Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6209--Andrew Immortal Jue Shows His Power

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"It's good that you understand."

Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

In fact, he didn't care about having one or two more opponents.

If the other party insists on attacking him, the big deal is to deal with it together.

It's just that he still has to do what he promised Ge Yongsheng.

In any case, it was Ge Yongsheng's "credit" that he was able to find Jiuqiao Qishan.

If the other party hadn't pointed out the clue in the secret realm, he wouldn't have been able to find the mysterious reddish-brown iron piece.

Maybe there will be no opportunities in the future, and in the end, it will not be possible to get the Jiuqiao Qishan.

"Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, the old man apologizes to Fellow Daoist Jiang on behalf of my Ba Dao Sect, and thanks to Fellow Daoist Jiang for his help to Ge Yongsheng in the secret realm. Now that the old man has returned to the sect, I will bid farewell!"

After Ba Dao Zong Taishang thanked him again, he turned around decisively and ran away.

"A misunderstanding almost led to a life-and-death battle, which is really thrilling."

The Elder of the Five Elements Sect Taishang twisted his beard and smiled, stepped back again, kept a distance from the crowd, and drew a clear line of demarcation.

"Hmph, Ba Dao Zong Taishang is really a coward. Jiang Tian can't help but let him retreat. It's ridiculous to miss so many precious opportunities!"

"No way, everyone has their own ambitions, since he doesn't want to seize the opportunity, we can't miss it!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​so what if you helped Ge Yongsheng? Is it possible that the Supreme Elder of Ba Dao Sect will stay and help you die?"

"Hey! Your wishful thinking has come to nothing, aren't you disappointed?"

"Now it's our turn to make a move, and you're going to have to hold your grudge for this after all!"

Boom boom boom boom! The violent roar resounded through the void, and the auras of dozens of great powers in the starry sky skyrocketed.

Most of these people came from the forces of the marriage contest, but some of them were moved by the news and came to join in the fun and seize the treasure.

But regardless of their origins, they have become Jiang Tian's mortal enemies at this moment, eager to suppress him and seize the treasure! "good very good!"

The Grand Priest of Daxuan Island, who had been severely injured by Jiang Tian just now, did not leave.

Witnessing the scene in front of him, he became excited again.

He teamed up with the deputy head of the Golden Crow Temple, but failed to take down Jiang Tian.

This time, dozens of people encircle together, and Jiang Tian is bound to lose miserably.

When the war is over, he will take some credit no matter what, so as to grab a good treasure from Jiang Tian's rich net worth.

Jiang Tian scanned the audience, with murderous intent in his eyes! At this moment, the Supreme Elder of the Five Elements Sect did not make a move, but he did not leave decisively like the Supreme Protector of the Ba Saber Sect.

Still watching! Obviously, he is still struggling in his heart and doesn't want to miss the opportunities that may arise.

Jiang Tian withdrew his gaze and looked at the dozens of enemies whose breath was surging.

This is not the first time he has faced the power of the starry sky realm! After all the previous experiences, facing an opponent of this level again, he has calmed down a lot.

After all, in terms of individual cultivation, these dozens of people are inferior to the offerings and guardians of the Yun family.

It is also not as good as the top powers on Shenyuan Island.

It's just that they are more in number, which can make up for the lack of cultivation to a certain extent.

Facing such a situation, Jiang Tian did not hesitate at all.

Big hand wave! "Xianjue, get up!"

Rumble! Nine-colored radiance filled the void, and the aura of "Xian Jue" surged towards everyone first.



Everyone has witnessed the power of the "Immortal Art", and they have long been mentally prepared.

Immediately retreat left and right, trying to avoid the attack of "Xian Jue".

But they still underestimated the power of "Xian Jue".

I saw Jiang Tian waved his right hand across the air, and the diffuse nine-color brilliance split into two, blasting towards the opponents who were avoiding on the left and right.

"Damn it!"

"not good!"

"Ah!" Rumble, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! The terrible roar resounded through the void! The two nine-color radiances on the left and right frantically displayed their power, swallowing more than a dozen figures in the blink of an eye.

Accompanied by shrill and desperate screams, these dozen starry sky realm powers were severely injured by the "Xian Jue".

Several of them fell directly on the spot! Several other people were also seriously injured, and their combat power was greatly damaged! "Go back!"


These injured starry sky realm powers quickly turned back, preparing to avoid the attack range of "Xian Jue".

This magic weapon is amazingly powerful, one attack has such an effect, if they do it again, they will definitely die.

They retreated quickly, seemingly reacting extremely quickly.

But after all, I still underestimated Jiang Tian's methods! Hum rumbling! The void on the right twisted and oscillated, and purple light suddenly appeared! A figure wrapped in purple light flashed out on their way of retreat.

It's none other than Jiang Tian! "Tyrannosaurus Strike!"

Boom, boom, boom! Jiang Tian shook his fists together, and the two fists shrouded in purple light crazily blasted out.

A violent explosion ensued! These severely injured starry sky masters were hit by the physical strength of the "tyrannosaurus battle body", and they died screaming one by one! Hum rumbling! The purple light flashed wildly in the void on the left, Jiang Tian seemed to launch a surprise attack! "hiss!"

"Go back!"

Everyone didn't want to repeat the same mistakes, and immediately evaded frantically at the fastest speed.

"Sword domain, town!"

Rumble! However, this time, Jiang Tian did not attack as close as before.

On the front is to fully unfold the purple-black "Sword Field", and decisively open the "Star Sword Body".

Under the blessing of the billowing purple starlight, the purple-black "Sword Domain" radiated soaringly, bursting out an astonishing sword-like coercion.

Frowning like a giant purple mill, it circled down with shrinking brows, imprisoning more than a dozen opponents without any explanation.

"Damn it!"


"rush out!"

Several of these dozens of people were seriously injured, and most of the rest had not had time to make a move.

They were shrouded in the "Sword Domain" together.

With the sharp contraction of the "Sword Domain", it seemed to be trapped in a pool of mud.

Boom boom boom boom! There were violent roars one after another, and the breath of the uninjured starry realm powers surged, scrambling to get rid of the confinement of the "Sword Field".

But those who were seriously injured were not so lucky.

As the purple-black "Sword Field" hovered and shrunk crazily, their bodies became heavier and heavier. Seeing that something was going wrong, they prepared to use life-saving measures.


There was a roar of thunderous drinking! Jiang Tian decisively detonated the "Sword Field".

Boom, boom, boom! Amidst the terrifying roar, these several seriously injured Starry Sky Realm masters were engulfed by the violent sword intent and fell on the spot.


"Damn it!"

The screams sounded! Three figures forcibly broke free from the remaining power of the "Sword Field" that exploded.

They were not injured before, but they didn't have time to escape from the "Sword Field".

He was severely injured in the frenzy of sword intent, and his combat power was greatly damaged! "Star Splitting Finger!"

"Thunder formation!"

Crack, bang! Bang rumble! The giant finger of the white star suddenly flashed, and it slammed on the man in the middle with one finger, and it exploded suddenly.

The giant finger pierced through the chest of the starry sky realm power, and forcibly tore apart his fleshy body.

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