win this fruit.

In the VIP box No. 1696, Wei Feng and Wei Yu looked at Jiang Tian and the strange fruit, as if they were afraid that it would be snatched away by others.

"Young master, hurry up!"

"With the young master's combat strength, refining this fruit should be able to raise another realm?"

The two sisters urged anxiously, and couldn't wait to see Jiang Tian make a bid.

"Jiang Tian, ​​what are you still doing?" Su Wan also urged.

"The value of this fruit is even higher than that of the 'Qingxu Yunling Ding'!" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, but didn't say much.

Wei Feng and Wei Yu looked at each other, Su Wan frowned slightly, but hesitated to speak.

Although Jiang Tian didn't say it clearly, what he meant was already obvious. There are too many strong people in the galaxy realm eager to fight for it, and this treasure is not something he can get if he wants it.

Sure enough, when Zhu Xuan quoted a starting price of 200 million yuan, those strong players in the Galaxy Realm immediately started a fierce competition.

"Three hundred million!"

"Five billion!"

"Six hundred million!"

"One billion..."

Everyone competed to bid, but within a short time, the price of the "Star Blue Spirit Fruit" was raised to more than 3 billion, and finally it was won by an early Star River Realm expert in the top VIP box at a price of 4.3 billion.

"4.3 billion won a spirit fruit, what an astonishing handwriting!"

"too exaggerated!"

"If I have so many spirit crystals, I must divide them into ten or even dozens of shares, buy a few rare pills, a few magic weapons for attack and defense, and then buy a few spirit fruits and a few magic talismans, like him It’s such a waste of money!”

Faced with this astonishing transaction price, all warriors in the audience sighed, and those warriors below the quasi-star river level exclaimed even more, with strong sourness in their eyes.

"Come on, don't use our limited realm to judge those great powers in the Galaxy Realm. Their wealth and background are beyond our imagination!"

"Yeah, for them, a few billion or even tens of billions of spiritual crystals are far less than the temptation of advanced!"

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