Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

Yun Xianghan frowned slightly, subconsciously looking at Jiang Tian.

Indeed, there is really nothing wrong with Yun Xian's statement.

Jiang Tian's original intention in coming to Yun's house was to find her.

In order to meet her, he had to go through many tests from the Yun family.

The first round of trials is a marriage contest, where she competes with all kinds of evildoers.

The second round of trials is to go to the dusty secret realm to find the strange mountain of Jiuqiao! The entire process and arrangement are part of the Yun family's mission.

As a participant, Jiang Tian really couldn't separate things.

If Jian Bao wanted to swallow it forcibly, it seems that it is indeed unreasonable from a moral point of view.

"My friend is 'protected' by Lao Yun's family. I don't need to say more about the right and wrong of Jiuqiao Mountain. I understand it, but now there is a huge difficulty in front of me."


"What difficulty?"

The faces of the Yun family elders were slightly gloomy, puzzled.

rumble! With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, a huge spirit beast appeared in the air.

It is none other than the Swallowing Mountain Mysterious Turtle! "Um?"

"This is the Swallowing Mountain Mysterious Turtle!"

"I didn't expect it to be such a legendary beast!"

The elders of the Yun Family recognized Tunshan Xuangui at a glance, and they couldn't help sighing in surprise.

"Look at the turtle's back!"



"Is that the Nine Orifices Strange Mountain?"

"Jiuqiao Mountain has actually melted into the back of the mysterious tortoise swallowing the mountain!"

"how so?"

After seeing the nine strange peaks on the turtle's back, all the elders of Yun's family were shocked.

Looking at each other, the atmosphere became extremely strange.

The Xuanshan Swallowing Turtle is an ancient strange beast, and it is said that the blood of the ancient dragon clan flows through its body.

And Jiuqiao Mountain is the treasure they are determined to obtain.

They never expected that this heavy treasure would be fused onto the back of the Swallowing Mountain Profound Turtle! "The mountain-swallowing tortoise is rare, but our Yun family doesn't covet it!"

"We only need Jiuqiao Mountain, nephew Jiang Xian will take it down and hand it over to us!"

"If my nephew is inconvenient, I am willing to do it for you!"

The elders of Yun's family took a few steps forward again, and they couldn't wait! "Wait!"

Jiang Tian took a step forward and landed directly on Xuangui's back.

"It's not because I don't want to, but because I can't!"


"What does Nephew Jiang Xian mean?"

"I see that you obviously don't want to hand it over!"

The faces of the elders of the Yun family were all gloomy, and the atmosphere began to become tense.

With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, powerful spatial spiritual power enveloped him.

The nine peaks of Jiuqiao Mountain remained motionless, and the spiritual power of space did not work at all.



"how so?"

The elders of the Yun family were all strong in cultivation, and they could understand the weirdness at a glance.

Such a powerful spatial spiritual force was unable to uproot Jiuqiao Mountain.

It shows that this strange mountain has been integrated with the mysterious tortoise swallowing the mountain and cannot be separated! "Does Nephew Jiang Xian really think we are fools?"

"Since you can't take nine seats at the same time, then take them one by one!"

"The result is the same."

Jiang Tian mobilized the spiritual power of space to cover one of the mountain peaks.

There was no difference in the result, and it was still unshakable.


"How can it be?"

"I can't believe I can't take it off!"

"Nephew Jiang Xian, stand back and let the old man try it!"

All the elders of the Yun family were gearing up, ready to step forward to take Jiuqiao Mountain.

"There's no need to try."

Yun Xianghan said suddenly, "Jiuqiao Mountain is connected with Xuangui's blood, and after fusion, it can no longer be removed. If you want to take the mountain, you must stay with Xuangui."


"It makes no sense!"

The Yun family elders were extremely annoyed.

The Great Elder Yun Xian's expression was indifferent, and he said in a deep voice: "Nephew Jiang Xian, we are not very interested in the Mountain Swallowing Mysterious Turtle, but if we really can't separate them, we have to keep it together!"

"What if I refuse?"


Yun Xian smiled coldly, with a faint cold light in his eyes.

"My nephew should be very clear about the background of my Yun family, and on this matter, my nephew's stubbornness is unreasonable."

"The Great Elder is right. He should have taken the initiative to offer the treasure, but now he has artificially set up all kinds of obstacles. Do you really think our Yun family is so easy to fool?"

"If you can't pull the mountain, let's stay together!"

"If you don't agree, we can only force it!"

The words of the elders of the Yun family gradually became fierce, and they were all ready to move.

"Nephew Jiang Xian is a smart man, and our Yun family doesn't want to hurt our peace. Now it seems that the best way is to marry and present treasures together, so that everyone can be happy. For you and my Yun family, there are only benefits, nothing. Loss, what's your nephew's opinion?"

"Hahahaha! This is a good way to make everyone happy!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​why are you hesitating?

Such a good thing, only a fool would refuse! "

"Quickly agree, as long as you nod, we will be a family from now on!"

The elders of the Yun family booed one after another, and the tense atmosphere just now disappeared in an instant.

Jiang Tian was silent for a moment, then shook his head slowly.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint everyone. I really can't agree to this matter."


"It makes no sense!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't you know how to flatter you!"

"Our Yun family is a dignified descendant of the ancient immortal race. We have such a strong background. It is the greatest courtesy to talk to you with such an attitude. Don't you know what is good or bad!"

"Yun Xianghan, don't you have a deep relationship with him, why are you still in a daze?"

The elders of Yun's family signaled Yun Xianghan to come forward to persuade him.

Yun Xianghan shook his head slowly.

"Although I am of the blood of the Yun family, I am also his friend. I know his temperament better. It involves the mountain-swallowing turtle. This matter is indeed troublesome. Forgive me for what I can do."

"What a Yun Xianghan!"

"What a return to the bloodline!"

"Yun Xianghan, I see that you are here, but your heart is not in Yun's house!"

"The family spent a huge amount of resources on cultivating it carefully, but in the end they only got an understatement from you. It's ridiculous, annoying, and extremely hateful!"

The elders of the Yun Family became increasingly angry, and the atmosphere became tense again.

Yun Xianghan's attitude made them extremely annoyed, even almost furious.

As a member of the Yun family, he actually spoke for Jiang Tian, ​​an outsider.

It was a waste of the Yun family's huge resources to train her! "Everyone, Jiuqiao Mountain is indeed a rare treasure, but I don't think too much about it. It's just that it can't be removed because it is fused with the mysterious turtle. This is also a helpless move. Please forgive me."

Jiang Tian cupped his hands and said.

"I can't understand!"

"We're going to fix Jiuqiao Mountain. Since we can't take it down, let's keep the Xuangui together!"

"If you don't want to keep it, then kill it!"

Boom boom boom! The elders of the Yun family gradually gained momentum and approached Jiang Tian step by step.

Prepare to take Tunshan Xuangui by force! "It is useless to kill the mysterious tortoise swallowing the mountain. Jiuqiao Mountain is integrated with it. Once the mysterious tortoise falls, the spirituality of this mountain will also fade and become a waste rock."

Yun Xianghan shook his head and said.

"The majesty of the Yun family cannot be offended!"

"Even so, keep it!"

The elders of the Yun family were ready to move, as if they were about to make a move in the next moment.

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