Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5446: Ten percent spiritual power

Jiang Tian smiled calmly: "The strength of these people is inferior to that of Elder Yun, and not as good as Yun Ling. They are only slightly stronger than Long Qitian and his like. I don't need to use too strong methods."

"I understand!" Su Wan nodded slowly, understanding Jiang Tian's intention.

There is no need to use a knife to kill a chicken. Jiang Tian firstly felt that it was unnecessary, and secondly, he used this method to hone his combat power. It seemed a bit risky, but it was reasonable and everything was under his control.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first!"

Jiang Tian handed the six storage rings directly to Wei Feng, and then swept forward with his three companions.

They had just left for a moment when dozens of warriors gathered from all directions. Among them were warriors from the Galaxy Realm and those below the Quasi-Galaxy River Realm. Some were aware of the action of the fight just now, some happened to pass by, and some were Come search after receiving the message.

Seeing the sight of raging spiritual power under their feet and feeling the remaining sword intent in the void, they all frowned and felt fearful!

"We're still too late!"

"In this encounter just now, who won and who lost?"

"Judging from the signs here, it is obvious that more than one person took action, and they were all at the Galaxy level. In this case, can Jiang Tian still take advantage?"

"Besieged by several Galaxy Realm powerhouses, it is indeed a bad situation, but there are several traces of blood energy remaining here. How should we explain it?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and many people used secret techniques to silently sense the surrounding traces.

After a moment of investigation, everyone gathered together again to analyze the situation.

"No matter how powerful Jiang Tian is, he may not be able to defeat several people from the Galaxy Realm who join forces to attack violently, right?" said a young warrior who was close to the Galaxy Realm.

"According to you, even if those at the same level in the Galaxy Realm paid a small price, they should have captured Jiang Tian and his companions?" A middle-aged man in the Galaxy Realm opposite asked with a frown.

"So, where are they hiding now?" an old man from the Galaxy Realm next to him asked with a sneer.

The young warrior who was in the Star River Realm scratched his head with his hands and said nothing in response.

He was just guessing based on his imagination. How could he know the whereabouts of Jiang Tian and those powerful people in the Galaxy Realm?

"Let me tell you, although this result is a bit unbelievable, the fact cannot be denied. Several powerful people in the Galaxy realm have just died here, and there are also more than a dozen warriors who are below the Galaxy realm who were killed before!" An old man in silver robes from the Galaxy Realm said in a deep voice.


"How many powerful people in the Galaxy Realm...have died?"

"You mean, these people all died at the hands of... Jiang Tian?"

It was difficult for everyone to accept this speculation, so they all looked at the silver-robed old man, wanting to seek further answers.

"It's useless to talk more. Why do I need to explain to you? All you need to know is that Jiang Tian and his companions are still alive!" The old man in silver robe said impatiently.

But this statement not only caused doubts among many warriors below the Quasi-Galaxy Realm, but also made many at the same level in the Galaxy Realm feel confused.

Under the questioning and questioning of everyone, the silver-robed old man quickly lost his patience, snorted coldly, and used his special skills.

"Everyone has eyes, see for yourself whether it is true or false!"


The silver-robed old man pointed towards the void and counted, and the spiritual power around him rolled wildly. The remaining blood energy, sword intent and mixed spiritual power quickly rolled back, quickly converging into a blurry image.

Everyone stared and saw roughly seven people fighting fiercely in these images.

Although the faces could not be seen clearly, a general outline could be seen. Six of them joined forces to besiege a warrior shrouded in purple light. This man used a method suspected to be "Sword Domain" to forcefully suppress the opponent, and then quickly killed several people. leave!


"That person...is Jiang Tian?"

"Now it seems that it should be it!"

"He killed six of the Galaxy Realm besiegers. I didn't expect his combat power to be so terrifying!"


Everyone gasped, and many of the Galaxy Realm warriors who wanted to take advantage of him felt chills running down their spines. The quasi-Galaxy River Realm warriors present were even more nervous. They were thankful that they had arrived late and escaped.

"Everyone has seen his strength, so you should know what to do, right?" The silver-robed old man glanced at the audience with a sneer on his lips.

The companion next to him added: "It's very simple. If anyone sees him, don't be reckless, let alone try to fight him alone. You must immediately summon us and other people at the same level in the Galaxy Realm, and join forces to siege, to ensure everything is safe!"

"As I said before, anyone who provides clues to Jiang Tian will be rewarded heavily, and from now on, the previously promised reward will be doubled!"

The strong men of the Galaxy Realm present once again made a heavy promise, while the warriors below the Quasi-Galaxy Realm all had their eyes shining and their faces beaming with joy.

This means that they can reap double rewards without taking too big risks. Compared with those who lost their lives just now, they are really lucky.

Next, they left here immediately and continued to search for traces of Jiang Tian in the "Star Ruins".

In the next few days, similar scenes continued to be staged throughout the "Star Ruins".

Although Jiang Tian tried his best to avoid meeting everyone, under the joint search of many warriors, his whereabouts were inevitably exposed several times, attracting groups of strong men to pursue and intercept him.

Naturally, Jiang Tian would not hesitate to deal with those who insisted on taking action. Once they had a fight, he would kill the opponent with thunderous force.

After a few days, although I couldn't find any opportunities in the "Star Ruins", I harvested hundreds of storage rings, of which more than 20 came from strong people in the Galaxy Realm, and the remaining more than a hundred came from the Quasi-Galaxy Realm. and warriors below.

These gains can be regarded as a small timely rain, which greatly alleviated the shortage of his cultivation resources.

While searching and moving forward, he lavishly refined the cultivation resources at hand, and his bloodline spiritual power increased step by step, and finally reached a 100% perfect state!

"In the late stage of the Shattering Void Realm, the bloodline spiritual power is fully filled!"

On the top of a certain mountain in the depths of the "Star Market", Jiang Tian stood proudly, with a look of excitement in his eyes.

This is something he has been looking forward to for a long time. After so many twists and turns, his bloodline spiritual power has finally reached the perfect state of the late stage of Breaking the Void Realm. Next, he can try to break through the Half-Step Star Realm and then peek into the Quasi-Star Realm.

It also means that he is one step closer to the star realm!

At this moment, he wished he could immediately find a place to retreat, all the way to the Star Realm, but he knew his situation best. The loot he had accumulated in the past few days would not allow him to reach that level at all.

Even if these things are exhausted, it will be difficult for him to enter the half-step star realm, so retreat and hard work are not an effective method for him at all.

"It's strange. A mysterious place like the 'Star Ruins' is supposed to be full of rare treasures, but after a few days, not only are there no treasures of heaven and earth, but not even a spiritual vein is found?"

Wei Feng frowned tightly, venting her inner depression.

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