Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

Either the other party didn't care about his threat, or he didn't have the super intelligence he imagined.

Instead, driven by some kind of instinct, it is constantly devouring the sword intent sent by him.

It's just that this power is too difficult to capture, even with the help of the "Star Sword Body", he can only sense it a little bit, if he makes a move himself, he may still be slipped away by the opponent.

And he didn't have enough understanding of that power, so he shouldn't be rash.

After a brief weighing, Jiang Tian had an idea! "Scarlet Snow Sword Essence!"

hum! The red and white sword blades came out in response, floating in front of him.

Jiang Tian raised his hand to caress the strange blade, his eyes full of hope.

Since that power is extremely sensitive to sword intent, and it is difficult to capture it with ordinary means, he simply let Chi Xue Sword Essence have a try.

He understands that it is risky to do so.

But it's worth a try! "go!"

Whoosh! With a flash of light, Chixue Sword Essence flew into the golden lake.

The spiritual mind firmly locked the sword essence, and the body of the star sword also unfolded, carefully sensing the changes in the sword's intention under the lake.

After Chixue's sword marrow entered the lake, slender threads of sword intent began to spew out from the edge of the sword.

In a blink of an eye, that mysterious force reappeared and began to devour the sword intent.

Almost in an instant, he went backwards and reached the main body of the sword marrow! boom! There was a violent collision sound, which made Jiang Tian's heart tremble! But he didn't shoot blindly, but controlled according to the established method.

"Chixue Sword Essence, Swallow!"

Boom! The red and white rays of light rose sharply, and the Chixue Sword Essence burst out with powerful devouring power, trying to devour that special power.

Rumble! Then there was a violent roar! That power seemed unwilling to be swallowed by the sword marrow, and also began to erupt, confronting Chi Xue's sword marrow tit for tat.

Boom boom boom boom! The two wills competed under the surface of the lake, and they couldn't stand each other for a while! Jiang Tian used "Phantom Eye" and Divine Sense to investigate at the same time, but only saw a vague existence.

It does not have a fixed shape, sometimes it looks like a long snake, and sometimes it looks like a ball.

In a blink of an eye, it changed into various weird forms, and started a contest with the sword marrow.

The sword intent released by Chixue Sword Essence was completely swallowed by it, making its aura stronger and stronger.

"It's no way to go on like this!"

If the power of Chixue Sword Essence continues to be consumed, it will be difficult to resist the opponent's impact in the end.

Jiang Tian frowned and thought deeply, and decided to give it a go.

Sure enough, put away the sword intent of Chi Xue's sword marrow! hum! The sword intent was restrained, only the red and white blade body of the Chixue sword was soaked in the golden liquid.

That mysterious force seemed to see the hope of victory, and its momentum rose instantly! In an instant, the Chixue sword essence was wrapped.

Boom boom boom! A dull roar followed, and the entire lake shook.

The mysterious power became more and more excited, dragging the Chixue sword essence to wander in the lake, as if it was already the master of the sword essence.

Jiang Tian was somewhat worried, but he found that Chixue Sword Essence showed no obvious signs of damage.

After putting aside his worries, Jiang Tian began to fight back! "Chixue Sword Essence, swallow again!"

Following his urging from the air, Chixue's sword marrow aura suddenly erupted, swallowing that power forcefully! Rumble! A violent roar followed, and the body of the sword marrow trembled crazily, causing strong fluctuations under the surface of the lake.

Soon the entire lake of spiritual power was in turmoil.


Jiang Tian didn't dare to neglect, and immediately urged the sword marrow to leave the lake.

The scene that followed surprised him! I saw a strange golden light hovering around the sword pith, and one end of it was submerged into the sword pith.

"how so?"

Jiang Tian frowned, very surprised.

He originally thought that the Chixue Sword Essence had swallowed that power, but now it seems that is not the case.

Judging from the exposed golden light, it has not been completely swallowed! Before he had time to think about this, Jiang Tian immediately urged the sword marrow to start refining! Starting from the lower realm, Chixue Sword Essence devoured and refined a large number of magic weapons and special materials.

Although this golden light is a bit weird, it should not be difficult to refine it.

But what happened next surprised Jiang Tian even more.

He tried his best to activate the Chixue Sword Essence, but the refining speed was extremely slow, so slow that there was almost no progress.

It wasn't until half an hour later that there was a little effect! "so slow?"

Jiang Tian frowned.

It seems that it is quite difficult to refine this power.

But at the same time, he also discovered a phenomenon! The moment the golden light left the lake, his own sword intent began to fluctuate continuously.

This is not an unexpected situation, Jiang Tian had expected it.

But at the same time, he had an idea.

"Star sword body, go up!"

Rumble! Jiang Tian activated the "Star Sword Body" and poured a large amount of purple star light into the sword marrow to help it refine the golden light.

In the next half an hour, the refining speed was obviously accelerated, but only relatively speaking.

In fact, the speed of refining is still extremely slow.

But the benefits are obvious! Although Chi Xue Jian Essence only refined a small amount of golden light, its aura has been significantly improved! Let alone about 10%! "It has such an effect after refining only a little bit. If all of it is refined, wouldn't the aura of the sword marrow increase several times?"

Jiang Tian was shocked by this.

With the improvement of his cultivation base, the sword intent also skyrocketed.

The power of the Chixue Sword Essence naturally increased accordingly, but relatively speaking, the Sword Essence itself did not change fundamentally.

It is only with the help of the sword intent that improves with the cultivation base that stronger power can be erupted.

It is obviously not easy to fundamentally increase the power of the sword marrow.

But now, he saw hope.

And this hope is already in sight, even in hand! Just want to cash it out, it will take some time.


With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, Chixue Sword Essence flew back upside down surrounded by golden light.

He released his divine sense to cover the golden light, it still exudes a dreadful aura, but it can no longer escape the confinement of Chixue Sword Essence.

After observing for a while, Jiang Tian raised his hand to touch it, and felt it carefully.

"Sword intent!"

This golden light is also some kind of sword intent.

Turning his gaze, he landed on the golden lake of spiritual power at his feet.

This golden light is likely to be the special "sword intent" naturally evolved from the golden lake.

Otherwise, it shouldn't be able to hide perfectly under the surface of the lake.

Jiang Tian believed in his own judgment, but no matter what, this special "sword intent" had been imprisoned by Chi Xue's sword marrow.

Next, it only needs to spend time to refine it, and this benefit can be fully realized.

"It seems that it is all at fault."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, relieved.

After sealing the Chixue Sword Essence in his fingertips, he did not forget to reap some benefits.

After devouring a large amount of golden psychic liquid with the "Swallowing Void Art", he quickly returned to the passage above.

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