Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

Jiang Tian was happy and fearless, and sneered coldly.

Looking up towards the direction of Feizhou, he faced Elder Pang's contemptuous gaze.

"Dare to ask Elder Pang, what is the selection criteria for this mission?"

"Just you, are you worthy of discussing standards with the elders?"

"Boy, what qualifications do you have to question the elder?"

Before Elder Pang could answer, the two middle-aged warriors around him spoke first, mocking and angrily scolding.

It's clear that he doesn't like this star river realm junior.

"Don't be rude!"

Elder Pang suppressed the disdain in his heart, and interrupted them with a wave of his hand.

"In any case, he is a guest of this hall after all, and the face that should be given is still given, but the task is not a child's play. As for the selection criteria, you can understand it yourself, and I don't need to say more."

Although Elder Pang was relatively generous, he still couldn't hide the disdain in his heart.

After all, for a junior in the middle stage of the Galaxy Realm, it is extremely ridiculous to talk about the selection criteria in front of him.

"Hey! Just because of you, you want to fight with us?"

"Boy, I'm afraid you haven't woken up, why don't you know what's wrong with you?"

"Open your eyes and take a look at our cultivation base, is it comparable to your three-legged cat's kung fu?"

"Elder Pang doesn't need to reject you, we stand here, and we are an iron gate that you can't pass!"

Several people sarcastically sarcastically directed at Jiang Tian, ​​laughing at his lack of vision.

It's ridiculous that I want to compete with them in the middle of the galaxy.

As for the sisters Wei Feng and Wei Yu next to them, they ignored them directly.

A female cultivator like that at the beginning of the Star River Realm is no match for one of their fingers! "laugh!"

Facing the ridicule of the five people, Jiang Tian responded with a sneer.


"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

"In front of us, you still want to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail?"

"Believe it or not, we will teach you a lesson?"

Boom, boom, boom! The breath of the five people surged, trying to frighten Jiang Tian with their powerful aura.

Jiang Tian was full of disdain: "I laugh at you for being arrogant and self-righteous. Do you really think that the peak of the Galaxy Realm is great?"

"What did you say?"

"Good boy, this is the first time I've seen someone as arrogant and conceited as you!"

"Judging from your tone, it seems that we don't like the peaks of our star river realm. Well, let me meet you!"

boom! As soon as the words fell, a strong middle-aged man raised his right foot and came straight towards Jiang Tian.

A dull roar rippling from his body, wrapped in a tyrannical aura, rushed towards him like a ferocious monster.

Looking at that posture, it seems that Jiang Tian and the two sisters are going to be sent flying together! The four people standing in place and the three people on the flying boat were also ready to watch a joke.

They seemed to have seen the ridiculous scene of Jiang Tian's three people being knocked into the air, their noses were bruised, their faces were swollen, they were in a state of embarrassment, they even knelt down and begged for mercy, and they were full of remorse.

Boom! Just as they expected, the sound of violent collision suddenly sounded! The burly middle-aged man collided head-on with Jiang Tian, ​​and it was a head-to-head encounter.

But to everyone's surprise, Jiang Tian didn't hide! "Um?"

"Is he courting death?"

"This is what he asked for, huh?"


The voice suddenly stopped! Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, showing a look of astonishment! what did they see

They suddenly saw that the person who was knocked into the air was not Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the middle of the Galaxy Realm, but the fierce middle-aged man at the peak of the Galaxy Realm! "hiss!"

"How can it be?"

"I'm not dazzled, am I?"

Everyone on and off the flying boat was shocked! "How could this be?"

The middle-aged woman Song Qingwan was also stunned! She rubbed her eyes hard to make sure she was right.

"It turned out to be true, my God!"

The middle-aged woman looked at Jiang Tian again, as if seeing him for the first time.

This "junior" in the middle of the Galaxy Realm, standing still in place, actually knocked the peak of the Galaxy Realm away?

What surprised everyone even more was that the strong middle-aged man was the one who took the initiative to attack, while Jiang Tian was only passively defending.

Regardless of his cultivation level or his offensive and defensive abilities, Jiang Tian was completely passive.

But it was in this unfavorable situation that he bounced back and sent the opponent flying like an understatement.

It's incredible! "Um?"

"How can it be?"

On the flying boat, the two middle-aged warriors were shocked! Like the following five people, they are also at the peak of the Galaxy Realm.

Although self-regarded self-cultivation is superior, it is not far behind.

That person can be easily blown away, which means they are too! "This junior in the middle stage of the Galaxy Realm." The two looked at each other, hesitating to speak.

Elder Pang in the center stared at Jiang Tian and looked again and again, a strange light appeared in his eyes! "In the middle of the Star River Realm, there is such a combat power?"

As a great power in the starry sky, he can naturally see that Jiang Tian did not use his full strength in this collision.

The strong middle-aged man at the pinnacle of the Star River Realm was also missing, but in comparison, Jiang Tianke was much more relaxed.

That's an understatement! And such a fact, there is no way not to amaze him.

This means that Jiang Tian's real combat power is higher than what he saw, and it may be much higher! The combat power is completely above the peak of the Galaxy Realm, how strong is this kid?

The moment this thought came to mind, Elder Pang was shocked! "Impossible! How could I lose to him?"

The burly middle-aged man who was thrown aside was also shocked! Standing up in embarrassment, he looked at Jiang Tian in horror.

What just happened?

He hasn't even recovered yet! At that moment of collision, he felt as if he had hit a huge wall or a huge mountain.

That's right! A giant mountain that he cannot shake! "Impossible, no way!"

The strong middle-aged man let out a yell, ready to strike again.

"Forget it, his strength is indeed no worse than yours!"

"Let us meet him!"

Four people came up behind him.

Although they felt a little unbelievable, they understood that no matter how strong the middle-aged man made a move, it would be meaningless, instead he would only humiliate himself.

And the collision just now had already made them fearful.

If Jiang Tian was allowed to attack one by one, they would all risk losing.

And now the only way to save a bit of face and keep the eligibility for this mission is to find a way to defeat the opponent so that Elder Pang will not change his mind.

"I didn't expect you to have such combat power. If I'm not wrong, you probably have hidden your real cultivation, right?"

"Using such means to win is really disgraceful!"

"Since we are at the same level at the peak of the Star River Realm, and our combat power is so strong, it is not too much for the four of us to join forces."

Three of them sneered, making it clear that they wanted to take advantage of Jiang Tian, ​​and they said it so high-soundingly.

Song Qingwan next to "Pang" couldn't stand it any longer.

She wanted to remind Elder Pang, but found that the other party shook her head slowly, signaling her not to talk too much.

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