Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5827 Weird Slate

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It can even be regarded as half the battle!

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled wryly, laughing at himself secretly.

I didn’t expect that failing to advance this time would leave such a small unexpected benefit.

He simply took out a few more spirit fruits and swallowed them, feeling the extraordinary refining speed and feeling secretly excited.

Looking around, it's all a mountainous terrain.

He stood at the highest point of this forested mountain peak, and after looking at it for a moment, he was ready to move on.

He could no longer remember how far he had penetrated into the dusty secret realm, and he had no clue about the Nine Apertures Mountain.

But he knew that he couldn't stay here, because Shang Zhian and the others might catch up soon.

Once we are under siege again, the situation is likely to be even more dangerous than before!


Hum rumble!

Purple light suddenly appeared, and the powerful spatial spiritual power carried Jiang Tian away into the air.

Just a few moments after he disappeared, a three-legged giant bird emitting a strange golden light appeared through the sky!


The sky-shaking roar spread in all directions, causing the entire void to tremble and twist, setting off terrifying golden waves.

Wherever he went, the mountains and forests collapsed and turned into powder all over the sky, crawling under the golden light!

"Jiang Tian...huh?"

Before the golden light subsided, Shang Zhian roared fiercely with murderous intent.

But he soon realized that he was still a step too late, and he only saw a faint purple afterimage disappearing before his eyes.

"Damn it!" Shang Zhian gritted his teeth and shouted, extremely angry in his heart.

He didn't hesitate to use the "Wu Zhui Talisman", but he was still a step too slow.

If he could have just a little more time in the morning, with the terrifying power of the "Wu Zhui Fu", it would be enough to keep Jiang Tian here.

Fortunately, the "Wu Zhui Talisman" is not a one-time consumable. Each talisman can be used three times. Each time, the effectiveness decreases and the power also declines.

After being activated three times, the "Wu Zhui Talisman" will disappear into nothing.


Shang Zhian activated the "Wu Chai Talisman" again, and the golden light suddenly rose into the sky, leaving a loud bang and quickly pierced through the air!

Hum rumble!

A certain void was violently turbulent, and Jiang Tian appeared with purple formations?

At this time, his heart was pounding and he felt inexplicably uneasy.


Jiang Tian was shocked and felt something was wrong.

Although he didn’t understand why this happened, it probably had something to do with the pursuer behind him.

"So fast?"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his heart trembled!

He repeatedly used the "Void Transformation Formation" to escape at least a million or twenty million miles away. He didn't expect to be caught up by the opponent so quickly.

Although he hasn't seen the other party's shadow yet, and he doesn't know who the person who is following him is, he has no intention of finding out.

Because the moment he sees the other person, it may be difficult to run away.


Hum rumble!

Before Jiang Tian could take a breath, he once again activated the "Air Formation" and flew forward into the air.

After doing this several times, he came to a flat land covered with gravel.

Just as he was about to continue running away, he was attracted by the scene below!

"Well, what is this?"

Jiang Tian looked down and saw layers of gravel in his sight.

As his eyes wandered, piles of boulders appeared in front of him!

What surprised him was that these boulders did not appear to be naturally formed, but seemed to have traces of artificial creation!

"Is this the relic of a strong man?"

Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he immediately thought of some possibility.

When he came from the lower realm, he had explored countless strongman cave ruins, and had encountered similar situations countless times.

It takes almost no effort to guess certain situations.

But his current situation is a bit troublesome!

If you stop here, you are likely to be overtaken by your opponent. Once you are under siege again, the situation may be extremely dangerous.

But if he left like this, he really couldn't suppress his curiosity.

What if this ruins is somehow related to Jiuqiao Mountain?

Just when he was weighing it silently and hesitating a little, something unexpected happened!

Deep in the ruins ahead, a ray of green light suddenly bloomed, attracting his attention!


Jiang Tian's eyes twitched.

Although the green light only flashed away, he keenly captured this small movement.


Jiang Tian no longer hesitated and took a step forward to the place where the green light flashed.

This is a ruins covered with rocks, and a green light comes from the bottom of the ruins.


With a wave of his hand, he shook away the rocks and dispersed the billowing dust, and examined them carefully.

"This is..." Jiang Tian picked up an object that emitted a green light and frowned slightly.

This is not a special rare treasure. It seems to be just a fragment of an ancient magic weapon. It looks incomplete and its original appearance cannot be distinguished.

After a moment of sensing, I found that this fragment contained some spiritual power, but it was obviously weak.

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

This is what the fragments of the magic weapon should be in due to the erosion of time and the baptism of time. It is not surprising.

Perhaps some warriors once fought fiercely here and broke the magic weapon, leaving behind this fragment.

He let go of his spiritual thoughts and scanned the surroundings, but found no other abnormalities.

Such an isolated fragment obviously cannot explain anything.

It may not have been here originally, and it may have been carried here by a monster or some spiritual storm.

It may not make sense to pursue its origin.


Jiang Tian quickly overturned the suspicion in his heart.

This fragment was pressed at the bottom by rocks, and ordinary small movements would obviously not take it away.

And things with low spiritual power like this are of little value to monsters. They should not touch such things for no reason.

The more Jiang Tian thought about it, the stranger he felt, and he felt that things might not be that simple.

I scanned it with my mind and found nothing strange.

"Handeye, open!"


Layers of purple halo rippled out, and Jiang Tian's sight penetrated the rocks and came out.

Scenes of ordinary scenes came into view, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong here.

But when he looked at a seemingly ordinary empty ground, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a look of surprise on his face!

"What's this?"

Jiang Tian took one step forward and came to the top of this flat land.

When he landed on the ground, his right foot shook slightly, and dust flew up, revealing an open space several feet in diameter.

This is not an ordinary ground, but a stone floor carved with mysterious spiritual patterns!

"Why is there such a thing here?"

Jiang Tian felt very strange.

His right foot shook lightly, and the ground in a radius of dozens of feet was cleared of sand and rocks.

Looking at it, he saw that it was a larger stone slab than he had imagined, and the spiritual patterns engraved on the surface seemed to be some kind of formation spiritual patterns.

It's just that it's not the complete spiritual pattern, but only a part of it.

Jiang Tian followed a relatively thick spiritual pattern and searched forward, and stopped suddenly after walking dozens of feet!

There is no other reason, just because this stone slab has been broken, and the subsequent parts cannot be found at all.

Could it be that this was once the stone floor of a huge palace?

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