"It still doesn't work, even if you and I think so, it still depends on what cousin Xianghan thinks." Yun Xiu'er thought carefully and finally expressed her opinion.

"Then it depends on God's will." Granny Lan was not reluctant.

She knew very well that even if Yun Xiuer was willing, Jiang Tian might not agree.

The other party insisted on finding Yun Xianghan, and it was impossible for her to get in Yun Xiuer's eyes, but she still wanted to make more efforts.

"Jiang Tian, ​​if you are willing, I can recommend it to the family's senior management and do my best to promote this matter!"

"No need! I'm not interested in other people in the Yun family. I just want to find Yun Xianghan!"

Granny Lan shook her head and said, "I don't want to see the day you regret it, so you can come to me at any time if you want. My promise will always be valid."

The scene in front of them caused a commotion among the warriors in the audience.

"Jiang Tian actually refused. Was his brain caught in the door?"

"I really don't know what he was thinking. He actually refused this good thing that came to his door!"

"Yun Xiuer seems to have no objection, but he is still unwilling. Do you really think you are better than the other party?"

"Grandma Lan just exaggerated a few words about him, and he no longer knew who he was!"

"I bet he's going to regret it, and he'll regret this decision for the rest of his life!"

"Actually, he is not that stupid. His target is Yun Xianghan, who is more qualified and has higher potential. He will give it a try even though he knows there is little hope."

"The women around him are all very talented, compared to him, he may not care so much about Yun Xiu'er's potential."

Everyone didn't expect Jiang Tian to refuse such a good thing delivered to his door. Some shook their heads and sighed, some sneered and mocked, and some angrily scolded.

The faces of the Patriarchs and elders of the three branches of the Yun family were cloudy, and they were whispering and discussing.

"How can this boy be so virtuous?"

"No way, who made him the 'Star Sword Body'?"

"Even if he barely reaches the 'Star Sword Body', he has already entered the sight of our clan!"

Granny Lan initiated the solicitation on the condition of Yun Xiuer's marriage, which meant that Jiang Tian had entered the sight of the Yun family. Compared with his status as the "Chosen One", this solicitation was obviously more important.

Because it's hard to say whether the "Chosen One" can be implemented, but Granny Lan's recruitment is a real benefit. Once Jiang Tian nods, he immediately becomes a master.

At that time, the heads and elders of their branches will all smile and fawn on their faces.

"It's a good thing he refused, otherwise the old man would have to apologize to him now!" Yun Tianhuo said angrily.

"What's good? Granny Lan's promise is always valid. If he is rejected by Yun Xianghan in the future, he may turn around and find Yun Xiu'er. Don't we have to see his face by then?"

"This kid has really turned from a black chicken into a phoenix. If I had known this, I might as well have recruited him into our branches."

The head of the Sanmai family shook his head and sighed, annoyed.

"You two really think that we can keep him?" Yun Tianhuo laughed at himself.

"Of course we can't keep him, but if he advances to several of our families and is favored by our family, wouldn't we be considered meritorious for recommending him?"

"But now, not only can we not get any benefit or take any credit, but because of some conflicts, we will have to work harder to please him in the future. It is simply unreasonable!"

The Patriarch of Sanmai became more and more annoyed as he talked, he was so angry.


Just as everyone was talking, the sky above "Star Ruins" suddenly changed!


"what's the situation?"

When everyone looked up, they couldn't help being surprised!

A huge vortex appeared in the sky, and the skylight penetrated and illuminated the originally dark space. The huge black energy of "Star Ruins" was swirling and dissipating!

"The channel of 'Star Ruins' was opened?"

"No! This is definitely not caused by external forces, but the changes in 'Star Ruins' itself!"

"It should be caused by the changes in the Qi of the 'Star Ruins' after the opportunity settled!"

"That's right! All the benefits have been taken by Jiang Tian. There is nothing to hide here."

Everyone speculated, and this was also recognized by Granny Lan.

"The opportunity of 'Xingxu' has been taken care of. Staying any longer is just a waste of time. Xiu'er, let's go!"

Granny Lan threw a white jade token to Jiang Tian, ​​and then took Yun Xiuer up into the air, passing through the huge whirlpool in the sky and sinking into the void.

"Mr. Jiang, it is unwise for you to do this!"

"You really shouldn't have rejected Granny Lan just now. If you had agreed to it, you would now be the son-in-law of our Yun family, Chenglong!"

"Mr. Jiang, I hope you will seriously consider it. Yun Xianghan's potential is too high and you may not be able to meet it. Miss Yun Xiuer is not much worse than her. She is a perfect match for you. Isn't this a good choice?"

The head of the Sanmai family and a dozen elders surrounded Jiang Tian, ​​vying to speak.

What they said did not actually affect anything. They had only one purpose, which was to please Jiang Tian so as to lay the foundation for future interactions.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Jiang Tian said lightly.

The three family heads smiled awkwardly and said: "No, we just want to say that if Mr. Jiang needs help, he can ask us at any time. As long as he gives an order, we will try our best to help!"

"I'll take my leave right now, Mr. Jiang. We'll see you later!"

Granny Lan and Yun Xiuer had already left, and there was no need for them to stay any longer. The head of the Sanmai family and the elders hurriedly left Jiang Tian and headed for the exit.

Although the Yun family left, the strong men from the Peng, Taishu, Feng and Kun tribes were still there. They stared at Jiang Tian with uncertain expressions on their faces.

After a brief silence, the strong Peng clan spoke first.

"Mr. Jiang, on behalf of the Peng Clan, I formally extend an invitation to you. If you agree to join our Peng Clan, you will receive the best training, and your treatment will not be lower than that of any young genius in the direct lineage of the Peng Clan!"

"Mr. Jiang, our uncle's family also appreciates you very much. If you are willing, we will promise the most generous resources and treatment as the core genius of the younger generation of the family!"

Both the Peng clan and Taishu's family expressed their opinions, promising to recruit Jiang Tian with attractive conditions.

This scene shocked the audience, but it was not surprising.

No matter how you say it, Jiang Tian is a genius monster who has gathered all kinds of opportunities. He has also awakened the "Star Sword Body". Even if he is only a little bit close to the "Star Sword Body", his potential can make it difficult for most of the warriors present. Looking forward to his neck.

Such a character, any force will have a strong interest.

This can be seen from the change in Granny Lan's attitude before she left.

At first, when Jiang Tian asked about the whereabouts of Yun Xianghan, Yun Xiuer avoided answering. Later, after Jiang Tian showed his potential, Granny Lan took the initiative to give him a jade plaque.

Even a fool can guess that the jade tablet must contain clues about the Yun family, even the exact location. What's more, it may contain some powerful secret techniques that outsiders can only dream of.

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