Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5672 Another victory

"Do you think I can do something?" Long Chen replied coldly with a livid face.

The two looked at each other with extremely ugly expressions.

The Thousand Scale Blade was once raised by Long Qianqian, even she herself has nothing to do, so what can they do?

"You don't have to worry too much, the Thousand Scale Blade is connected with Long Qianqian's blood, as long as he dares to take it out, he can take it back in an instant!" Long Chen said solemnly.

"Yes! This also reminds us that when fighting Jiang Tian, ​​we must be careful when using magic weapons!" Long Cheng said happily.

"Unless necessary, try not to use heavy treasures, or..." A cold light flashed in Long Xu's eyes, "Unless you risk the treasure and let it explode!"

"Well said!" A hint of excitement flashed in Long Cheng's eyes.

When it came to a critical moment, he would rather blow up the treasure than watch it be taken away by Jiang Tian.


"Damn... no!"

Before the crowd's words could disperse, a violent roar suddenly resounded through the void!

What sounded at the same time was Long Qianqian's angry roar.

She spat out a long string of blood flowers, and was forcefully thrown a hundred feet away by Jiang Tian. Although her injuries were not as severe as Long Xuan's, she had obviously lost the battle.

Jiang Tian took a step forward, as if he was going to pursue the victory.

Yun Xian, the eldest elder of the Yun family, took a step forward and said loudly: "The competition is over, Jiang Tian wins!"


Before he could finish his words, the whole audience exclaimed!

Everyone, who had been depressed for a long time, now released their emotions to their heart's content and sighed endlessly.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

"I didn't expect that Jiang Tian would win two games in a row!"

"Everyone has seen the power of the Thousand Scale Blade, but even such a valuable treasure can't do anything to Jiang Tian, ​​and it didn't even hurt him!"

"Isn't he injured? I don't think so. Maybe he has been injured secretly, but he just acted as if nothing happened on the surface!" Someone shook his head and said.

"But no matter what, Jiang Tian is a complete victory in this match, which shows that he is stronger than Long Qianqian. I am a little curious, how high is his limit?"

"That's not necessarily true. Long Qianqian lost her calmness after the important treasure was taken away. She was eager to take action before Jiang Tian seized the opportunity and crushed her with his powerful body. If she could have calmed down, this battle should have been successful. Hit!" Someone touched his chin and analyzed cautiously.

While the monsters from all walks of life and the Yun family disciples were exclaiming and sighing, several top monsters such as Shang Zhian, Ouyang Leide, Ge Yongsheng, Luo Kesong, etc. looked at each other, and they were all shocked by the result of this contest!

"He actually won again!"

"It seems we still underestimated him!"

"No, it should be said that we overestimated Long Qianqian!"

Ouyang Leide, Ge Yongsheng, and Luo Kesong all sighed.

Originally they thought Jiang Tian would definitely lose, even though Jiang Tian performed brilliantly during the fight, but facing Long Qianqian who was holding a heavy treasure and attacking like a wave, they didn't seem to have much chance of victory.

But the result overturned their guesses and gave them a "surprise".

Faced with such an ending, they had to seriously examine Jiang Tian's strength!

"Being able to devour dragon bloodline anomalies and seize the opponent's valuable treasure, Jiang Tian's methods are indeed beyond imagination!"

"Do you understand?" Ge Yongsheng said suddenly.


"Jiang Tian seems to have some special advantage when facing dragon monsters!" Ge Yongsheng's eyes flashed, as if he had captured some secret!

"Oh, is there such a thing?"

"Otherwise, how could he defeat the dragon monsters again and again, and repeatedly seize valuable treasures in life-and-death encounters?"

"That's right! It seems that Jiang Tian's bloodline is not simple!"

"You reminded me. Fortunately, we are not dragon warriors. Otherwise, wouldn't we be a little shorter when we meet this person?"

Ouyang Leide, Ge Yongsheng, Luo Kesong and others looked at each other, feeling thankful in their hearts.

If they were also dragon warriors, they would probably be taken advantage of by Jiang Tian and manipulate them in every way.

Although this contest was not that exaggerated, and the difference in strength between the two was not obvious, Jiang Tian took the overall initiative.

Looking back on the details and certain key points of this contest, Long Qianqian seemed to have a strong position, but in fact he never had a real chance of victory!

"Don't be careless!" Shang Zhian shook his head and said: "Although Jiang Tian has devoured dragon bloodline so far, who can guarantee that he can't devoure other bloodlines?"



"Brother Shang means that his bloodline devouring method is not just for dragons?"

"If that's the case... we'll be in big trouble!"


Several people gasped and were deeply afraid of this.

So far, Jiang Tian has indeed devoured only the dragon bloodline, but who can guarantee that he has not devoured other bloodlines before?

Who can conclude that he can only devour the dragon bloodline?

If he can not only devour the dragon bloodline, but also other bloodlines, wouldn't it mean that the warriors fighting against him have their hands and feet tied, unable to use the trump card of bloodline anomalies?

"It seems that we have all overestimated the evildoer with the Jin Zun vein, and at the same time underestimated Jiang Tian!"

Ouyang Leide glanced at the three people with Jin Zunmai who had not yet participated in the battle. The fear in his eyes subsided slightly, but when he looked at Jiang Tianzhi, his face became more dignified.

To be fair, Long Qianqian's strength is already strong enough. If he were to fight, he would not be sure of victory.

Jiang Tian was able to defeat Long Qianqian, in fact, he was already on the same level as them.

The advantages that everyone thought they had, actually no longer existed in the face of Jiang Tian like this!

"Second Elder, I..."

Long Qianqian was extremely unwilling, but had no choice but to do anything.

She couldn't defeat Jiang Tian even in her prime state and with Thousand Scales Blade, let alone now. If she tried forcefully, her injuries would only be more serious. If she struggled to the end, she would be dead.

At this moment, she was ashamed and did not dare to look directly at Long Wei's gloomy old face.

"Needless to say, blame us for underestimating him!" Long Wei said in a deep voice, his face full of anger.

"Next time, let me do it!" Long Cheng gritted his teeth, the murderous intent in his eyes seemed to burst forth.

However, according to the Yun family's rules, the next round of competition can only start half an hour after the end of this round, so he can only wait.

Long Wei had a gloomy face and fell into silence.

Next, evildoers from all walks of life choose their opponents one after another, and start the remaining rounds of this round.

After witnessing the fierce battle between the two, when everyone chose their target, they were no longer as provocative as they were at the beginning.

After all, compared with Jiang Tianhe, the strongest monsters of the Dragon Clan, as well as several recognized top monsters such as Shang Zhi'an, Ouyang Reid, Ge Yongsheng and Luo Kesong, it is a blessing to choose any other opponent.

And after the two fierce battles between Jiang Tian and the monsters of the Dragon Clan, the disciples of the Yun family also became less interested in the contests with other people.

After all, Zhuyu is in the front, and it is already difficult for them to catch the eye in the following competitions.

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