Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5392 Is it true or false?

"Your Excellency's words are a bit arbitrary, how dare you conclude that he must be from an outlander?"

"Yeah, your judgment seems to be well-founded, but when you think about it carefully, it doesn't stand up to scrutiny at all. How can you be sure that he must be an outlander warrior, and how can you be sure that this treasure was obtained by him in the outlander? "

Everyone felt inappropriate, and they raised questions one after another.

The gray-robed middle-aged man looked proud, and shook his head with a smile: "It's very simple, most warriors in the Central Region know about the Demon Scale Blade, and most of the valuable treasures like this will not be publicly used to participate in the auction with spirit crystals, and If he is able to obtain this magic weapon, he must know some of its origins, if you say that he is completely ignorant, do you believe it?"


"That said, it really makes sense!"

Everyone nodded, being persuaded by the gray-robed middle-aged man, they felt that what he said was more reasonable.

"Wait, I don't think it's right!" A strong man with a beard waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Warriors from the outer domain are weak, and they often encounter strong suppression the first time they enter the central domain. Nine times out of ten they will stop in the central domain In the fringe area, if he is really from Outland, do you think he can come here safe and sound?"

"That's right!"

"I don't know, fellow Daoist, how long has it been since you came to our central domain?"

Everyone couldn't help the curiosity in their hearts, and asked Jiang Tian questions one after another.

"These questions don't seem to have anything to do with the auction, do they? Elder Zhu!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, his voice turned cold, and he was obviously displeased.

Zhu Xuan originally wanted to use everyone's mouths to draw out Jiang Tian's origin, because he was also curious about the Yaolin Blade and the other party's identity, but seeing Jiang Tian's attitude of not getting in, he could only smile awkwardly.

"Fellow daoists, the auction house has its own rules, which involve personal secrets and it is inconvenient to inquire too much. If you are really interested, you can ask this fellow daoist to find out after the auction is over. Of course, this depends on the other party's willingness to answer. Basically, Zhu must remind everyone not to do anything out of line around our Moyun auction house, otherwise we will have to intervene out of the protection of our customers!"

With a smile on his face, Zhu Xuan spoke calmly, but there was a deep warning in his words.

Since its establishment, the Moyun Auction House has received countless guests. There are too many strong people in the Galaxy Realm here, but no one has ever dared to make trouble here.

"Elder Zhu is worrying too much, we are just a little curious."

"Since this fellow daoist doesn't want to answer, of course we can't force him to ask."

"Forget it, the Demon Scale Blade is already here, as for its origin and the identity of this fellow Taoist, it's actually not important anymore."

"This fellow daoist is young, obviously not the strong man of the monster clan back then, and I believe that most of that person has fallen after leaving the central region, and it is impossible to make trouble again, otherwise this strange treasure would not have appeared At the auction."

"That's right, but I have to admit that this little friend used the demon scale blade to counteract the spirit crystal, I'm afraid he will regret it!"

Sighs came and went, and some people were puzzled by Jiang Tian's reckless behavior.

A piece of "Three Lives Dao Wood" that can't be revived can only be used as a decoration, but he was asked to take out two top-level holy treasures in exchange, this person probably has something wrong with his head!

Not to mention the silver hammer holy treasure in front, this monster scale blade alone is far beyond the value of the "Three Lives Dao Wood".

"Everyone, don't say a few words, Elder Zhu, hurry up and bid for the auction, don't be wordy!"

"Yeah, we can't wait!"

Everyone urged, Zhu Xuan turned to look at the appraiser beside him.


"That's right, this treasure is undoubtedly the Demon Scale Blade, conservatively estimated... two billion!"

"Two billion!" Zhu Xuan's eyes lit up!

Of course, this price is nothing compared to those previous high-priced auctions, but it has exceeded expectations for a single holy treasure.

And after such things are collected, if they are auctioned off again, the price will more than double, no matter what, it will be a profit.

"According to the appraisal results, the value of the Yaolin Blade is estimated at 2 billion. Including the previous one, the total is 3.4 billion. Daoist friends bid 2.8 billion, and the remaining 600 million is converted. If this is the deal, the extra spirit crystal It will be returned to Fellow Daoist after the auction is over!"

With a smile on his face, Zhu Xuan informed Jiang Tian of the appraisal result.

"How unreasonable!" Nan Kun stared at Jiang Tian with an angry face, and opened his mouth to bid again, "See how many holy treasures you can come up with?"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian flipped his right hand, and another holy treasure appeared in his hand.

"You..." Nan Kun's face froze, and the price he was about to shout got stuck in his throat.

Jiang Tian was calm and calm, obviously prepared.

A top-level holy treasure is worth more than a billion yuan, and the "three-life dao wood" that cannot be revived is just a decoration.

Now this price is extremely exaggerated, and it is obviously extremely irrational to continue to compete like this.

"It seems that you have a lot of holy treasures in your hand, which really opened Nan's eyes. Since you love this decoration so much, I will give it to you!"

After a brief struggle and weighing, Nan Kun gave up the auction with a cold snort.

"2.8 billion, is there any fellow daoist who has bid?"

Zhu Xuan scanned the audience, but no one followed up. After three inquiries, he immediately announced the deal.

"Congratulations to this distinguished guest, the 'Sansheng Dao Wood' is yours, and the remaining spirit crystals will be returned after the auction is over!"


Jiang Tian nodded lightly, and then a deacon of the auction house brought the maid to his box to deliver the lot.

"Sansheng Daomu?"

Jiang Tian frowned, his heart full of doubts.

At this moment, he wished he could take out his "Three Lives Dao Wood" to make a good comparison, but in fact there is no need to compare them together, the difference between the two is also very different.

The original "Sansheng Dao Wood" was rooted on the seven-story stone platform, thick as a child's arm, with purple ring patterns on the outside, and shaped like a bamboo shoot, but the one just photographed... No, this "Sansheng Dao Wood" "Living is a blue "jinpa", which cannot be calculated by "root" at all.

If we talk about the difference from ordinary brocade handkerchiefs, it is that its whole body is hard, and the twisted and circled circular spirit patterns on the surface are also very similar to the common decorative patterns on brocade handkerchiefs.

That is to say, when he met it in the auction house, if someone threw it on the street, he might not take a second look at it, and even if he saw it, he would treat it as a handkerchief thrown away by others and would not pick it up at all.

"If this is really the 'Three Lives Dao Tree', what is that purple ring spirit bamboo shoot?"

Jiang Tian was extremely confused.

Did Moyun Auction House make a mistake, or did Master Jianbao of Jianbaomeng Qian Chuan make a mistake, or did he make a mistake and always regarded a special spiritual wood as a "three-life dao wood"?

Which of the two is true and which is false?

What is the fake one?

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