The heads of the three families and the elders stared at the scene in front of them, looking at each other in blank dismay, the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

At the same time, the elder who witnessed Jiang Tian and his companions breaking through the barrier and entering the "Star Market" came up and reported to them.

"Master Patriarch, elders, that person is here, and has already entered the 'Star Market'!"


"Our people were guarding the entrance to the passage. How did he get in?"

"You didn't see it wrong, did you?"

The heads of the three families and the elders present were shocked and asked questions one after another.

"When I was in Scarlet Cloud City, I saw this person with my own eyes, including his three companions. I would never be mistaken. He didn't sneak in through a passage, but used some special means to forcibly open the 'Star Market' barrier. He led his companions into it effortlessly, and everything was almost silent. If I hadn't happened to be standing nearby, I wouldn't have been able to detect it!"

"How can it be?"

"What exactly did he use?"

Everyone was shocked and asked eagerly.

"It was just a flash of silver light at the time. I couldn't see clearly, but it should be some kind of rare spiritual beast!"

"Spiritual beast?"

"The barrier of the 'Star Ruins' can't even be broken through by us Galaxy Realm powerhouses joining forces. What kind of spiritual beast can have such ability?"

The heads and elders of the three families became more and more confused, and their eyes looked a little strange.

"Although this sounds unbelievable, I have to say that martial arts are full of wonders. There are some special spirit beasts recorded in some ancient books, with all kinds of talents beyond imagination. Maybe the one in his hand is one of them. !”

"Everyone, it doesn't matter whether the spirit beast is real or not. The important thing is that the person has powerful means, can easily break through the barrier, and come and go freely in the 'Star Market'. This is not good news for us!"

"Indeed, this means that we have one more enemy, and we must allocate more energy to guard against various changes!"

Yun Tianmu, the head of the Yunlingchuan lineage, and Yun Yihai, the head of the Moyunling lineage, frowned and looked solemn.

Although they haven't seen Jiang Tian with their own eyes, they have already heard all kinds of things about him from the elders of the family, and they have a strong curiosity about this mysterious genius.

What surprised them the most was the strange movement of the "Star Stone"!

Since this period of time, the "star stones" in the three veins of Hongyunzhou, Yunlingchuan, and Moyunling have appeared one after another, and this spar has one and only one function, and that is to sense the existence of the "chosen one" !

The "Chosen One" has only one fixed meaning for the Yun family, and that is to come specifically for the "Strongest Holy Son"!

The induction of the "Star Stone" and the appearance of the "Heavenly Chosen One" revealed a strong signal that the final winner of this three-vein showdown is very likely to be a woman!

Judging from the current situation, among the candidates for the "Strongest Son" of the three lines, only Yun Ling from the line of Yunlingchuan is a daughter, and the candidates from the other two lines of Hongyunzhou and Moyunling are all men.

This gives a strong hint that the final winner of this "Strongest Son" duel may come from the Yunlingchuan lineage!

Judging from the strength of the three veins, Hongyunzhou is relatively the weakest, Moyunling is said to be the strongest, and Yunlingchuan is in the middle. This result is somewhat unexpected.

Yun Tianhuo, the head of the Hongyunzhou lineage, and Yun Yihai, the head of the Moyunling lineage, looked at each other, and quickly turned their attention to Yun Tianmu, the head of the Yunlingchuan lineage.

"Master Tianmu, your Yunlingchuan lineage really has a unique advantage this time!"

"Should we congratulate you in advance?"

Yuntianmu's face was deep, as if he was unmoved. He looked at the two of them, waved his hands and smiled.

"Patriarch Tianhuo and Patriarch Yihai are serious. The response of the 'Star Stone' is only a sign, and does not represent the final result. Our three veins are not at the same level. The duel has not yet begun. How can our Yunlingchuan vein dare to say victory?"

"Patriarch Tianmu is humble. The 'Star Stone' is a strange stone left by the ancestors. Its induction should not be wrong. Since the 'Chosen One' is a man, the 'Strongest Son' must be a woman. Three veins Among them, only women from your lineage fought, so what’s the result?"

The two families seemed to be sure that the Yun Lingchuan lineage would win, and there was undisguised jealousy in their words.

Yun Tianmu shook his head and sighed: "Since the two patriarchs think so, it is useless for Tianmu to say anything, but I must remind you of one thing, for the three branches of our Yun family, this time's 'Strongest Son' contest is over. It’s no longer as important as it used to be, the opportunities in ‘Star Ruins’ are the only focus!”

Yun Tianhuo shook his head and smiled: "What Master Tianmu said seems reasonable, but looking at it from another angle, it may not be true!"

"What do you mean?" Yuntianmu frowned.

Yun Tianhuo said: "The 'Star Market' is mysterious and unpredictable, and the so-called 'opportunity' is just our speculation. If there are no opportunities and treasures in it, so what?"

"Yes!" Yun Yihai nodded heavily, and interjected: "If the 'Star Market' does not have the opportunity we imagined, then for the three of us, the result of the 'Strongest Son' duel will become extremely important Got it!"

"Since the two of you insist on thinking this way, I don't want to explain it. If the appearance of the 'Heavenly Chosen One' is really to prove the identity of the 'Strongest Son', then I, Yun Lingchuan, will borrow your good words and do my part. !" Yuntianmu's face darkened and he scolded coldly.

After saying this, the other two families refused to admit defeat!

"Hehe, Patriarch Tianmu is indeed full of confidence, but although my Hongyunzhou lineage is a little weaker, I am not serving as a foil for your two families!"

"That's right, our Moyunling lineage's background is here, and it's impossible to watch your Yunlingchuan lineage easily take the final victory!"

The three Patriarchs couldn't stop arguing for a while, and the atmosphere was a little stiff.

At this time, a white-haired elder suddenly broke the silence.

"The three Patriarchs calm down, I have something to say about this matter!"

The three of them looked at him one after another when they heard the words. The white-haired old man was a senior elder of the Yunlingchuan lineage, and he had high popularity and prestige among the three lines.

"You should all know that Jiang Tian had been to our Yunlingchuan mansion, and had fought against Yunling, the 'strongest son' of this line, in public. In the first match, Jiang Tian shockingly comprehended the 'power of breaking the void'. Judging from the circumstances at the time and the attitudes of the two of them, Jiang Tian, ​​the 'chosen man', could not be compared with Yun Ling. This 'Strongest Son' is both an enemy and a friend, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a relationship that can be married!"


"Is this really happening?"

Yun Tianhuo, Yun Yihai and the elders beside them were greatly surprised.

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