Just now, I searched in this mountain range and found nothing. Just when I was about to leave, I suddenly saw Jiang Tian and his party coming from a distance, and I suddenly had some thoughts.

The two parties did not know each other, and they only regarded Jiang Tian and his group as warriors from the surrounding areas, or even casual cultivators, just like them.

The looks and aptitudes of Su Wan and the others attracted their attention and made their hearts burn with excitement. Wei Feng and Wei Yu, the "furnaces" of the same bloodline, made them eager to get their hands on them quickly.

When they saw them, the depression in the hearts of Ge Bai and others was instantly swept away!

"Hey, who said there are no opportunities in 'Star Market'? Will our opportunity not come now?"

"Hahahaha! Yes, you have a fire attribute talent bloodline and a pair of fire attribute 'caulds' from the same origin. This is a rare opportunity!"

"Congratulations to Uncle Ge. With these gains, Uncle Ge will be able to break through the bottleneck soon!"

"Uncle, please wait for a moment until we capture these people and bring them back to honor you!"

"Let's congratulate Uncle Master in advance for his great improvement in cultivation. Until then, Uncle Master, don't forget us loyal disciples!"

Everyone rushed to flatter Ge Bai and rushed out impatiently, surrounding Jiang Tian and the others.

"Haha, it's just a few quasi-Galaxy realms, why do so many of you need to take action?"

"What Uncle Master said is absolutely true, but in order to get these 'treasures' for Uncle Master, we can't be too cautious, don't you think so?"

"Of course!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's take action together, take them down and present them to Uncle Ge!"


Everyone screamed loudly, their auras surged, and dozens of huge pressures from the Quasi-Galaxy Realm rushed forward.

In fact, in their opinion, it didn't take so many people to deal with the three Quasi-Galaxy Realm. At most, three or five people could win. However, in order to please their uncle Ge Bai, they all scrambled.

After all, no one wants to miss such an opportunity to please Ge Bai with such attentiveness. Even if he can't get in, it's still good if he can only shout a few times!

"That's unreasonable!"

"You are seeking death!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu screamed fiercely, their faces filled with fierceness!

Without Jiang Tian, ​​they and Su Wan would not be able to defeat everyone even if they join forces, but with Jiang Tian present, they certainly have nothing to fear.

But they didn't want to just wait for Jiang Tian to take action. After all, Jiang Tian protected them every time they were in danger. Although this feeling was warm, it also made them feel ashamed.

They may not dare to be reckless when facing the powerful ones in the Galaxy Realm, but facing these quasi-Galaxy Realm equivalents, they ask themselves that they still have the strength to fight.

However, Jiang Tian did not give them a chance to take action, nor did he talk nonsense to the other party. Just when everyone was about to take action, he stepped heavily and directly activated the "Void Transformation Formation"!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and ripples of spiritual energy were turbulent. In an instant, the bodies of more than a dozen Quasi-Galaxy Realm warriors were shaken and unable to control themselves!

"not good!"

"Damn it!"

"how so?"

"Uncle Master, save me!"


The exclamations turned into shrill screams in an instant, and everyone was horrified and fell into extreme fear.

Jiang Tian used all his strength, and space fluctuations raged wildly one after another, directly colliding, squeezing, and tearing everyone apart, tearing their bodies apart, and more than a dozen people died instantly!

"Secret Technique of Space! Hiss!"

Ge Bai's expression changed in shock and he couldn't help but take a breath!

He never expected that the other party's methods would be so terrifying!

Warriors who control space spiritual power are not very rare, but he has never seen someone like Jiang Tian who can drive space spiritual power to such an extent.

What frightened him the most was that the opponent's cultivation was only at the late stage of the Shattering Void Realm, not even the Star Realm, and the realm was clear and unobstructed!

What kind of monster is this, how terrifying is this?

What is the origin of this Void-Breaking Realm monster?

In an instant, countless questions flashed through his mind, but it was too late for him to explore them. He had already realized that he was probably no match for this super monster.

Because if it were him, although he could kill so many Quasi-Galaxy Realm juniors in an instant, he would never be able to do so with such force and speed!


As a powerful person in the Galaxy Realm and a senior elder of the Tianhuan Sect, Ge Bai relied on caution and meticulousness throughout his life in the martial arts world. As the saying goes, being careful will sail the ship for thousands of years.

In the more than a thousand years before his cultivation reached the Galaxy realm, he had always been cautious and walked on thin ice. Even when he met people whose cultivation was not as good as his own, he was never reckless and impulsive.

It wasn't until he broke through to the Galaxy Realm hundreds of years ago and became a sensation in the Tianhuan Sect. After that, his overly cautious temperament changed and he gradually gained the temperament of a strong man.

At this moment, facing the unpredictable young evildoer Jiang Tian, ​​he did not intend to take risks and decisively chose to escape!

There are at least two to three hundred people of the same level who entered the "Star Ruins" expedition. As long as he releases the news, many people will be interested in Jiang Tian. At that time, there will be no need for him to take any risks. Many people of the same level in the Galaxy realm can make these people The boy could hardly move an inch.

As for Jiang Tian's net worth and trump card, he would certainly covet it, but compared to the risks he might face, no matter how great the opportunity was, it was not worth the gamble.

"Can't leave!"


Ge Bai reacted decisively, and Jiang Tian was even more prepared!

In the attack just now, he actually had many means to kill those in the Quasi-Galaxy Realm, such as "Sword Domain" and "Purple Extreme Golden Thunder", or ordinary means such as fists and palms, all of which could achieve the same goal.

But the reason why he gave up those methods and directly resorted to the "Empty Transformation Formation" was because he was thinking ahead to prevent Ge Bai, who was watching the battle with folded arms, from escaping.


The purple light suddenly appeared, Ge Bai's figure just started to blur, and was instantly enveloped by the huge purple pattern.

The strong spatial spiritual power enveloped him, although it would not kill him directly, it broke his tendency to escape, making him inescapable!

"Looking for death! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

A fierce light flashed in Ge Bai's eyes, and the aura around him rose wildly!

Since he couldn't escape, he used all his strength to attack, relying on the powerful foundation of the Star River Realm, even if he paid a small price, he would kill this evildoer!


Ge Bai screamed wildly, and ring-shaped white auras shot up all over his body!

This is the secret defense method of the Sky Ring Sect, and it is also the defense method he is proud of. With this method, it is enough to withstand the full-strength bombardment of the same level of the Galaxy Realm.

At the same time, he shook both fists and bombarded Jiang Tian at the fastest speed.

Bang bang... click... boom!

Terrible roars resounded through the void, and white fist shadows exploded densely, setting off waves of terrifying spiritual power waves!

"Jiang Tian!"


The expressions of Su Wan and the others suddenly changed, and they exclaimed in shock!

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