Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5661 Bloodline Potential


A majestic purple light burst out in mid-air, quickly overwhelming the golden light, and two figures appeared, it was Jiang Tian and Long Xuan!

But what is different from before is that Jiang Tian stands proudly at this moment, and the golden light film that originally enveloped him has disappeared.

But Long Xuan, who was supposed to be powerful, was extremely embarrassed at this moment, no, it should be said to be tragic!

The sleeves of his robe have disappeared, and his exposed arms are covered with criss-crossing wounds. Blood is constantly flowing out of the wounds. His breath is disordered, and the injuries are obviously not serious!

"Impossible, it won't be!" Long Qianqian's expression turned ugly, and it was difficult to accept this situation.

"How did he do it?" The corners of Long Cheng's eyes shrank, his face full of shock.

"Being able to counterattack successfully in that situation shows that his hard power is stronger than Long Xuan, but maybe he used some kind of magic weapon, but it was just hidden by the spiritual light so that we couldn't see it!" Long Xu said in a deep voice.

The three of them looked at each other, a look of shock gradually appeared on their faces.

While all the monsters were shocked, they also began to speculate on Jiang Tian's method.

"Has anyone seen Jiang Tian's methods, how did he counterattack successfully?"

"No! But he can turn the situation around instantly in an extremely passive situation, which means his combat power is stronger than Long Xuan!"

"I understand!" Someone said with shock on his face, "Jiang Tian should have deliberately fallen into a passive position, and then used the golden light to block him to fight back!"

"You mean, he deliberately concealed his methods and used the exploding golden light to deceive others?"

"That's right! In the collision just now, he probably used some method that he didn't want others to know!"

"How can you tell?" someone asked.

"Don't you even think about it? He can turn around an extremely passive situation in an instant. Do you think he is really not strong enough?"


Everyone looked at each other, unable to refute for a moment.

Yes, when everyone thought he was going to lose or even fall, Jiang Tian turned the tide of the battle forcefully, which meant that he had the strength to defeat his opponent.

The reason why he fell into a passive position may be that he underestimated Long Xuan's methods, but it is more likely that he deliberately used this to hide his methods and prevent others from prying into his true cards.

"Strong, too strong!"

"Jiang Tian really gave us a surprise!"

"Now it seems that these contests are suspenseful again!"

The monsters from all walks of life had expectant expressions on their faces, and their eyes became excited.

Originally, they thought Jiang Tian would be defeated, and thought they would have no chance to see the subsequent moves of the dragon monsters, but now the suspense has returned, and they are full of expectations for the subsequent contest!

"Damn it! I won't lose, and I can't lose to a junior like you!"

Long Xuan gritted his teeth and shouted, golden light suddenly surged from his body, exuding an astonishing aura!

At the same time, the wound on his arm healed quickly and the blood stopped flowing out.

Except for him and Jiang Tian, ​​no one knew the details of the collision just now.

Two of his arm bones had actually been shattered. In the collision just now, Jiang Tian exploded with incredible physical strength. Not only did his confident blow fail to achieve the expected effect, but it was instantly counterattacked by the terrifying force. .

"Long Xuan, don't act recklessly!" Long Wei's face darkened and he suddenly issued a warning!

Long Xuan ignored it and did not stop his actions.

At this moment, he was stimulating his bloodline potential and using bloodline secret techniques to recover from his injuries.

As the injury reversed, his aura began to rise sharply, reaching an astonishing level!

"Long Xuan can't!"

"Stop it!"

"Don't let him take advantage of you!"

Long Qianqian, Long Cheng, and Long Xu had already seen Long Xuan's intentions and couldn't help but shout a warning.

Long Xuan obviously wants to mobilize the spiritual power of the bloodline, prepare to activate the bloodline image, or want to stimulate the potential of the bloodline to reverse the situation of the battle.

But either way, he will pay a huge price.

In the case of serious injuries, stimulating the potential of the bloodline will cause his cultivation to stagnate or even fall in the future, delaying his cultivation.

And if you use the bloodline phenomenon, you will face being devoured by Jiang Tian, ​​and the consequences will be even more disastrous!

"Long Xuan, don't be confused!" Long Chen suddenly spoke and issued a warning.

So far in this contest, the winner has actually been decided.

Long Xuan was no match for Jiang Tian even when he took the initiative, so there was no point in continuing the fight.

At this moment, the aura of the strongest monster in the Dragon Clan has become a huge burden. Long Xuan cannot accept his defeat, let alone his tragic defeat.

He wanted to take the risk of severely injuring Jiang Tian and reverse his luck in martial arts!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian smiled coldly, not surprised but happy.

The scene in front of him was exactly what he wanted to see the most, and even the situation he wished for.

Before that, he had thought that the other party would never use this method, but he didn't expect that Long Xuan was too strong and unwilling to accept failure.

In this case, he was naturally happy to hear it.


Long Wei's breath suddenly surged, and he stepped forward with his right foot, preparing to intervene in the contest.

"Elder Long, wait!" Yun Xian said in a deep voice, "This is a contest between the younger generations. As long as they do not violate the rules set by our clan, no one is allowed to interfere, unless one party takes the initiative to admit defeat!"

"That's unreasonable!" Long Wei gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his face turned livid.

To him, the rules of the Yun family are nothing. He can break them at any time if he wants.

Once something happens, it will be difficult for the Yun family to pursue it forcefully. After all, he is a guest from outside, and he is also the second elder of the dignified Jin Zunmai. The Yun family has no real power to deal with it, unless they plan to go to war with Jin Zunmai.

But the problem is, the invisible restriction in front will cause some troubles, once Jiang Tianwei is threatened, he may speed up his attack and hit Long Xuan severely.

Long Wei gritted his teeth and sighed, forcefully suppressing the idea of ​​making a move.

Because he knew that even if he forcibly shot, it would be too late!

Roar... boom!

There were bursts of violent roars coming from Long Xuan's body, but the vision of his blood did not appear for a long time!

"Oh?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and he already understood the other party's plan.

Long Xuan obviously also knew about his devouring method, and was deeply jealous of it, so he didn't directly activate the blood vision, but only forcibly stimulated the potential of the blood.

If he uses this method in his prime state, his combat power will certainly be extremely impressive, but if he uses it when he is already injured and the injury is not serious, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Of course, if it were an ordinary evil genius, it would still be extremely disadvantageous at this time, because the dragon bloodline is so domineering that it cannot be underestimated even if there is a discount.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​this is not a problem at all!

Although the opponent is one of the strongest evildoers of Jin Zun's bloodline, but he also has the supreme savage blood dragon bloodline, so he is not afraid of the opponent's threat at all.

At this moment, Long Xuan took out the Dragon Soul Sword again!

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