Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6251 bold proposal

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"The 'Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation' is powerful and has frequent changes. What if he stirs around inside and causes trouble?"

"Sovereign Lord, let him stop!"


Ji Tianke shook his head and sighed, "You are wrong, on the contrary, he is not destroying the big formation, but trying to deal with the change of the big formation!"


"The 'Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation' has changed again?"

The refining masters were deeply surprised, but they already realized that the high-level sect should be planning some major events.

It's just that they don't usually participate in sect affairs, so they don't know the details.

"Several masters should have noticed that the ground veins have subsided, and that is Jiang Tian's credit!"

Ji Tianke pointed to the collapsed mountain and explained to several people.

"That's right, the earth veins have indeed subsided, and even the refining array has stabilized a lot!"

"Unexpectedly, it turned out that he solved the abnormal movement of the earth's veins!"

"This Jiang Tian is really not easy!"

After hearing what Ji Tianke said, several people looked at Jiang Tian again, their eyes were a little burning.

What kind of secret is hidden in this young junior who only has the cultivation of the star river realm?

Let him not only calm down the abnormal movement of the earth's pulse, but also control the fire of the burning device, and use this fire to try to suppress the mutation of the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation"?

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts full of doubts.

After a brief silence, they suddenly thought of the point.

"My lord, what happened to the 'Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation'?"

"If possible, we are willing to do our best to help the sect resolve the changes in the formation!"

Several people expressed their opinions one after another.

Compared with the heavy weapons of the sect that are being refined, the weight of the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation" is obviously heavier.

Even if the former fails, it will not endanger the foundation of the sect, and if the latter gets out of control, it may directly destroy the sect! Which is more important, they can naturally tell the difference.

"The situation is unknown, it is not appropriate to act rashly!"

Ji Tianke waved his hand and declined, he was waiting for the result of Jiang Tian's move.

Even if the change in the formation cannot be resolved, it will be of some use if the cause can be found out.

Rumble! The dull roar kept coming out, and Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the formation, was quite excited at the moment! The power of the flames of the incinerator was somewhat beyond his expectation, and as soon as Fang opened it, he suppressed the saber intent in all directions.

Part of the saber intent was even refined by the spiritual flame! "The flames of the incinerator are so strong!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of strange light, and he couldn't help but look at this spiritual flame with admiration.

He had long known the power of the burning fire, but he never thought that this special saber intent, which made all kinds of spiritual power helpless, could be refined by it.

Although it cannot be used up completely, as long as a part of it can be consumed, it is enough to surprise him.

"The incinerator bursts into flames, raise it for me!"

Rumble! Jiang Tian waved his arms together, and the flames of the incinerator burst into flames, turning against the guest and pressing against the majestic sword intent in all directions.


"Driven from the heart, swaying freely, the powerful incinerator flames are actually controlled by him to such an extent!"

"To be able to drive the strange fire in this way, this person must have reached the level of a refiner!"


I'm afraid you underestimated him, I think he should already have the ability of a senior craftsman! "

The leader, the white-haired old man in golden robe, spoke in a deep voice, correcting his companion's judgment.


"Senior refining master!"

"Is this a bit exaggerated?"

The three companions were a little embarrassed.

The four of them are senior craftsmen, and according to the old man, Jiang Tian is at the same level as them.

But they are all very old, and the worst cultivation base is also the peak of the Galaxy Realm.

Jiang Tian is too young, and his cultivation is only at the early stage of the Galaxy Realm.

They have never seen such a young senior master craftsman! "Don't you believe it?

May I ask how many people I wait for, who can control the flames of the incinerator better than him? "

The white-haired old man in the golden robe asked in a deep voice.

The three companions looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"It's true that he can't. Just judging from the control of the strange fire, his level may not be inferior to ours!"

"However, there are many kinds of strange fires. Just because he can control the fire of the incinerator, it doesn't mean he can control other spiritual flames!"

"You're right, I think so too!"

The three senior refining masters seem to have found a little balance.

But before the words were finished, a scene that surprised them appeared! "Four Spirits Profound Flame!"

Rumble! Amidst the violent roar, Jiang Tian released another strange fire.

Two different fires, one left and one right, respectively attacked the saber intent in the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation".

And the result is also very different, the "Four Spirits Profound Flame" on the left is obviously not as effective as the "Incinerator Array Fire" on the right.


With a wave of his left hand, Jiang Tian removed the "Four Spirits Profound Flame", leaving only the "Incinerator Array Fire".

"This..." The master craftsman who spoke just now was full of embarrassment.

"Hey, I didn't expect him to be able to drive the 'Four Spirits Profound Flame'!"

"This is also a rare strange fire, so to speak, he has already controlled two different fires!"

"Controlling two different fires at the same time, his refining aptitude is really high, it's rare!"

The white-haired old man in the golden robe couldn't help but sigh.

Ji Tianke shook his head and said: "In addition to these two different fires, he also controls the 'Xuanbing Forbidden Fire'!"


"Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire!"

"Hiss! This is the strangely cold flame, which is completely different from other strange fires. Has he really controlled it?"

"You think I'm joking?"

Ji Tianke didn't answer the question, and there was a little disdain in his words.

Several refining masters understood that the other party was not joking.

And as the master of a sect, it is impossible to make such a joke with them.

"If that's the case, it's an exaggeration!"

"To control three different fires at the same time, and with different cold attributes, even in the crafting industry, he is an extremely rare enchanting wizard!"

"Perhaps besides these types, he also controls other strange fires?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to speak out to refute.

Jiang Tian was able to control three kinds of different fires with different cold and heat, and naturally he could also control more types of spiritual flames.

There is no need to guess at this point, unless he has not encountered it, otherwise it will not take much effort to control other spiritual flames.

"This is a craftsman, my lord, I have a bold proposal!"

The white-haired old man in the golden robe narrowed his eyes sharply, and spoke in a deep voice.


"This kind of weapon refining wizard is hard to come by. I also ask the suzerain to keep him in this sect no matter what. With this person's help, the follow-up refining plan will be twice the result with half the effort, and the foundation of this sect will reach an unprecedented level." laugh!"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Tianke's sneer.

The master of the sect shook his head again and again, his face full of bitterness.

"The proposals of several masters are certainly good, but I have to tell you that this is purely whimsical!"

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