Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5426 Star Vision

Jiang Tian's expression changed drastically, and before he could react, a shocking scene immediately unfolded!

Buzz buzz!

Some of the star points that had just been extinguished suddenly lit up again, but only partially, forming some kind of special pattern faintly. It looked like stars arranged in strange directions!

"Tiangang, Shenhe, Netherworld, Beidou, Jianque..."

Jiang Tian's heart was shocked, and there was a look of horror in his eyes!

These purple light spots flashed rapidly in different combinations and arrangements, and they were remarkably consistent with the various horoscopes recorded in ancient books, some of which he couldn't even name.

Moreover, these light spots that fit the astrology were flashing faster and faster, so that Jiang Tian himself could not accurately sense and capture their changes.

Every time they shine, it seems as if a mysterious sword intent cuts on the black demonic essence, stripping away a trace of its power. Although this stripped power is extremely weak, it quickly merges into the dark and deep "void" in his body. at.

At first, Jiang Tian could not feel any obvious changes, but when the essence of the demonic energy completely disappeared, he had a clearer feeling.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Tian was shocked, and all kinds of bizarre thoughts came to his mind.

This was a strange feeling that he had never had since he started martial arts.

The sword intent in his body turned into countless purple "stars", shining one after another in some strange way, peeling off the power of the black demonic essence bit by bit, and then in some way that was difficult for him to explore. Integrate into the body.

It wasn't until this moment that he was finally convinced that this method could really refine the essence of demonic energy!

After a moment of shock, he repeated his old trick, taking in the essence of two demonic energies at once and began to try to refine it.

As expected, the shocking scene just now happened again, and the time for refining a single magic energy essence was slightly shortened.

However, it can only be refined one at a time, and the time taken to refine two successively is still slightly longer in total.

"very good!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, feeling extremely ecstatic.

Next, he kept trying, fearing that this was just an illusion or a temporary phenomenon.

After refining hundreds of demonic energy essences, he finally put aside his worries.

This is indeed an effective refining method, but it takes a lot of time. Considering the situation of the three companions, he cannot stay here for a long time.

But leaving like this is obviously unacceptable.

Next, he directly summoned three "Star Spirit Sword Stones" and urged them to devour the black demonic energy crazily. When the three sword stones all turned into a deep black color, they could no longer absorb any more black energy. Only then did he reluctantly rise into the air and return to the ground.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian was shocked after returning to the ground!

The billowing black energy that originally filled the void was retreating rapidly, rushing into the ground.

This Demon Sealed Mountain Range, which had been shrouded in black energy for countless years, suddenly saw light and became clear for the first time!

"How could this happen?" Jiang Tian was shocked.

"Isn't it because of you?" Su Wan asked in shock.

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were even more shocked and speechless.

"Me?" Jiang Tian's face froze slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to deny it, but thinking of what he had just experienced, he subconsciously shut his mouth.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the scene in the outer realm "Star Abyss". How similar was that experience to now?

At that time, he swallowed a large amount of mysterious black energy in the "Star Abyss" and fused it with the essence of the sword after the explosion of the "Star Sword Seed". At the same time, after harvesting the "Star Spirit Sword Stone", the endless mysteries in the "Star Abyss" The black energy also disappeared at an alarming speed.

How similar are the two situations?

However, the mysterious black energy in "Xingyuan" is very different from the black demonic energy in front of me. Apart from the similarity in color, the two seem to have nothing in common, but why do they have similar reactions?

Is this situation just an accident or coincidence?

Jiang Tian thought hard and couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

That feeling seemed to tell him that there must be something weird here, but his reason reminded him that the mysterious black energy in "Xingyuan" and the black demonic energy in the Demon Sealing Mountains were obviously not the same thing!

This is so strange!

Jiang Tian thought deeply for a moment, suppressed his thoughts forcibly, and glanced around, his eyes becoming more solemn.

According to his understanding, the Demon Sealing Mountains have been shrouded by billowing black clouds for a long time. Although the black clouds do not have obvious demonic attributes, their root is obviously the black demonic energy originating from the ground.

It is precisely the existence of these black demonic energies that makes the surrounding warriors dare not get involved here easily, because even the strong ones in the Galaxy realm cannot stay in this environment for a long time without protective means.

The operation convened by Bai Yu seemed to be quite complex and involved a large number of people, but in fact, it only took two hours from the time they entered the Demon-Sealing Mountains to the present.

If it weren't for these previous changes, those people obviously wouldn't dare to stay here for a long time and must leave as soon as possible.

Now, these black demonic auras have disappeared, and the black and gray clouds shrouding the Demon Sealed Mountains are also quickly receding. These changes will definitely arouse the vigilance of the surrounding areas. It won't take long for a large number of powerful people to come here to investigate. If they don't leave in time, , we will face some troubles later.

Although Jiang Tian no longer needs to be afraid of any early-stage Galaxy Realm powerhouse, there will still be considerable pressure if there are too many people. For the sake of the safety of his three companions, he cannot stay any longer.

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time, let's go!"


Purple formations suddenly flashed, Jiang Tian activated the "Void Transformation Formation" and escaped into the air with his three companions.

Just as they were leaving, the surrounding major forces and many casual cultivators who noticed the anomaly in the Demonic Sealing Mountains impatiently gathered together, ready to find out!

Boom... Boom!

The sound of breaking through the sky sounded densely and extremely quickly. All of these people were warriors from the surrounding forces. Most of them had cultivation levels below the Quasi-Galaxy Realm. However, the group at the forefront were out-and-out Galaxy Realm powerhouses. , the number of people is no less than a hundred!

The Demonic Mountains are shrouded in black and gray clouds all year round, with violent storms, thunder and lightning, making people feel frightened even from a distance.

At this moment, the scene of this mountain range had undergone earth-shaking changes, which surprised them!

From a distance, they could see the black and gray clouds over the mountains rolling back rapidly and retreating.

"what happened?"

"What's happening here? Why do these black and gray clouds that roll around all year round suddenly disperse?"

"There is no doubt that there must be a major change in this mountain range!"

"What exactly went wrong?"

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