Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6379--Andrew Reward List

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The things above the ninth floor are obviously more important, so that they can only be viewed with the permission of the hall master.

Obviously, the things on those two floors have nothing to do with him for the time being.

The middle-aged woman stepped forward and led Jiang Tian and the others into the seventh-floor hall.

The pavilion is very large, and there is a space magic circle inside. From the outside, the entire pavilion is less than a thousand feet in radius.

But from the inside, it is more than dozens of times.

The internal space reaches an astonishing tens of thousands of square meters! There are rows of storage racks and storage tables inside, filled with many treasures of heaven and earth.

All are rare refining materials and auxiliary materials.

The middle-aged woman led Jiang Tian all the way, and after going deep into the seven-story hall for more than ten thousand feet, he stopped in front of a storage table.

Dozens of fist-sized silver crystals are stacked on it, which is Xuanshui Gengjin! "This is Xuanshui Gengjin, please take a look at it."

"Is that all?"

Jiang Tian swept his mind and asked immediately.


Hearing his tone, the middle-aged woman was a little surprised.

"There are at least a hundred yuan here, isn't it enough?"

She stared at Jiang Tian with surprise on her face.

Xuanshui Gengjin is extremely difficult to refine on the one hand, and the demand is extremely limited on the other.

Although its value is indeed not low, in fact, most refiners will not take the initiative to choose this kind of thing, and even avoid it intentionally.

Because its refining is too difficult, and it is not completely irreplaceable.

The vast majority of refiners will find ways to bypass this material and use other materials and methods to solve certain special needs.

"The more the better!"

Jiang Tian said.

"I'm sorry, there is only so much Xuanshui Gengjin in stock in this hall for the time being."

The middle-aged woman shook her head regretfully, somewhat depressed in her heart.

Something like Xuanshui Gengjin may not be sold for a few yuan in a hundred or two hundred years.

It is strange that the other party still thinks it is too little for the more than one hundred yuan in front of him.

"What's the price?"

Jiang Tian asked.

"Each piece is priced at 100 million top-quality spirit crystals!"

The middle-aged woman smiled, and immediately regained some confidence.

A piece of 100 million top-quality spirit crystals is exactly the price given by Tianhuo Palace.

Although this price is not an astronomical figure, it is actually quite high for Xuanshui Gengjin! It is precisely for this reason that many people who are interested in it tend to be discouraged.

And because there is not much demand for this kind of thing itself, Tianhuo Temple will never sell it at a reduced price.

100 million top-grade spirit crystals, if used to buy other materials, you can even buy a lot of them! And no matter how those materials are combined, their practicability and actual value will greatly exceed that of a mere piece of Xuanshui Gengjin at the same price.

Because of this, in her opinion, this price is enough to surprise the other party, and may even give up.

After all, the one standing in front of her was just a mid-star river realm warrior.

And his two maidservants are only in the early stages of the Star River Realm.

At the price of 100 million top-quality spirit crystals, even the great masters of the starry sky would frown, let alone a junior like him in the starry realm?

"I want it all."


Jiang Tian's understatement directly shocked the middle-aged woman! "Fellow Daoist, are you sure you want everything?"

brush! Jiang Tian didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw out a storage bag, which contained more than 10 billion top-quality spirit crystals.

Enough to buy more than one hundred pieces of Xuanshui Gengjin.

"This..." The middle-aged woman took a deep breath and couldn't help but start to re-examine the young man.

In the middle stage of the Star River Realm, spending more than 10 billion top-quality spirit crystals is like eating and drinking water, without blinking an eye.

This handwriting can be described as quite large! But what she was even more curious about was, what was the other party buying the more than one hundred pieces of Xuanshui Gengjin for?

For refining?

I'm afraid it's not that simple! Because the vast majority of instruments and treasures will not choose something like Xuanshui Gengjin.

Even if it cannot be bypassed, its usage will be reduced as much as possible.

And buying more than one hundred yuan of Xuanshui Gengjin at a time, the things the other party is going to refine are probably not ordinary treasures! "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, what is the use of buying so much Xuanshui Gengjin, fellow daoist?"

The middle-aged woman couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

"There are uses for the self."

Jiang Tian remained expressionless and responded lightly.

"Ah, the concubine is talking too much."

The middle-aged woman smiled awkwardly and didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, the transaction of more than 10 billion spirit crystals is just a piece of cake for Tianhuo Palace, and it may not even be a piece of cake.

At best, it is just a handful of spices in the huge number of transactions that are carried out every day.

The key point is that the other party spent these spirit crystals to buy a pile of Xuanshui Gengjin, which is usually almost no one cares about, which is a bit unusual.

"Fellow Daoist, do you need any other materials?"

asked the middle-aged woman.

"As a large-scale refining force, your Tianhuo Temple should have a method of refining Xuanshui Gengjin?"

"Refining method?"

The middle-aged woman was taken aback when she heard the words, and couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling.

This question made her feel a little strange.

The other party bought all the Xuanshui Gengjin, don't they know how to refine it?

What's the use of buying it if you don't understand it?


Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

"Yes, of course! Although Xuanshui Gengjin is extremely difficult to refine, it is still not difficult for our Tianhuo Temple."

The middle-aged woman nodded repeatedly, smiling and full of confidence.

"How to refine?"

"I must remind fellow daoists that what this temple sells are only refining materials, as well as magic tools, magic treasures, and talismans, and so on, and do not include refining methods. However, since fellow daoists are our guests, we will of course help if we can, but "just what?"

"According to the rules of this hall, the refining skills above the intermediate level are not passed on to outsiders. Unfortunately, the method of refining Xuanshui Gengjin belongs to the advanced category, so it cannot be directly provided."

"So you can't provide it?"

Jiang Tian frowned.

"No, there is another workaround, I wonder if you would like to give it a try?"

"what way?"

"Fellow Daoist, let's see!"

The middle-aged woman took out a token, injected it with spiritual power and shook it forward slightly.

hum! Amidst the buzzing sound, a light curtain appeared.

Jiang Tian looked intently! I saw lines of small characters appearing on the light curtain.

"Tianhuo Temple reward list!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help being a little surprised.

Taking a closer look, the things listed on this reward list not only include all kinds of materials and treasures that he has never heard of before.

There are also some magic tools, magic weapons, and talismans that he has never heard of.

"You Tianhuo Temple is not a place to sell these things, why do you still ask for them?"

"Fellow Daoists, don't be surprised. This is a normal transaction item of the hall. Some are urgently needed materials for the hall, and some are purchased on behalf of customers. As for those special magic weapons, magic tools, and talismans, they are intended to be bought for collection, or to enrich the foundation of the hall."

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