Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5435 Falling Star Mountains

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She didn't need to say anything. Jiang Tian had actually listened to the conversation between the two. He frowned slightly and looked to the southeast.

"Do you know where Xingxu is?" Su Wan asked with confusion.

"I don't know, but it's probably unusual for the Yun family to hold such an important showdown at the Star Market!"

The change of things made Jiang Tian extremely curious.

The three branches of the Yun family put the duel between the "strongest saint son" in "Xingxu". I am afraid it is not just a whim. There must be some special reasons.

In addition to the Yun family, there are so many warriors who come to watch the battle. Those people will also follow. It is not difficult to imagine what the situation will be like there.

"Things are weird, let's go!"


Without hesitation, Jiang Tian activated the "Void Transformation Formation" and escaped with his three companions.

A span of millions of miles is nothing to him. It just takes some time to determine the specific location of "Star Ruins".

Not long after, he caught up with a group of warriors.

These people drove two silver airships through the air, but the speed of the airships was not very fast, even considered slow in the eyes of him and his companions.

Jiang Tian swept his mind and found that there were only a few half-step Galaxy realm warriors on the flying boat, and their cultivation levels were lower than those of Wei Feng and Wei Yu.

"Young master, let me come!"

Wei Yu took the initiative to ask for help. Without waiting for Jiang Tian to nod, she took a step forward and landed eagerly on the silver flying boat on the left.



"You are so brave, get off my flying boat!"

As Weiyu fell on the deck, several angry curses came from the cabin of the flying boat, which sounded quite fierce.

At the same time, three sturdy middle-aged warriors in gray robes walked out of the cabin and came to the deck, but they stopped abruptly before they finished speaking.


A dull roar suddenly sounded, and the majestic pressure of the Quasi-Galaxy Realm instantly enveloped the flying boat, shocking the three people's hearts and minds!

They looked at Wei Yu, their eyes twitching wildly, their hearts filled with fear!

This young, extremely beautiful woman was clearly a quasi-Galaxy Realm powerhouse, with a cultivation level one level higher than theirs!

Although they have a violent temper, they also know the depth and depth. They are not someone they can offend against a strong man of this level.

"Who are you...your Excellency? Why did you land on our flying boat?"

The three of them were extremely puzzled.

The opponent's aura is full of energy. As a powerful person in the Quasi-Galaxy Realm, even if he walks in the air, it will not be slower than their flying boat. What is the intention of coming to the door now?

Wei Yu's face darkened and she said coldly: "Don't be afraid. I'm going to ask you a few questions. As long as you tell them honestly, I won't embarrass you!"

"Your Excellency, please speak!"

"I will tell you everything!"

The three of them nodded one after another and bowed their waists at the same time.

They had already noticed that in addition to this young woman, there were three other people standing high in the air in front of the flying boat, watching eagerly.

Facing such a formation, the three of them naturally did not dare to make the slightest move.

"Where is the 'Star Ruins'?" Wei Yu asked coldly.

"Huh!" The three of them relaxed, and quickly replied: "'Star Market' is about 400,000 miles away from here, from here, go east, cross Wanyang Mountain, then turn south and go straight to the place where 'Star Market' is located." Falling Star Mountain Range!”

"Wanyang Mountain, Luo Xing Mountain?" Wei Yu frowned slightly.

"Wanyang Mountain is over there!"

"Your Excellency and your friends are also going to watch the final confrontation of the Yun family's three veins. We are going to the 'Star Market' to watch the battle. If you don't mind, you can go together on our flying boat!"

The three of them scrambled to point to the east. At the end of their line of sight, there was a rolling mountain range. Due to the distance, they could only see a vague outline.

"No need!"

Wei Yu turned around and stepped away from the flying boat, reporting to Jiang Tian with excitement.

"Sir, let me ask you clearly. Just cross that mountain range and go straight south!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Jiang Tian immediately activated the "Void Transformation Formation" and disappeared into the void surrounded by purple light.


"Who are they...?"

"Space Escape Technique, this is not an ordinary method!"

The three people on the flying boat gasped and were deeply shocked. Thinking of the scene just now, they were very grateful. With the opponent's powerful means, if they really wanted to make a move, they had no power to resist.

Fortunately, these people were just passing by, and the three of them finally escaped.

"What should we do, should we go?"

"The 'Star Ruins' is really too dangerous. It's hard for us to protect ourselves even with our little cultivation!"

"Don't talk about us, just these few masters from the quasi-Galaxy Realm just now are nothing in the 'Star Ruins'!"

The three of them looked at each other, hesitated for a moment.

They just wanted to watch the excitement, but they had already encountered this kind of thing before they arrived at "Star Market", and they felt really uneasy.

"We're here now, so we can't give up halfway. No matter what, let's go over and have a look. What if we can find an opportunity?"

"Opportunity comes from danger. So many people are here, including us!"


After some struggle, the three men resolutely urged the flying boat to move forward.


After Jiang Tian opened the "Air Transformation Formation" and crossed the Wanyang Mountains, he turned south and soon arrived at the Luoxing Mountains where the "Star Ruins" was located.

It is said to be a mountain range, but in fact it became a land of collapse tens of thousands of years ago!

After the mountain collapsed, a large amount of ash gas emerged from the ground, obscuring the entire mountain range.

Although these gray gases are not solid, they are stronger than the original mountains. Warriors will not fall down when they walk on them, and it is even impossible for the strong ones at the star river level to enter them.

"Star Ruins" occupies almost the entire original site of Luo Xing Mountain Range, and its scope is huge.

At this time, hundreds of flying boats gathered in the central area of ​​"Star Ruins", and many warriors stood in the air, silently watching the situation below.

At the forefront of these flying boats, there are more than a dozen flying boats gathered together. These flying boats are the six flying boats of the three lines of the Yun family, and the flying boats of powerful foreign forces such as the Dragon, Peng, Taishu, Feng, and Kun clans. .

Many Galaxy Realm experts stood on the deck of the flying boat and looked down at the billowing gray gas below, as if they were in the clouds.

Among these gray gases, there is a mysterious force that is looming and fluctuating. It is the invisible barrier that seals the "Star Ruins"!

In the past ten thousand years, this barrier has been blocking outside exploration, making many powerful people as powerful as the Galaxy Realm sigh.

Recently, the strength of this barrier has been loosened, and today, this loosening has reached an unprecedented level!

The Yun family and the powerful men from all sides were observing silently, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

They had already tried before. Dozens of people joined forces. Although they could shake the barrier slightly, it was not enough to break it.

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