Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6202--Andrew The Prestige of the Golden Crow

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On the other side, the Grand Priest of Daxuan Island also saw an opportunity! As the person who made the move at the same time, he certainly couldn't let this great opportunity fall into the hands of the deputy master of the Golden Crow Temple.

With a violent swing of his right hand, the Fentian Xuanyan surged out wildly, hitting Jin Yan's big hand horizontally.

Clenching his left hand violently, a huge black flame flashed out, and he couldn't help but grab Jiang Tian first.

Jiang Tian's breath still hasn't calmed down! Facing the berserk attack of two powerful enemies, he had no time to react, and was enveloped in the burning sky in a blink of an eye.

"It's done, hahahaha!"

The Grand Priest of Daxuan Island laughed wildly, his heart was full of joy of success.

Hey! In this instant, the Baizhang Golden Crow broke through the barrier of the Fentian Profound Flame, and darted down like sunlight piercing through the clouds.

Boom! The Burning Profound Flame that had just enveloped Jiang Tian was instantly pierced by the golden light, and the three-legged Golden Crow opened its sharp mouth and suddenly spewed out a golden flame, enveloping Jiang Tian in it.


The Grand Priest of Daxuan Island's expression sank, he swung his palm and slammed the three-legged Golden Crow, ready to regain the initiative.

But at this moment, the three-legged Jinwu made a shocking move! Hey! The sharp mouth opened sharply and swallowed fiercely, the billowing golden flames rolled back crazily, and swallowed Jiang Tian into his stomach impressively! "Um?"


The complexions of all kinds of strong men changed! "Damn it!"

The priest of Daxuan Island yelled loudly and cursed endlessly.

Originally, he had already taken the lead, but he didn't expect the Golden Crow Vision to be superior, forcibly piercing through his Burning Heaven Profound Flame, and then he came first to snatch Jiang Tian.

Although he was extremely furious, there was nothing he could do.

He had to face a reality.

That is, the three-legged Golden Crow is the pinnacle existence of the fire spirit.

Especially the powerful "Golden Crow True Flame", which can suppress Fen Tian Xuanyan even more, making him helpless.

He might not be afraid to meet other peers.

But when he meets someone from the Golden Crow Temple, his combat power will be increased by three points out of thin air! "receive!"

Hey! The deputy master of the Golden Crow Temple waved his hand, and the Baizhang Golden Crow Wrapped back with Jiang Tian.

I saw a dazzling golden glimpse left in the void! The three-legged Golden Crow returned to the main body of the Golden Crow Temple, fluttering its wings and suspended, with a pair of golden eyes filled with slender golden flames, which looked extremely miraculous.

And its eyes are extremely arrogant and indifferent, which seems to give people a sense of majesty that cannot be approached.

"The spirit in the fire, the saint in the fire, the three-legged Golden Crow!"

"Although this is not an entity, it already possesses the demeanor and temperament of a real three-legged Golden Crow!"

"Continuing to practice like this, this Golden Crow Temple deputy master will one day be able to return to his ancestors through blood and evolve into a real three-legged Golden Crow body!"

"The real fire spewed by the Golden Crow Divine Bird is said to be able to burn everything in the world, and no magic weapon can resist its attack!"

"One of the nine sub-masters of the Golden Crow Temple has such a means. I really don't know how powerful the master of the Golden Crow Temple is?"

Everyone stared at the three-legged golden crow phantom, guessing one by one.

The deputy head of the Golden Crow Temple proudly scanned the audience.

At this moment, Jiang Tian has been swallowed by his condensed three-legged Golden Crow vision, and no one in the same level can break it.

It also means that he became the only winner of this competition! "Fellow daoists, praise! To be honest, Shang's 'Golden Crow True Flame' is far behind the Guanzhu, and the methods of the Guanzhu are far beyond my own power!"


"Is it really that exaggerated?"

"Fellow Daoist is too modest, right?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another, and their faces were even full of sarcasm, showing their disbelief.

The opponent's methods were already astonishingly strong, and the Grand Priest of Daxuan Island, who was carrying the Burning Profound Flame, had almost no fighting power in front of him.

This kind of method has already shocked the same level, even if the Golden Crow Temple Master is stronger than him, can there be a world of difference?

"Believe it or not, Shang can only say that Lord Guanzhu's 'Golden Crow True Flame' is at least ten times stronger than mine."

Although the deputy master of the Golden Crow Temple spoke modestly, he didn't say much.

But in fact, his "Golden Crow True Flame" is indeed far from the main viewer of the Golden Crow Temple.

Firstly, the power of his "Golden Crow True Flame" is relatively limited; secondly, his "Golden Crow True Flame" cannot last for too long and has many limitations; , is also very far away.

But this does not prevent him from possessing powerful combat power and means.

Especially when facing the fire spirit attribute, his methods are even more difficult for ordinary peers to shake.

"Are you going to let him monopolize the benefits?

Don't forget, Jiang Tian has more than just the rare treasure of 'The Bone of the Demon God' on his body! "

The Grand Priest of Daxuan Island was unwilling to miss, and reminded in a deep voice.

"So what, unless we join forces, who can beat him one-on-one?"

"If we really want to join forces, we will definitely form an intractable feud with Jinwu Temple!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they really wanted to fight for it, they had to worry about the background of the Golden Crow Temple.

After all, among these forces, the Golden Crow Temple is second to none.

Compared with Daxuan Island, Tyrant Sword Sect and Five Elements Sect, they are all stronger! Once the enmity with this force is completely formed, the subsequent situation may not be difficult to imagine.

"You don't need to fight, and there is no need to fight with the old man."

The Vice-Chancellor of the Golden Crow Temple shook his head and sneered, full of arrogance.

"Although the old man's 'Golden Crow True Flame' is far from the Lord's, one thing is certain, even if you join forces, it will be difficult to break it from the outside!"

"Huh! Fellow Daoist Shang said that, I'm afraid it's a bit exaggerated?"

"You underestimate our peers too!"

"If Fellow Daoist is so confident, we really want to give it a try!"

Everyone was obviously very dissatisfied.

They had just witnessed the power of the "Golden Crow True Flame", and it was indeed very strong.

But they didn't feel that it could really be as strong as the assistant viewer said.

"Of course we have to give it a try. How can our enemy and the treasure on his body be easily swallowed by him?"

Daxuan Island Taishang enshrines first.

He was already very unwilling, and immediately frenziedly mobilized his spiritual power to attack the three-legged Golden Crow with the power of Burning Heaven Profound Flame.

Rumble! Billowing black flames filled the void, bombarding the three-legged Golden Crow frantically.

The next moment, a shocking scene appeared! No matter how powerful Xuan Yan was, the three-legged Golden Crow stood upside down in the void, with a slight look of contempt and disdain between the slender eyebrows and eyes.

As the spirit of fire and the saint of fire, attacking with fire means has almost no effect on it.

Hey! A moment later, the three-legged Golden Crow uttered a loud cry and flapped its wings lightly.

Two golden winged shadows rippling out, piercing through the burning sky Xuanyan easily, making the attack by the priest of Daxuan Island fruitless! "Damn it!"

The Grand Priest of Daxuan Island turned pale, and his mood was even worse.

This is not only his personal frustration, but also means a fact that is hard for him to accept.

That is the Burning Sky Profound Flame of Daxuan Island, which is almost useless in front of the Golden Crow's blood in the Golden Crow Temple!

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