Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

The reason for the regret is that the sword intent devoured and fused by the "Star Sword Body" is the original sword intent of the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation", which has not been strengthened in any way.

Although it is good for him to do so, it is tantamount to losing part of the gains in vain.

It's just that after thinking about it, it's not a big deal.

It is impossible for him to stay in Ba Dao Sect forever, and the time he stays in the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation" is relatively limited.

It is impossible to safely wait until after leaving, and then integrate those strengthened sword intentions.

Doing so seems to have more benefits, but in fact it has more losses.

Therefore, at this moment, he will not refuse anyone! While urging the "Star Sword Body" to devour the sword intent in the fusion formation.

At the same time, he performed the "Swallowing Void Art", swallowing the sword intent into his body, and pouring it into the small lake of golden spirit liquid.

"Jiang Daoyou, do you have any questions?"

Ji Tianke asked aloud, intending to remind Jiang Tian if he needed help, or to withdraw from the formation.

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said: "Sect Master Ji, please be safe and don't be impatient. I have initially found a way to resist the will of the formation, but I still need some time to make some attempts."

"Find a solution?"

"real or fake?"

The elders of the Tyrant Sword Sect and the master craftsmen were skeptical, unable to hide their shock.

"Jiang Daoyou is fine, don't worry, as long as there is no danger, just go ahead and try!"

Ji Tianke nodded again and again, secretly relieved, but also surprised.

He didn't expect that Jiang Tian really had a way to resolve the suppression of the big formation.

As for whether it can solve the crisis of the big formation, it obviously needs more patience.

It is related to the safety of the sect, of course he will not be confused, he must give Jiang Tian more time! "Tun Tun Tun, Tun Tun for me!"

Rumble boom boom! Jiang Tian continued to use the "Swallowing Void Art", swallowing the majestic sword intent in the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation" into his stomach, and fused it into the golden liquid.

The turmoil in the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation" gradually showed signs of retreating.

But the small golden spirit lake in his body has gradually become full, and it is almost full, which means that it will not be able to integrate more sword intent.

"If I had known this earlier, it would be better to swallow some more psychic liquid under the veins of the earth."

Jiang Tian frowned and sighed, very depressed.

It's just that when he was in the ground veins before, he never expected this situation.

Moreover, the earth veins have just gotten rid of the abnormal movement. If they swallow too much, it may cause new turmoil, so we have to be cautious.

"I can't control so much. If the golden spirit lake can't hold more, then use the 'star sword body' to devour the sword intent!"

Jiang Tian made a decision.

In the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation", he will never repeat the situation in the Earth Vessel Spirit Lake, he must let go of his hands and feet and eat it to his full! "It's not enough to be very full. If you want to eat, just eat it to your heart's content!"

Rumble! The violent roar resounded non-stop, and Jiang Tian used the "Swallowing Void Art" to continuously devour the sword intent of the formation.

After a while, the golden spirit lake in the body was full and could not absorb any more.

But he didn't stop, but turned on the "Star Sword Body" to fuse more sword intents! Rumble boom boom! In just a few moments before and after, huge waves rolled violently in the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation", forming a huge depression with him as the center! The hob intention came from all directions at an accelerated speed, pouring into his body frantically.


"What an amazing method!"

"The method is amazing, but his courage is really shocking!"

"Yeah, how did he endure the power of devouring so much power in a short period of time?"

The elders of the Tyrant Sword Sect watched the scene in the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation" and felt the change in the atmosphere of the formation, and they were all shocked.

The four senior refining masters were stunned again at this moment! "It seems that his martial arts talent is even more amazing than his weapon refining talent!"

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

"No wonder the suzerain said that this sect can't keep him at all. It's really hard for me, Ba Dao Sect, to be worthy of him for such a super evildoer!"

"Both weapons and weapons, aptitude against the sky, if this kid can grow steadily, he will definitely become a super power in the Megatron Central Domain!"

The four refining masters stared at Jiang Tian, ​​and there were waves of turmoil in their minds.

At this moment, they have completely thrown the Zongmen's heavy weapons that are being refined into the sky.

Only the figure in the big formation that stirred up the situation was in his eyes, and all kinds of frenzy of thoughts related to Jiang Tian fell back in his mind.

Rumble boom boom! As Jiang Tian continued to devour, the berserk aura of the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation" fell back almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nearly an hour later, the aura of the entire formation has weakened significantly! "too strong!"

"It's incredible!"

"The current breath intensity of the 'Da Yantian Thorn Formation' is lower than the calmest period in my memory!"

"That's right, it took Jiang Tian less than two hours to make the aura of the formation reach its lowest point in thousands or even tens of thousands of years. It's an amazing miracle!"

The elders of the Tyrant Sword Sect were full of emotions and their hearts were full of shock.

The senior master craftsman in golden robe and white hair felt more and more regretful that the Tyrannical Sword Sect could not keep Jiang Tian.

If possible, he is even willing to give up the position of the chief refining master.

But he understands that a super evildoer with such heaven-defying aptitude is destined not to be able to carry it by a power like the Tyrannical Sword Sect.

Even if he is really willing to stay, it is very likely that he will bring all kinds of troubles to the Tyrannical Sword Sect in the near future.

Because if forces at the same level knew the news, they would never sit back and watch Jiang Tian grow up smoothly.

Especially those hostile forces will definitely do everything possible to target Jiang Tian.

Then, Ba Dao Zong not only won't get much benefit, but will also face endless troubles.

As for the higher-level forces, once they know of Jiang Tian's existence, they are likely to ask the Tyrant Sword Sect for someone directly.

If Tyrant Sword Sect cooperates, that's fine.

If you dare not follow, the only way to wait for this sect is to perish! "There is no shortage of monsters and geniuses in this world, but existences like Jiang Tian are simply monsters among monsters and geniuses among geniuses!"

"Yeah, no matter where such a person goes, he will definitely shake one side!"

"But at the same time, it will also bring all kinds of turmoil to the place where it is located!"

"Without a deep enough foundation and a strong enough background, it is simply impossible to carry such a monstrous genius!"

"The Si people are right in front of us, but I, Ba Dao Sect, should have self-knowledge, and should throw away delusions and face reality!"

Everyone sighed deeply, and sighed for Jiang Tian, ​​a future power who was doomed to miss.

Boom boom boom boom! The engulfment is still going on, and the aura of the "Da Yan Tian Thorn Formation" has dropped again and again, which has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

"not bad, very good!"

The suzerain Ji Tianke was full of excitement and was overjoyed.

At first, he didn't think that Jiang Tian could handle the change of the formation smoothly.

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