Su Wan frowned slightly, and there was something hidden in these words.

The other party seemed to say this intentionally, as if he was "showing off" to her.

But in fact, she was only curious about Yun Xiuer's arrival and had no other thoughts.

"Miss Xiu'er is joking. This is the East Guest Hall of the Yun family. You are a genius of the Yun family. Naturally, you can walk around at will in the Yun family. I'm not surprised. I'm just a little curious. Why did you come to Jiang Tian? "Didn't you just meet half a day ago?" Su Wan asked with a smile.

Yun Xiuer's face showed a bit of pride.

Su Wan said she didn't care, but in fact her reaction had betrayed herself. She clearly cared about things related to Jiang Tian, ​​especially when talented peers like Yun Xiuer frequently interacted with Jiang Tian. There can be no fluctuations.

"Haha, to tell you the truth, it was Jiang Tian who quietly sent a message for me to come!" Yun Xiuer approached Su Wan and lowered her voice and said mysteriously, with a bit of ambiguity in her tone.

"Quietly?" Su Wan frowned slightly, as if questioning the other party's statement.

Yun Xiuer frowned, her expression a little unnatural.

Her arrival obviously did not conform to the status of "quietly". She came to the East Guest Hall in a swagger without making any cover.

In other words, even if Jiang Tianzhen invited her, there would be no hidden secrets.

"You are very smart!" Yun Xiuer shook her head and said boringly: "I won't hide it from you. It's not that I wanted to come this time, but that there was someone I couldn't refuse who asked me to bring Jiang Tian. a few words!"

"Who is that?" Su Wan asked subconsciously, feeling inappropriate as soon as the words came out of her mouth.

Since the other party spoke so cryptically, it was obviously unlikely that he would tell the truth directly.

"What do you think?" Yun Xiuer asked with a strange smile on her face, squinting her eyes.

"You mean... Yun Xianghan?" Su Wan's face stiffened and she asked with a frown.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Yun Xiuer looked at Su Wan up and down with an exaggerated expression, and said "tsk, tsk" in her mouth, nodding her head in praise: "As expected of Jiang Tian's confidante, you are smarter than I thought!"

"Business matters, go ahead!" Su Wan's expression calmed down and she stopped asking any more questions.

"Haha, cousin Xianghan is too busy to meet you now, but when she heard that you were coming to the Yun family, she couldn't wait to meet you old friends!"

Yun Xiuer smiled leisurely and walked proudly towards the wing where Jiang Tian was.

"This Yun Xiu'er is really going too far, even in the Yun family. Otherwise, how could she be allowed to kick her nose in the face?"

"Sister Su Wan, don't be angry, it's not worth dealing with this kind of person!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu repeatedly comforted Su Wan, but Su Wan shook her head and sneered.

"You two sisters don't have to be like this. What she just said was probably a lie!"


"Sister Su Wan, how did you know?"

The two sisters were stunned when they heard this, feeling very surprised.

How can Su Wan determine whether Yun Xiuer is lying?

"It's true that she came to see Jiang Tian, ​​and it's also true that Jiang Tian sent him a message quietly, but most of the other things she made up deliberately to tease us!"


"Don't tell me, it's really possible!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu nodded repeatedly. Thinking of Yun Xiu'er's quirky temperament, they no longer doubted Su Wan's statement.

"I wonder why she came to see the young master?" Wei Feng looked hesitant, while Wei Yu scratched her head in confusion.

"It's very simple. It must be what Jiang Tian said just now!" Su Wan looked indifferent.

"So, the young master wants to use her power to solve that little trouble?"

"It's very possible!" Su Wan nodded and said.

"Even so, I don't like this person very much. Her temper is too weird, and she also likes to tease us. It's really annoying!" Wei Yu said with an annoyed look.

"I really want to know what the young master wants to do when he comes to her?" Wei Feng looked thoughtfully at the wing where Jiang Tian was.

At this time, the door of the wing room was closed tightly, and no sound came from inside.

Su Wan frowned, her face was complicated, and she hesitated to speak.

"Let me take a guess. Since it is a 'little trouble', it means it is not troublesome. Furthermore, although Yun Xiuer is a member of the Yun family, she is only a junior after all. The problems she can help solve should not be too complicated. If you look at it this way, the matter should be over soon!" Wei Yu analyzed cautiously.

"What you said seems to be very good. Let's wait and see!" Wei Feng also agreed with her opinion.

Ever since, the two sisters and Su Wan stared at the closed door, waiting for Yun Xiuer to walk out.

However, after waiting and waiting, the person never showed up, and the door never opened!

"What...what is going on?" Wei Yu looked surprised.

"Stop talking and wait and see!" Wei Feng frowned slightly and pulled her sleeves to signal not to talk nonsense.

"Maybe... they are planning something extremely troublesome?" Su Wan said thoughtfully.

"Isn't it a little trouble? Why is it so troublesome? And why is there no movement in the young master's room? What on earth are they doing?" Wei Yu asked, scratching her head.

"Perhaps they... have activated the shielding circle and are discussing important matters in secret?" Wei Feng's face looked a little ugly.

"Well, it's very possible!" Su Wan nodded expressionlessly, but both sisters saw a certain expression that she tried hard to hide.

The atmosphere couldn't help but feel a little awkward. Wei Feng pressed Wei Yu's arm to stop her from talking nonsense.

Time passed slowly, and the three of them waited, but they never saw Yun Xiuer leaving, nor did they see Jiang Tian walking out of the wing.

They didn't know that Jiang Tian had actually left the Yun family at this time!

At the same time that Jiang Tian left the Yun family, the senior leaders of the Yun family were keenly aware of this small change!

"What is Jiang Tian doing?"

"It's strange that he left without saying goodbye!"

"No! His companion is still in the East Guest Hall. What exactly is he going to do?"

In the main hall of the Yun family, the elders stared at a magic circle illuminated by spiritual power and started talking in the void.

There is a huge forbidden circle outside the Yun family, covering the void. Anyone who enters or exits cannot escape their senses. Although Jiang Tian walked quietly, he could not hide it from their eyes.

Jiang Tian's behavior surprised them.

"If he leaves, we will never stop him, but what is he doing?"

"Since he left, why didn't he take his companions with him?"

"Is he afraid that we will come to stop him, so he wants to use his companions to stabilize us and then escape by himself?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, guessing endlessly.

"I don't think so!" Fourth Elder Yun Qing shook his head slowly, "Judging from Jiang Tian's actions, he is not such a person, otherwise he would not have faced powerful men like Long Kui and Long Xi. Don’t give in!”

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