Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6190--Andrew Big array self-destruct

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Others can't see the situation in the formation, but he is very clear.

Once the Yunluo Formation is cast, its coercion will continue to rise.

If the opponent cannot get rid of it in the first time, it will be difficult to reverse the situation in the future.

With this means, he defeated a large number of powerful enemies.

It has long become a powerful means that he cannot crack! In his opinion, Jiang Tian naturally couldn't escape this ending.

But he never expected that in just a moment, the opponent turned the situation around and broke the foregone conclusion that he thought he could not break! And with his experience and insight, he couldn't see what kind of method the other party was using.

This really shocked him! It seemed that Jiang Tian just swallowed it with his mouth, which brought the whole "Yunluo Formation" to an abrupt stop.

The prestige of the formation, which had accumulated to almost its peak, was also weakened by half.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of method Jiang Tian used! You must know that the "Great Yunluo Formation" is already an inheritance of immortal arts, and the other elders cannot break it with the same level of means.

From this, it can be inferred that what Jiang Tian used was probably some kind of immortal technique inheritance.

Moreover, the level and power must be higher than that of the "Yunluo Formation"! But how is this possible?

Jiang Tian is not a member of the Yun family, and he doesn't have any heritage of the ancient immortal clan, how can he master the secret art of immortality?

Yunfeng thought carefully and did not come to a hasty conclusion.

"If it's really a secret technique of immortality, where did he get it from?"

"Could it be possible?" Yunfeng's thoughts turned quickly, and he subconsciously looked at Yun Xianghan! Could it be that this returning bloodline, which is highly valued and cultivated by the family, leaked a certain powerful immortal art inheritance to Jiang Tian?

But after thinking about it, this possibility is not great at all, it can even be said to be almost non-existent.

It is true that Yun Xianghan has cultivated some immortal techniques, but none of them can break the "Yunluo Formation".

Moreover, when Yun Xianghan accepted this inheritance, he also made a secret oath of immortality: without the family's permission, he would never disclose any inheritance of immortality to anyone in any form! Therefore, it is impossible for Jiang Tian to obtain the method to crack the "Yunluo Formation" through Yun Xianghan.

"Is it some kind of powerful secret treasure?"

Yunfeng tried his best to guess and thought of another possibility.

But according to his observation just now, Jiang Tian didn't show any sign of using any magic weapon.

This is so strange! It is neither a fairy art secret method nor a powerful secret treasure, so what method did he use?

With Yunfeng's eyesight, he couldn't see through it for a while! At this moment, in Yunfeng's eyes, Jiang Tianzheng became more and more mysterious.

And the next moment, Yun Luo's face suddenly darkened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes! "For the sake of the family, Yun has no choice but to resort to extreme measures!"

Before the words fell, the Yun family raised their hands and made a formula, and suddenly pointed towards the stagnant Yunluo formation in front of them! And spit out the word "explosion"! "burst!"

Boom, boom, boom! "Second Elder?"

Yun Xianghan's complexion changed drastically, and he sternly called out! But her voice was instantly drowned out by the terrifying crackling sound! "Um?"


"Second Elder, are you being too eager?"

The other elders of the Yun family were also shocked! Unexpectedly, Yunfeng's methods would be so drastic.

This is very different from what they expected! At first, they thought that any one person could take down Jiang Tian and solve this small problem.

Soon, they discovered that the problem was not simple, and had become a nuisance.

Later, they found that this trouble was a bit unexpected, and it took a lot of work to solve it.

But at the moment when the "Yunluo Formation" was forcibly stopped, they realized that this was an opponent that they needed to re-examine and treat seriously! But even so, they didn't feel the need to use such drastic means to deal with Jiang Tian.

It's not that they have much kindness towards Jiang Tian, ​​but that the Yun family's background is far from reaching this level.

Even if Yunfeng really can't take Jiang Tian down, there is still the Great Elder Yunxian behind him.

Taking a step back, even Yun Xian couldn't defeat Jiang Tian, ​​the Yun family had other means.

There is no need to make it so intense.

Once the "Yunluo Formation" is detonated, its power can be described as extremely astonishing.

Jiang Tian is in it, there must be only one dead end.

In this way, Jiuqiao Mountain may be obtained, but other secrets about Jiang Tian may be annihilated.

These elders who were extremely curious about Jiang Tian obviously had no chance to solve the mystery in their hearts.

Facing the questions from his colleagues, Yunfeng slowly shook his head.

"This son has extraordinary means. If he is not decisive, maybe the next one who needs to do this is the Great Elder!"

"Since someone will do this sooner or later, why not start with me and end with me!"

The elders were taken aback when they heard this! A few people were very disapproving, and even wanted to make fun of it.

But the next moment, they suddenly understood the meaning of Yunfeng's words.

Everyone's faces became serious! When Yunfeng said this, he was almost admitting that he was not absolutely sure of taking down Jiang Tian.

And once the opportunity just now is missed, it is very likely that it will be difficult to suppress the opponent! "Is he really that strong?"

"He has been completely suppressed by the second elder. Is there any point in discussing this issue now?"

Hum rumbling! Before the words fell, purple light suddenly appeared in the high-altitude clouds, and a figure flashed out! It's none other than Jiang Tian! "Um?"


"How can it be?"

"Hasn't he already been severely injured by the 'Yunluo Formation'?"

The elders of the Yun family looked at the figure in the purple light high in the sky, and they were all taken aback! In their view, if Yunfeng detonated the "Yunluo Great Formation", Jiang Tian would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

But the fact is, not only did Jiang Tian not die, he didn't even show any obvious signs of injury! "Impossible! Under the self-destructive power of the 'Yunluo Formation', you have no time to escape!"

Yun Feng shouted loudly, unable to accept the facts in front of him.

"The 'Cloud and Luo Formation' is indeed very strong, but it still can't completely trap me to death."

Jiang Tian shook his head slowly, his face calm.

That's right, the power of the "Great Formation of Clouds" was indeed somewhat beyond expectations, but with his special method of "Swallowing Void Art", he created possibilities in seemingly impossible situations.

He devoured layers of heavy pressure, creating a "vacuum" of spiritual power inside the formation! With the help of that instantaneous change, he fully cast the "Space Transformation Formation" and escaped from Yunfeng's confinement.

"Space escape technique is so strong?"

"The important thing is not the space escape technique, but his ability to forcibly perform the space escape technique under the suppression of the 'Yunluo Great Formation'!"

"Second Elder, what method did he use?"

The elders of Yun's family were eager to know the truth, and asked Yunfeng one after another.

Yunfeng shook his head slowly, his expression was extremely serious! Although he witnessed Jiang Tian's escape, he didn't know what kind of means the other party used.

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