"Leave them alone, come with me!"

Jiang Tian led three companions to move forward quietly, bypassing the entrance of the canyon, and came to the top of the mountain range opposite the canyon.

At this time, all the warriors were watching the three veins duel near the entrance of the canyon. For him, this was simply a great opportunity.

Jiang Tian led his companions to search around, silently sensing the changes in the atmosphere in this mountain range.

This behavior made Wei Feng and Wei Yu feel weird, they looked at Su Wan with questioning expressions in their eyes.

"Don't hesitate, Jiang Tian must have his reasons for doing this, let's just follow." Su Wan suppressed the doubts of the two, and followed Jiang Tian to plunder repeatedly.

It didn't take long for Jiang Tian to discover something!

He and his companions landed on a huge peak, and raised their hands to point to a jagged mountain peak in front of them.

"The atmosphere of this mountain range is a little weird!"

"Is there anything weird?"

"Where is it? Why didn't I find it?"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were full of astonishment, and Su Wan was also hesitant. The three of them didn't sense anything special.

Jiang Tian didn't have time to say more.

This weird feeling had been there before entering the "Star Market", and it reappeared after coming to this mountain range.

At this moment, the sword intent in his body is inexplicably agitated, and the source of this agitation seems to be hidden deep under this mountain range!

"I can't tell for a while, but there is no doubt that there is something weird under this mountain range!"

"It seems that the 'chance' is real!" Su Wan's eyes brightened!

"Then why are you hesitating? Break it open quickly!"

"Silly girl, if you talk too much, don't you understand?"

Wei Yu urged her in surprise, causing her sister Wei Feng to roll her eyes, she stuck out her tongue, smiled and immediately shut her mouth.

Of course, Jiang Tian wanted to see the weirdness hidden below immediately, but the aura fluctuated and fluctuated, and it was not easy to locate accurately.

He could only roughly sense that the source of the canine-toothed peaks seemed to be under the mountain in front of him. As for the exact location and how to enter, further investigation was needed.

"follow me!"

Jiang Tian restrained his breath and leaned forward with his companions.

After getting closer, I found that the aura seemed to disappear, and I couldn't sense it anymore!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian frowned and searched left and right for a moment but found nothing. In desperation, he had no choice but to turn to other places nearby.

And just as he left the place, that weird feeling appeared again!


Jiang Tian was astonished and immediately jumped into the air, and soon noticed the existence of that mysterious aura again!

"I see!"

He immediately understood that it seemed that the mysterious aura could not be sensed when it was too close, and could only be discovered by moving some distance away.

Correspondingly, the same is true for the sword intention in his body. If the distance is too close, it will become calm, but if it is further away, it will start to become restless again.

The three companions, however, did not have any special feelings from beginning to end. This basically means that it is difficult for other warriors to sense the weirdness here.

"No wonder so many powerful people in the Galaxy Realm, as well as many warriors in the Galaxy Realm, haven't noticed the weirdness here!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself and understood the reason.

Although his induction comes from the restlessness of the "sword intention" in his body, this does not mean that any sword cultivator can produce this induction.

Among the three companions, Su Wan is an astonishingly talented swordsman, and her bloodline is also extremely powerful, but with such talent and cultivation level, she can't sense the changes in the atmosphere here, which shows how much "opportunity" there is under the mountain range weird.

Not to mention Wei Feng and Wei Yu, they are not sword cultivators, so it is even more difficult for them to sense the subtle changes here.

After determining the location, Jiang Tian did not hesitate and immediately called out the spirit-swallowing rat to open the passage and find out!

"Spirit Swallowing Rat, go!"


The spirit-swallowing rat let out a low roar, came to the top of the mountain pointed by Jiang Tian, ​​and sprayed out a silver wave.


The silver waves rippled, and the rocks immediately melted, as if a passage was about to be opened for him.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened!

Click... boom!

Just after the mountain rock melted for a few feet, a layer of black air rose up and annihilated the silver wave. At the same time, the mountain shook violently, making violent noises!

"Oh my God!"

"not good!"

"Hide now!"

The expressions of Su Wan and the three of them changed!

Such a big movement and such a close distance could not be ignored by the warriors at the entrance of the canyon.

There are nearly two hundred powerful people in the Galaxy Realm over there, as well as more than a thousand warriors below the Quasi-Galaxy River Realm. Once they hear the news and come, the situation will be unimaginable.

"That's unreasonable!"

Jiang Tian didn't expect it to be like this. The spirit-devouring rat, which had always been unfailing in breaking the ban, stumbled here.

In his memory, from the lower realms, the Spirit Swallowing Mouse had only one relatively passive experience, and that was when he encountered the "Original Heavenly Sacred Bell" at the bottom of the deep sea in the core area of ​​the Boundless Sea.

The spirit-swallowing rat at that time was once trapped by the time spiritual power of the Yuantian Holy Bell, causing its speed to become extremely slow.

But that time it was only temporarily trapped, but the current situation can be said to be a setback, an out-and-out setback!

That's right, Yinbo, which has always been invincible for the Spirit Swallowing Mouse, only melted the rocks several feet deep, but was blocked and annihilated by the mysterious black air, and even exposed the positions of everyone.

At the same time as the strange movement was heard, there were shouts of exclamation and anger at the entrance of the canyon!

"What's the noise?"

"There's someone over there!"

"Hurry up and surround us!"

At the same time as the angry shouts sounded, figures rose up from the air and rushed towards this side.


"Sir, what should I do?"

"Jiang Tian?"

Su Wan and the others looked at Jiang Tian with extremely serious expressions.

Jiang Tian may be able to withstand the first wave of shock, and may not be afraid of the siege of even dozens of stars, but this will only attract more powerful people, and the situation will be unimaginable by then!

"Calm down!"

Jiang Tian didn't have time to say anything more and immediately opened his "phantom eyes" to observe what was going on ahead.

There weren't many people who came, there were only nine Star River Realm powerhouses. For him, these people didn't feel too much pressure. What he really worried about were the hundreds of warriors at the entrance of the canyon.

For the sake of the safety of his three companions, he must not fall into the siege of a large number of strong men.

"Quick, over there!"

"Surround it up!"

Nine powerful men from the Galaxy Realm stormed over at the fastest speed, shouting and shouting from a distance.

However, Jiang Tian discovered a detail through the observation of "phantom eyes".

These people's eyes wandered, as if they had no specific target. They were just bluffing, trying to deter possible warriors first.

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and immediately activated the "Purple Light Mysterious Eyes"!

Once the illusion was activated, the void seemed to be at peace.

The nine powerful men from the Galaxy Realm who stormed over glanced left and right, but could not find their target at all.

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