Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5597: Interest comes first

"No!" Yun Xuan shook his head and said: "Since he is the 'Chosen One', his talent and qualifications must be extremely strong, and he must be able to match that person. Based on this consideration, he can only come from the upper three lines of the Dragon Clan or even... A secret lineage, otherwise it would not be worthy of the heritage of our clan, nor would it be worthy of that person’s talent and qualifications!”

Yun Xuan's explanation did not satisfy everyone, but some people raised questions.

"I'm afraid this is Elder Yunxuan's wishful thinking, right?"

"Just ask Elder Yunxuan, do you know who the 'Heavenly Chosen One' is?"

Yun Xuan shook his head and said: "Of course I don't know, even the Supreme Elder can only roughly estimate, how can I know the specific candidate?"

"now it's right!"

"I don't know the specific candidate, but only know the general scope, how dare you conclude that the person will come from the upper three veins of the Dragon Clan?"

"If he's from the Lower Nine Meridians, wouldn't our Yun Family have to pay for it?"

The more people talked, the more intense they became, and they were all worried about this.

The "chosen person" has a special meaning to the Yun family. This person must have super talents and qualifications to match the top talent of the Yun family and bring powerful help to the Yun family.

If they can't match, then this "Heaven's Chosen One" will become a decoration, and will not be able to gain the Yun family's approval, thus becoming an empty title.

Yun Xuan sneered and said: "Your worries are purely superfluous, do you think the Supreme Elder would not have thought of this?"


"You mean, the Supreme Elder calculated more information?"

"Don't be a fool, tell us the specific situation, and we can deal with it as soon as possible!"

Everyone urged and couldn't wait to know more information about "The Chosen One".

"Maybe, maybe the Supreme Elder has calculated more, but there is only so much I know and what I can tell you." Elder Yunxuan said.

"Well, now at least we can be sure that the 'Heaven's Chosen One' is from the Dragon Clan, and the talent of the Dragon Clan is naturally not bad!"

"The blood of the Dragon Clan is tyrannical and domineering, with immeasurable potential. The 'Heavenly Chosen One' coming from here should not disappoint us!"

"The question now is how to get in touch with the Dragon Clan, and which branch of the Dragon Clan to get in touch with in order to determine this 'Heavenly Chosen One'?"

"That's right, although the 'Heaven's Chosen One' is already in the works, it still needs to test its qualifications and potential before finalizing it, so don't be hasty!"

"In this matter, we must not listen to the Dragon Clan's words. The monster they choose on their own may not be the one chosen by the Supreme Elder!"

"That's right! If they are allowed to choose on their own, there is likely to be a black box operation, because the selection process is likely to be mixed with conflicts of interests within the ethnic group!"

All the elders nodded one after another, the doubts in their hearts basically subsided, and they became cautious when it came to the key points.

"The 'Chosen One' is related to the fate of the family. There is no room for error. You must be cautious!"

"It's not too difficult for us to identify the 'Chosen One', but it's completely different for the Dragon Clan!"

"That's right! If we directly state our intentions, they will definitely go along with the situation and even make mistakes and introduce a candidate that suits their interests. In this way, what was originally a simple matter will become extremely complicated!"

"So, how to contact the dragon clan is the key!"

Everyone looked at each other and frowned.

This is indeed a headache.

The Yun family is eager to know the identity of the "Chosen One", but they cannot directly show their cards to the Dragon Clan, because that would be tantamount to exposing their weakness and being led by the other party.

"You guys are really overthinking it. We don't have to look for trouble!" Yun Xuan shook his head and sneered, with a hint of ridicule in his words.

Everyone looked at him, a little confused for a moment.

"You don't want to think about it. Since he is the 'Chosen One', he will definitely surface at an appropriate time, so why do we need to worry about it?"


"You're right!"

"It's all our fault for being too impatient. It's best to just let nature take its course. If we are too proactive, it will disrupt the situation!"

"It really helps to wake up the dreamer. We are the ones who are confused!"

The elders shook their heads and smiled bitterly, laughing at themselves.

Yun Xuan waved his hands and said: "You don't have to be like this. Everyone's reaction was actually expected by the Supreme Elder. He had already planned it. As for the specifics, this is something we are not allowed to interfere with. The family leader Yamato will naturally follow up. The Supreme Elder has made a decision."

"That way, we can feel relieved!"

"Wait a minute!" A middle-aged elder suddenly spoke and looked at Yun Xuan cautiously!

"What's wrong?" Elder Yunxuan asked.

The middle-aged elder opposite frowned and said, "I recently heard some rumors that that person's 'Chosen One' is suspected to be a warrior from the lower world?"


"Is this happening?"

The expressions of all the elders changed after hearing this!

"How much potential can a warrior from the lower realm have?"

"Wait a minute! Have you ever thought that warriors from the lower realm might also be of dragon blood?"

"Warrior from the lower realm, dragon bloodline? Tsk!" Someone shook his head and sneered, with contempt on his face.

"This situation is indeed slightly possible, but what level do you think the dragon bloodline from the lower realm can be?"

"Haha, I'm afraid it's not as good as the ordinary disciples of the Lower Nine Meridians, right?"

Everyone shook their heads and expressed disdain for the news.

Recently, there have indeed been rumors within the Yun family related to the "Chosen One", but these voices are not strong, as if they are just a little bit of speculation, and are quickly ignored.

Even if it is mentioned now, no one feels much about it.

"A person from the lower realm?" Yun Xuan frowned, "That person is from the lower realm. Could it be that she spread the news?"


"Yes, how could you ignore such an important thing?"

At this point, everyone became nervous.

"Don't worry, everyone!" Yun Xuan was silent for a moment, then suddenly waved and smiled, "The 'chosen person' cannot be decided by just one person. The final candidate will definitely go through layers of screening and many checks, and there will be no mistakes."

"That's right. You can't be disturbed by any rumors on this matter, and you can't just look at that person's attitude. You must consider the overall situation and put the overall interests of the family first!"

"Does the master have any other instructions?"

Everyone basically reached an agreement on various issues. Yun Xuan looked at the head of the family and solemnly asked for instructions.

"Don't act rashly for the time being. Regarding the matter of the 'Chosen One', I will wait until I discuss it with the Supreme Elder before dealing with it. Next, we must ensure that the marriage goes smoothly and no more mistakes can be made, especially in a situation like today. Never again!"

East Guest Hall.

Jiang Tian sat cross-legged and practiced silently.

After advancing to the Star Realm, his sword intent, physical body, and bloodline spiritual power have all undergone great changes. While the realm is gradually stabilizing, he also needs to re-concentrate his existing techniques and martial arts.

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