Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5503 Rejection


"How can it be?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​what did you do?"

The head of the Sanmai family glared at Jiang Tian with a strange look on his face.

If the explosion of Yun Xiuer's star stone was just an accident, then the following three pieces cannot be explained by the same reason.

This means that the explosion of the star stone is not accidental, but will become like this as long as it comes into contact with Jiang Tian.

"Is there more?" Yun Xiuer asked.

"This..." The head of the Sanmai family hesitated, looking a little ugly.

The elders of the Three Meridians even twitched at the corners of their mouths and dared not speak out about their suffering.

The star stone is a unique treasure of the Yun family and is extremely rare. In the residences of the three branches of the Yun family, such things are placed in special halls with dedicated personnel in charge of their management.

The three pieces that exploded one after another already made them extremely sad. If they were asked to take out more, it would be like cutting their flesh.

"Take it out if you have it, don't be wordy!" Yun Xiuer urged with a cold face.

"I only brought one piece with me when I entered the Star Market this time. The other pieces are all in the family mansion." Yuntianmu explained with an ugly face.

"The star stone is extremely strong. I have never heard of it bursting easily. I only brought one piece with me!" Yun Tianhuo, the head of the Hongyunzhou lineage, frowned.

"I still have one here, but I think..." Yun Yihai, the head of the Moyunling lineage, took out a star stone, but he was obviously hesitant.

"Stop being so wordy!"

Yun Xiuer raised her hand to grab it unceremoniously and threw it towards Jiang Tian from a distance.

"I'm afraid it's useless!" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, but did not refuse the other party.

Lifting his palm lightly, the star stone exploded again the moment it fell into his palm!

"What did I say?"

"Strange, really strange!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​what methods did you use, and why were you able to shatter the star stone in an instant?"

The heads of the Sanmai family looked at Jiang Tian and asked questions one after another.

Star stones are extremely strong, and even the family elders in the early stages of the Galaxy Realm around them would find it difficult to shatter them so lightly.

Jiang Tian didn't even use any of his bloodline spiritual power or sword intent, but he made the star stone break into pieces at a touch. This was absolutely unexplainable. In their opinion, the other party probably used some special means.

"Methods?" Jiang Tian shook his head gently.

He didn't use any means at all, but he also knew very well that the explosion of the Star Stone was obviously related to him.

Because these crystals were intact in the opponent's hands and only exploded and shattered the moment they came into contact with his palms, there was obviously some special reason for this.

"Miss Yun, let's not beat around the bush and just tell me where Yun Xianghan is!" Jiang Tian looked at Yun Xiu'er.

Yun Xiuer frowned and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I can't tell you her whereabouts."

"Why?" Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, feeling like he was being teased.

"It's a family secret that I can't reveal to an outsider like you." Yun Xiuer shook her head and sighed, with a look of regret on her face.

The star stone could originally help Jiang Tian realize this wish, but this kind of crystal stone has no chance for him and will disintegrate at the slightest touch.

As for the whereabouts of Yun Xianghan, it is a secret of the Yun family and is strictly prohibited from being disclosed to outsiders without authorization.

"Then tell me the location of the Yun family, and I'll find it myself!" Jiang Tian asked solemnly.

"That won't work either. Please forgive me for telling you!" Yun Xiuer shook her head and sighed, feeling extremely regretful.

"As Yun Xianghan's 'Chosen One', don't I even have the right to know her whereabouts? Since I refuse to say anything, it seems that I can only..." Jiang Tian frowned and stepped forward. The atmosphere suddenly became tense!

"Wait!" Granny Lan interrupted Jiang Tian and said with a cold face: "Although you are the 'chosen one', it does not mean that you must be the one. I must remind you that for the younger generation of the Yun family, It is said that the 'chosen one' may not necessarily be unique!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Tian's heart sank slightly, and he had a bad feeling.

"It's not interesting. I just want to tell you that even if I bring you in front of her, you may not be the final 'Chosen One'!"

"Isn't there just one 'Chosen One'? If there are several candidates, what kind of 'Chosen One' would that be?" Jiang Tian asked coldly.

Since it is "Chosen by Heaven", it should be unique. If there is more than one candidate, it is not considered "Chosen by Heaven".

This contradictory statement surprised him deeply.

"You are right, but there are some problems with your understanding. Maybe you are really her 'Chosen One', but according to family rules, the younger generation does not necessarily have to match the 'Chosen One'. If there is a better Of course, the family is more willing to facilitate this choice, and I believe that she personally may not object to it!" Granny Lan said with a sneer.

"Absurd!" Jiang Tian clenched his fists, furious.

"Absurd? No, pursuing the strong and abandoning the weak is exactly the essence of martial arts. You can come here from the lower world, don't you understand this truth?" Granny Lan said indifferently.

Although Jiang Tian was dissatisfied, he could not refute these words.

Strength is supreme and the strong are respected. This is an iron law in the martial arts world and will not change based on someone's thoughts and feelings.

"Grandma Lan is right. Although you can deal with me, it doesn't mean that you can be on an equal footing with the top monsters in my clan!" Yun Xiuer nodded heavily.

"Do you know what level of peers the monsters of the Yun family face? Do you know how much higher Yun Xianghan's qualifications and potential are than Yun Xiu'er?" Granny Lan asked repeatedly.

Everyone's eyes twitched and they couldn't help but feel restless!

Especially the heads and elders of the three branches of the Yun family, who knew nothing about their clan, could hear some clues from Granny Lan's words at this moment.

"Did you hear that, the genius of our clan named Yun Xianghan has even more qualifications and potential than Miss Yun Xiuer!"

"According to Granny Lan, that person's potential should be much higher than Miss Yun Xiuer's!"

"In addition to his qualifications and potential, that person's combat power is probably much higher than Miss Yun Xiuer's!"

The heads of the Sanmai family and the elders were talking a lot, and their blood was boiling and their hearts were surging!

The stronger the Yun family and the more evildoers it has, the more attractive it is to them. Just these few words from Granny Lan made them yearn for it and strengthened their determination to return to the family.

"So, your Excellency is unwilling to reveal Yun Xianghan's whereabouts no matter what?" Jiang Tian looked at Granny Lan and asked in a deep voice.

The atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

Yun Ling'er looked at Jiang Tian in silence for a moment, did not answer this question, but turned to look at Granny Lan, frowned and said, "Grandma Lan, what is going on with his black 'Sword Domain'? Sword Curtain?"

This question brought everyone back to the previous confrontation.

The warriors present also had the same question, and wanted to know where Jiang Tian's black "sword domain" was so strong.

Especially those warriors who have seen Jiang Tian's purple-red "Sword Domain" can't wait to find out what's going on.

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