Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5840 Change on its own

Roxon used some tricks to break the situation with the "fire spiritual power" of the Five Elements.

He used the "Five Elements Holy Body" bloodline talent to summon the spiritual energy rolling in the sky and the earth, gathered a fire swirling formation above the storm, and easily poured the spiritual power of fire into the storm.

When the fire spirit power entered, it was instantly torn and extinguished by the storm, but as more fire spirit power continued to enter, the situation quickly changed.

These fire spiritual powers gathered more and more intensely, and as the power of the storm pulled and carried them, they rose again and again in the storm's outward rotation area, and quickly began to wreak havoc.

When the fire spirit power became strong enough, the situation changed fundamentally!

The power of the storm no longer only suppresses the fire spiritual power, but instead activates and encourages it.

Next, the wind assisted the fire, and the fire borrowed the power of the wind. The two caused each other to go crazy and wreaked havoc, quickly evolving into a chaotic storm!

Bang bang... click... boom!

Violent roars resounded, and violent changes were superimposed and quickly shook the entire storm.

At that time, the process of Chixue Sword Marrow devouring special spiritual power was already halfway through, and it would be completely over in another quarter of an hour.

What happened next was just like before, and the changes became more and more intense as soon as they started.

Jiang Tian felt something was wrong, and the process of Chixue Sword Marrow absorbing special spiritual power was also strongly interfered with.

In just a short moment, the huge red and white circular rainbow formed by the scarlet snow sword marrow could no longer hold up.

This circular rainbow twisted and oscillated, showing obvious signs of instability.



The violent roars continued, and the fusion of the dual spiritual powers of wind and fire caused chaos to spread rapidly towards the center of the storm.

The body of the Red Snow Sword Marrow even appeared and disappeared under the impact of waves of huge force, and the circular giant rainbow it swept began to become slow and fast, intermittently, as if it might collapse at any time.

Jiang Tian's heart surged with anger, knowing that the situation was not good.

At this time, he should have rushed forward to confront Roxon to interrupt his interference.

However, Luo Kesong is a monster in the Galaxy Realm, and it is not something he can defeat in a moment.

If he does that, the fusion of the Red Snow Sword Marrow and the special spiritual power will almost inevitably be interrupted, and even more unexpected situations will occur.


Jiang Tian gritted his teeth, suppressed his inner impulse, and used all his strength to activate the Chixue Sword Marrow.

Boom, boom!

The red and white circular giant rainbow rose again, and the special spiritual power that had been alienated by the storm just now regained its momentum and continued to integrate into the sword's marrow.

"Faster, faster!"

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and shouted, if possible, he would like the novice to forcefully stuff that special spiritual power into the sword's marrow!

But he knows that all external forces at this moment can only do bad things.

He can urge Chixue Sword Marrow to accelerate as much as possible, but he cannot directly interfere with the fusion process.

And in this powerful storm, various methods such as "Sword Domain" and "Thunder Formation" are not easy to use.

This void is filled with countless crazy things, and it is already chaotic enough. Even if he takes action forcefully, he will achieve half the result with half the effort, and may even be self-defeating and make a mistake.

Bang bang... click... boom!

The violent roars continued, and the fire spirit power completely penetrated into the storm and merged with it. The outer storm and fire storm both merged, and the two forces continued to erode and oppress the center.

Roxon just took the shot easily, and then quietly watched the evolution below.

At this moment, he put his hands behind his back, waiting for work.

The great change has taken place, and he no longer needs to push it again and again.

The infusion of those fire spiritual powers was equivalent to igniting a fuse, and everything that followed was left to the storm to evolve on its own and develop freely.

When the violent force of wind and fire from the outside completely invades the central area, Jiang Tian will be in trouble!

"If you don't drink the toast, you will be fined. This is what you will end up with!" Roxon sneered, looking at the crazy storm below with disdain.

Jiang Tian, ​​who was unable to be taken down by others despite all their efforts, was suppressed by him so easily. This situation really made him feel proud.

Of course, he really wanted to thank this storm for its existence.

If it weren't for this special environment, it would have been very difficult for him to capture Jiang Tian.

Rumble... bang!

Boom boom boom!

Violent roars rose higher than waves, and storms of wind and fire invaded from all directions, quickly approaching the red and white circular giant rainbow raised by the scarlet snow sword!

"That's too late!"

Jiang Tian's expression was extremely ugly!

The special spiritual power is less than half completed, and it will be over smoothly as long as he is given another cup of tea.

But reality does not allow it!

The heavy suppression of the wind and fire storm and the violent impact of the huge waves caused the red and white circular giant rainbow to show signs of instability again, and the situation was already in danger!

He knew that time would not allow it, but he still did not give up. He was still desperately urging the Red Snow Sword Marrow to continue sucking.


Accompanied by a strange sound like metal breaking, the outermost edge of the red and white circular giant rainbow was severely hit by the wind and fire storm!

The entire giant rainbow trembled violently, with layers of red and white waves!


That special spiritual power suddenly paused, and it immediately retreated, as if a frightened deer was about to turn around and run away!

"Damn it!" Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and yelled angrily, feeling extremely furious inside.

But there was nothing he could do to reverse the situation.

If this spiritual power could be absorbed by him, he would swallow it without hesitation.

But the problem is that previous attempts have proven that the "Void Swallowing Technique" does not work on it. This kind of power will quickly disintegrate after entering the body, and he is helpless.

Buzz... boom!

The red and white circular giant rainbow was about to collapse completely, and the body of the red snow sword marrow trembled violently, making an unsettling sound.


Jiang Tian had no choice but to grit his teeth and put away the red snow sword marrow, preparing to deal with Luo Kesong's suppression.

But before facing Roxon directly, the first thing he had to face was the storm of wind and fire bombarding him from all directions!

But when he waved his right hand, he found that the situation was a little weird!


Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help but feel deeply surprised.

At this time, the red snow sword marrow should have been swept back in response to the sound and sealed into his fingertips.

Why didn't it move after hearing the sound, but only narrowed the scope of the giant rainbow?

"This is..." Jiang Tian was startled, but then he thought of something again, and his eyes couldn't help but light up!

Yes, this is the reaction of the Chixue Sword Marrow on its own, and it is also a true manifestation of the special intelligence that this rare sword treasure possesses.

At the last moment of absorbing the special spiritual power, at the juncture when the mutation became more and more intense, the Chixue Sword Marrow seemed to have some kind of spontaneous reaction.


As the circular giant rainbow shrank sharply, the area covered by the Red Snow Sword Marrow was reduced by more than half in an instant, but its rotation force also surged!

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