Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

Xuande's strength is not inferior to him, so it is unlikely that he would capsize in the gutter in the hands of a star river realm junior.

The most likely possibility is that it was transferred away by the other party's ingenious tricks, or trapped in a certain place with some special magic weapon or formation.

And that place shouldn't be too far away! Because Jiang Tian went and returned, and it took less than half a cup of tea before and after, even if he had the space escape technique, it was impossible for him to leave too far.

"Whether it's close or not, you'll be able to reunite with him soon."

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, with a strange look on his face.


Click! Xuanci's heart was shocked when he heard the words, and he felt bad! Looking at the other party's understatement, and tasting the meaning of his words, the situation is probably beyond his imagination.

Could it be that this person used some kind of powerful treasure or special magic circle to trap and kill the opponent?

This thought flashed by, and Xuanci couldn't hold back anymore! "Play tricks in front of me, die!"

He forced himself to dispel all kinds of uneasy thoughts, and bombarded Jiang Tian with all his strength.

"Elder Pang, you can't be idle!"

Jiang Tian glanced at Elder Pang, who had already swallowed a few pills and was trying to regain his breath.

But obviously, the embarrassment just now made him feel terrified, so that he didn't rush forward to join forces at the first time.

"Brother Su, I'm here!"

Elder Pang gritted his teeth, forced his spiritual power and rushed forward.

In fact, he did intend to take the opportunity to test Jiang Tian.

I want to see how much strength Jiang Tian can unleash when facing Xuan Ci alone?

Because he suspected that another silver-robed young man, Xuande, might have been "solved" by Jiang Tian! But when he heard Jiang Tian's call, he didn't dare to wait any longer.

Because once Jiang Tian made a mistake, he would not be able to protect himself.

"not good!"

Although Xuanci was furious, he was not stupid.

Seeing that the two started to join forces, he knew that he could no longer take advantage of it.

It is the best policy to leave decisively! "Want to go?"

Jiang Tian saw the opponent's thoughts, and waved a purple pattern with his right hand to trap him.

Hum rumbling! "break!"

Xuan Ci was also unambiguous, and he shot and bombarded the pattern with all his strength, eager to get out of the dangerous situation.

And the moment he forcibly pierced through the purple pattern, Jiang Tian and Elder Pang's mad attack came together.


Boom, boom, boom! Accompanied by a desperate scream, Xuan Ci was beheaded by the two together.

Elder Pang grabbed the air with his right hand, and grabbed Xuanci's fallen body back onto the flying boat.

"Brother Su, although this person has fallen, I must bring his body back to the Tianhuo Palace for investigation."

"This is a matter of your Tianhuo Temple, there is no need to explain it to me."

Jiang Tian waved his hand lightly and didn't care.

"No, no, I mean..." Elder Pang flipped his right hand, grabbed a silver storage ring from Xuan Ci, and held it in front of Jiang Tian with both hands.

"Brother Su, I will keep you, but I will give you this storage ring."

Then he couldn't help but put the storage ring in Jiang Tian's hand.

Jiang Tian smiled calmly, and opened the storage ring directly in front of him.

Crash! A pile of dazzling treasures of heaven and earth, as well as spiritual crystals, pills, etc. were immediately scattered on Feishao's front deck.

There are also several classics.

"Elder Pang, let's see, is there any clue?"

Elder Pang shook his head and smiled, but did not refuse.

Picking up a few classics, he glanced at them in a hurry, looked at those items again, and waved his hands again and again.

"Brother Su, you are being polite. These things are of no value to me and Tianhuo Temple, and they are actually nothing to you. You should put them away quickly."


Jiang Tian was not polite, put away these things, and directly threw the storage ring to Weifeng and Weiyu.

Elder Pang was somewhat surprised, but not too surprised after thinking about it.

After all, these two are maids, so it is normal for them to take care of these things.

It's just that Jiang Tian was too relieved, didn't he even keep a decent thing first?

At this moment, his impression of Jiang Tian deepened a bit.

Maybe this means that the other party doesn't like these things at all?

Elder Pang's heart skipped a beat, and he silently breathed out a sigh of relief.

To be honest, even he is a bit envious of the things in this storage ring.

If it wasn't for thanking the other party, he would definitely keep it for himself and not hand it in.

Rumble! At this moment, a fire-pattern flying boat rushed from the west and approached quickly.


Elder Pang frowned, showing hesitation.

When the flying boat approached and stopped, he immediately asked questions.

"Elder Song, why did you come so slowly? What do you mean by making a detour?"

Elder Pang pointed to the direction the flying boat came from, and asked with a frown.

Elder Song on the Huowen Flying Boat is an elder arranged by Tianhuo Temple in Shaking Sky City to take care of the flying boats. There are a group of good people under him.

Ordinarily, after he sent the summons, the other party should come soon, and the direction of coming should be Shaking City.

But it's clearly not right now! One is that it came very slowly, and the other is that the direction of arrival is not in the city of Shaking Sky, but a certain area to the west of the city of Shaking Sky.

This is obviously not in line with the rules! "Elder Pang is calm, it's not that Song is negligent on purpose, but he is performing another supporting task!"

"Oh, what's going on?"

Elder Pang asked.

"To be honest, Elder Xun's flying boat was also attacked, and the personnel and cargo suffered heavy losses. I just came back from there."

"Is there such a thing?"

Elder Pang frowned, and his face involuntarily sank.

He muttered to himself: "It's rare for two flying boats to be attacked in one direction at the same time. Could it be that someone targeted our Tianhuo Palace?"

"Hard to say!"

Elder Song said with a serious face: "Elder Pang may not know that it is not only your two flying boats that were attacked today, but also several other flying boats going in other directions!"

"so much?

It seems that someone is really targeting us! "

Elder Pang was taken aback, his face was as frosty.

"That's not necessarily the case. Apart from the flying boats of our Skyfire Palace, the flying boats of some other commercial firms and aristocratic families in Yaotian City have also been attacked!"

"what happened?"

Elder Pang frowned, deeply puzzled.

"Actually, the situation is much more than that. Apart from Shaking Sky City, it is said that the martial arts forces in the surrounding areas have also been frequently harassed recently."

"Hiss! This situation is very unusual, what happened?"

The corners of Elder Pang's eyes contracted, and he felt that things were very strange! Elder Song shook his head and said, "The situation is more complicated, and there are not many clues, but according to the analysis of the Lord Hall Master and the Presbyterian Church, as well as the communication between the various forces in the city, these people are basically not warriors from the surrounding area."

"That's right, neither were the two who attacked us just now!"

Elder Pang said loudly.

"That's right, so now there is a guess that these people are very likely..." Elder Song stopped suddenly halfway through his words, and glanced at Jiang Tian with hesitation.

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