Without Jiang Tian's super combat power, she, Wei Feng, and Wei Yu would not be able to enjoy so many resources, let alone open up the refining.

But one code leads to another. She doesn't want to rely on Jiang Tian's protection forever. She wants to explore and realize her own potential as much as possible, so that the "Linhuang Bloodline" can shine with its due glory!

"Yun Xianghan, Master..." Su Wan murmured to herself, and various scenes from her time in the lower realm flashed through her mind involuntarily.

She once joined Yun Xianghan and grew up relying on the other person's advice. However, because of Jiang Tian's existence, the relationship between the three became extremely subtle.

"I wonder how high your cultivation level has reached now?"

Su Wan took a deep breath, and Yun Xianghan's familiar yet unfamiliar appearance appeared in her mind.

But one thing is certain, Yun Xianghan's current cultivation level is far above hers!

This feeling made her more and more eager to change the status quo. If Yun Xianghan and Jiang Tian were left too far away, her situation would be extremely embarrassing.


Su Wan's practice accelerated again and again, and even though there were two or three layers of shielding restrictions, a dull roar could be heard.

In the back cabin, Wei Feng is also working hard to refine elixirs and various heavenly and earthly treasures. Her injuries are very complicated. Although she is no longer serious, recovery will not be achieved overnight.

Wei Yu's cultivation was originally inferior to hers, but during this period of time, she had come from behind and achieved a slight overtake.

This made Wei Feng very anxious, worried that he would be left further and further away, and his mood was a little impetuous. He had practiced excessively several times and almost caused his injuries to repeat.

After that, she had to face the reality calmly. If she wanted to recover her cultivation speed, she had to drive the injury first.

The three of them are in different situations, but they are all cultivating with all their strength, intending to enter the Star River Realm as soon as possible.

The cultivation resources saved by Jiang Tian are also being consumed at an alarming rate.

Most of the resources will be greatly reduced after they enter the Galaxy Realm, so they don't have much concern.

Jiang Tian doesn't need these things, they are suitable for them, but their effectiveness will drop sharply after they advance, so they must consume them as much as possible at this level, otherwise it will be a huge waste to keep them.


The silver-winged flying boat shuttled between the clouds and headed towards Yunmu Mountain at full speed.

A few days later, the silver-winged flying boat came to a mysterious area shrouded in mist.

According to the instructions on Granny Lan's token, this is the outer area of ​​Yunmu Mountain.

Jiang Tian stopped the flying boat, let go of his spiritual sense and carefully glanced around, his brows gradually frowned.

"Jiang Tian, ​​what's wrong?" Su Wan came to the deck of the flying boat and stood beside Jiang Tian.

"According to the instructions of the token, this should be the outer area of ​​Yunmu Mountain, but why is it so weird?"

"Oh?" Su Wan immediately let go of her divine sense and glanced forward, only to be taken aback for a moment!

The front is empty, it seems that there is only thick fog, and there are no mountains at all.

"Handeye, open!"

Jiang Tian turned on the magical power of "Phantom Eye" and stared forward, layers of purple halos rippling, but he still couldn't see too far away.

There was so much fog ahead that even his "phantom eyes" couldn't penetrate it completely.

"Could it be that we went wrong?" Su Wan said.

"Probably not!" Jiang Tian slowly shook his head.

He followed the instructions in Granny Lan's token all the way without any deviation.

Unless the instructions in the token were false and deliberately led him in a wrong direction, he could not have gone astray.

Could it be possible that Granny Lan did this intentionally and didn't want to tell him the exact location of the Yun family?


Jiang Tian slowly shook his head and quickly gave up the idea.

When they first met in "Xingxu", Granny Lan really didn't want to tell him the position of the Yun family, but as he showed his super qualifications and potential, his attitude changed significantly, and she even planned to marry Yun Xiu'er. Recruit him.

From another perspective, Granny Lan may be eager for him to appear in the Yun family's sight. Based on this, the other party will certainly not give him false news.

For Granny Lan, rejecting Jiang Tian only requires an attitude and does not require any mysterious means at all.

"The token should be fine, the problem is that we haven't found the correct path yet!"

"The correct path? You mean..." Su Wan frowned slightly, but hesitated to speak.

"That's right!" Jiang Tian nodded and said: "Since ancient times, the Yun family has been hidden outside the martial arts world. Only their three major branches have appeared in the Central Region. In other words, the Yun family is one 'Non-existent force', since it 'doesn't exist', how can it be easily found by outsiders?"

"It makes sense!" Su Wan nodded slowly, completely agreeing with Jiang Tian's judgment.

The Yun family must be very good at hiding to be able to hide it from the Central Region Martial Arts Office for so many years. Based on this analysis, it is normal for them to be confused during this trip.

"I believe that the Yun family is already far away and right in front of us!" Jiang Tian was refreshed and full of confidence.

"But how do we find the right path?" Su Wan looked confused.

"Don't worry, let me try!"

Jiang Tian took out the jade token given by Granny Lan and waved it gently forward, trying to touch the hidden restrictions in this way.

Repeated several times, this void showed no response.

He pondered for a moment, then used his spiritual power to float it further into the void. He tried changing positions again and again, but the result was still the same.

"Isn't it possible?" Su Wan looked worried, with a bad feeling in her heart.

Maybe Jiang Tian's judgment was wrong, or maybe there was some other reason. In short, the path to the Yun family was not that easy to find.


After trying for a moment, Jiang Tian grabbed the jade token back and poured blood spiritual power into it.


The jade card trembled slightly, and seemed to have some reaction, but for a moment, the mysterious restriction that Jiang Tian expected to open did not appear.

This made him extremely disappointed, and he couldn't help but start to doubt his previous judgment.

Could it be that Granny Lan really deceived him and gave him wrong information?


Jiang Tian thought carefully and still firmly believed in his previous judgment.

Because for a strong man like Granny Lan, who had just awakened the "Star Sword Body" and was still in the Void-breaking realm, there was no need to resort to deception.

If you don't want him to come into contact with the Yun family, just refuse.

Giving him a jade card represents a certain degree of recognition.

"There will be no problem with the jade plaque. Where is the door to the Yun family?"

Jiang Tian frowned in thought, silently analyzing various possibilities.

No matter what the facts are, at least one thing is certain: the jade tablet itself is not the key to opening the door of the Yun family.

His thoughts turned quickly, as if he had returned to the original "Star Ruins".

Granny Lan's attitude was cold at first, but Yun Xiuer deliberately wanted to give him some direction.

The other party once took out a star stone and said that as long as she held the stone, she could find her "cousin Xianghan".

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