Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

This place is located at the edge of the Yun family's territory, coupled with the attention of the powerful from all sides, staying here is likely to attract other risks.

Weifeng and Weiyu's cultivation has reached the bottleneck, and they are not far away from advancing.

"Young Master, Sister Su Wan" "No need to say more, I already know."

Jiang Tian waved his hand lightly, interrupting Wei Feng.

Since Su Wan was taken away by the Phoenix Clan, it is obvious that she will not be able to meet in a short time.

Because he didn't know where the territory of the Huang Clan was.

And even if he knew, he might not be able to do anything in a short time.

After all, the background of the Phoenix Clan is not inferior to that of the Phoenix Clan.

Regardless of whether it is the Phoenix Clan, the Huang Clan, or the Kun Clan and the Peng Clan, they are all forces comparable to the Dragon Clan.

Neither one is easy to deal with.

"Your cultivation has reached the bottleneck, it's time to break through!"

Jiang Tian used the "Empty Transformation Formation" to move on.

After leaving the territory of the Yun family thousands of miles away, they stopped above a primeval mountain forest.

Looking down, the spiritual clouds here are lingering, and the spiritual energy is quite strong, which is the ideal place for retreat and advancement.

"This storage ring contains some pills and fire-attributed treasures that assist advancement, which should be enough for you to complete this advancement!"

"Thank you son!"

The two sisters were pleasantly surprised when they received the storage ring.

"Don't waste time, go, I will protect the law for you!"

"Yes, son!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were grateful, so naturally they didn't dare to waste time.

Landing on a mountain peak surrounded by spiritual mist, he opened the storage ring and sorted out the pills and treasures of heaven and earth.

After some preparations, he immediately began to attack the bottleneck of cultivation.

A few months ago, they had already reached the half-step Star River Realm.

And in the past few months, they have not been lazy, and have been quietly accumulating strength.

Until now, Jiang Tian returned, and they finally ushered in the opportunity to advance! "Sister, are you ready?"

"Sister, let's start!"

rumble! Rumble! Accompanied by two dull roars, the two sisters each released their bloodline spiritual power.

The tyrannical fire spirit power intertwined and circled soaring into the sky, turning into a majestic red pillar of fire.

The two sisters continued to swallow the pills and treasures of heaven and earth, and their blood and spiritual power increased step by step.

The bottleneck of the cultivation base shakes violently, and the advancement has begun! "good!"

Jiang Tian's face was full of relief.

After so many twists and turns, Wei Feng and Wei Yu finally embarked on the journey of advancement.

But this time, no one should be able to interrupt their advancement.

Jiang Tian fell on the nearby mountain to protect them.

Rumble! The huge spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth rolled backwards and merged into a huge vortex in mid-air.

The soaring fire pillar condensed by the two sisters is like a torch going straight to the center of the vortex.

boom! Accompanied by a violent roar, this spiritual vortex was instantly ignited.

The entire void seemed to turn into a sea of ​​flames! "very good!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

This drastic change is exactly the powerful anomaly caused by the "homologous blood" of the fire attribute.

The spiritual energy billowing from heaven and earth poured madly through the red pillar of fire.

In less than an hour, the breath of the two sisters has reached its peak, and the bottleneck of cultivation is about to be completely broken! hum! At this moment, something unexpected happened to him! Accompanied by a strange noise, an invisible coercion descended on the sea of ​​flames out of thin air, making its aura suddenly condense.

Then it stopped climbing! "Um?"

Jiang Tian frowned, feeling inappropriate.

"Phantom Eye, open!"

Buzz! Jiang Tian thought someone was making trouble, but there was no one in sight.

But above the sea of ​​flames, there was a translucent membrane of spiritual power firmly covering it, preventing the two sisters from continuing to break through.

"I see!"

Jiang Tian realized the problem.

The bottleneck faced by the two sisters is not only the bottleneck of their own cultivation, but also the suppression of external spiritual power.

This situation is relatively rare, but not unique.

There are similar records in some martial arts classics.

This kind of situation often occurs when the martial artist advances too fast, or when the background is insufficient.

At the threshold that is about to break through, it will be suppressed by the will of the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

There are roughly two ways to solve this situation! One: take direct action to break or counteract the suppression of spiritual power, and help the two sisters break through directly; second: use some special means to strengthen the blood spiritual power of the two sisters, allowing them to complete the advancement with their own strength.

Both approaches have pros and cons.

The first method is equivalent to external assistance, which artificially reduces the difficulty of advancement and makes it easy to advance.

But this method has a disadvantage, that is, it is not beneficial to the improvement of the advanced person's own strength.

Because in this way, the two sisters are equivalent to one less training, unable to experience the deep feeling of resisting extreme suppression.

After advanced, their strength will be relatively limited.

After all, without extreme tempering, even if it is successfully advanced, it is equivalent to flowers in the greenhouse, weak seedlings that have not experienced wind and rain.

In the long run, it won't do any good for the martial artist's improvement.

The second method, the advantages and disadvantages are more obvious! Its advantage is that it can strengthen the strength of the two sisters, allowing them to complete breakthroughs on their own after their strength is improved.

The downside is that even if they do this, there is a possibility of failure. If they are not strong enough, they may not be able to complete the advancement at critical moments.

And the situation in front of us can be said to be quite serious! With the strength of the two sisters, that invisible membrane of spiritual power seemed to be extremely difficult to break.

Jiang Tian didn't have much time to think about it, so he had to make a move! After weighing it briefly, he decisively chose the second method! Of course he wants to help the two sisters advance, it is impossible to watch them fail.

Especially Wei Feng, she has already been blocked once before, if she is hit again this time, the whole future of martial arts will be cast a heavy shadow.

It is very likely that you will never be able to break through this threshold in your life! "Incinerator Array Fire, Four Spirits Profound Flame, go up!"

Rumble! Jiang Tian filled the field with both hands, and two spiritual flames with different natures suddenly rolled out wildly.

They didn't directly bombard the invisible spiritual power membrane that suppressed advancement, but went straight to the two sisters.

Although these two different fires are powerful, they are not a fatal threat to Wei Feng and Wei Yu.

And under Jiang Tian's control, their power is also controlled just right.


"Young master is making a move!"

The two sisters noticed the change in their spiritual power, and they immediately lifted their spirits! Just now they were worried that they would not be able to complete this advanced step, but now they are instantly full of confidence.

"Don't waste your spiritual power!"


The two sisters immediately unfolded their blood talent, crazily devouring the spiritual power sent by Jiang Tian.

This power will not alleviate the suppression of the spiritual membrane, but it can greatly strengthen their own power.

But as to whether they can break through this bottleneck, it still depends on themselves! Boom boom boom boom!

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