Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6398--Andrew Facing the space storm

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At this moment, the problem of the "empty barrier" is no longer a real problem.

The disadvantages or hidden dangers of the "Empty Transformation Formation" are the real difficulties that need to be solved urgently! And after the lesson just now, it is not easy for him to continue to try at close range.

I can only find a safer place before making a move.

"Jin Lei Yao Falcon, protect them well, I am ten thousand feet away!"

"Master, don't worry!"

"Master, be careful!"

Hum rumbling! Jiang Tian took a step forward, activated the "Empty Transformation Formation" and fled thousands of feet away.

At this distance, the Jin Lei Yao Falcon could approach in an instant, and the two sisters would not be completely away from his sight.

And even if a space storm is set off, as long as the power is not too large, it will not threaten the three companions.

"Empty Transformation Formation, Ethereal Barrier, open!"

Hum rumbling! Boom! Jiang Tian didn't waste time and immediately started to try.

The two kinds of space secret techniques were unfolded by him again, and the two of them combined, and the scene just now reappeared.

This time, Jiang Tian didn't dodge.

Create a circular purple pattern, and stand in the violent space storm, silently feel the details of their conflict and evolution.

Space storms blew violently, and it was extremely dangerous to say the least.

However, under the protection of the purple pattern, most of these forces were forcibly removed.

Occasionally, some high-intensity storm tear formations hit him, but they were all resolved by him.

After all, his spatial spiritual power is not empty! And during this process, he silently felt the various reactions of the two forces, and gradually a rough prototype appeared in the sea of ​​gods.

Soon, he was soberly aware of some problems! The power of the "Empty Formation" is fast and violent; the power of the "Empty Barrier" is thicker and more stable.

There is no problem for the two to exist alone, but once they get close to each other, violent collisions and conflicts will occur.

And he also observed a detail: after the initial collision, the two forces tried to merge with each other! Thinking about it carefully, he was not surprised.

Because the essence of the two forces is the same, only the way of driving and controlling them is different, which causes them to produce violent reactions.

But this kind of integration, under the extremely chaotic situation, not only failed to reduce the conflict, but even fueled it.

Therefore, it caused the space storm to intensify and rise sharply.

"We must find a way to unify them."

Jiang Tian touched his chin, thinking silently.

And silently deduced it in the sea of ​​gods.

At this moment, with his eyes slightly closed, under the cover of the purple pattern, he was in the intensifying space storm, standing in the air, as if he had fallen asleep.

Rumble! After a while, he suddenly removed the purple pattern.

Expose yourself directly to the space storm! Even for him who possesses spatial spiritual power, this is a very dangerous thing! But of course he couldn't take his life as a joke.

The moment he faced the storm, he fully activated his spatial spiritual power, spreading it all over his body.

But it is limited to this, and does not let them leave the body.

Therefore, whenever a space storm hits, the space spiritual power in his whole body will respond.

At this moment, he is like a pool of space! External storms and conflicts, like large and small stones, kept falling into his "water pool".

And it triggers the "Tan Shui" reaction time and time again, which repeatedly ripples and superimposes in his body.

Gradually, some strange changes occurred in his spatial spiritual power! Buzz boom boom! Boom boom boom buzz! Jiang Tian's breath fluctuated, and there were bursts of chaotic buzzing in his body.

This was the result of the impact of the space storm. The continuous impact of external force caused the space spiritual power in his body to fluctuate sharply.

The space fluctuations in the body are not weaker than the space storm outside.

And under the impact again and again, he deeply felt three different spatial forces! One is the power of the "Space Transformation Formation" that he is most familiar with, but it has been dispersed.

The other is the power of the "Empty Barrier" that he had just successfully cultivated, which was also disturbed.

There is another kind, which is the force of the forcible fusion of the two under the violent collision! Although this kind of power is also extremely chaotic, compared to the previous two, it has the greatest impact on him.

He has realized that the key to solving the problem may lie in this power! "bring it on!"

Hum rumbling! Jiang Tian no longer accepts passively.

Instead, he actively manipulated his own spatial spiritual power to form a vortex-like spatial vortex.

In order to devour the power of the space storm attacking the body! Boom boom boom boom! The violent roar resounded through the void, and the intensified space storm rushed into the body like a thousand streams returning to the sea.

Not long after, the power of the storm began to decline.

"Not bad, but not enough!"

Jiang Tian's face was full of joy.

After this short period of time, his spatial spiritual power has undergone obvious changes, but it is still far from reaching expectations.

Not even ideal! Therefore, the space storm will intensify! "Empty Formation!"

"Ethereal barrier, go up!"

Rumble! Boom, blah, blah, boom! The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and Wei Feng, Wei Yu and Jin Lei Yao Falcon, who were waiting thousands of feet away, were all shocked! "Hiss! What happened?"

"Oh my god! The young master is not in danger, is he?"

The two sisters were shocked, terrified and uneasy, deeply afraid that something might happen to Jiang Tian.

Hey! The Jin Lei Yao Falcon also let out an uneasy and chirping sound, and even wanted to rush up to see a space.

It's just that it didn't dare to defy Jiang Tian's will, and it was in a dilemma at this time.

The powerful divine sense scanned the past, even if it was torn apart by the frenzied space storm! "Hiss! What a terrifying space storm, it is several times stronger than the one just now, and it is still rising!"


"Could it have gotten out of control?"

The two sisters were horrified, and the worries in their hearts intensified again.

After experiencing the space storm before, their awe of the spiritual power of space has reached an unprecedented level.

They knew very well that even with Jiang Tian's ability, they couldn't calmly resist the attack of the space storm, so they were extremely worried at this moment.

"You two are waiting here, I'll go and have a look and come back!"

"Senior Yao Falcon, be careful!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

Hey! Crack and boom! The Jin Lei Yao Falcon roared wildly, turning into a huge thunder rainbow soaring into the sky.

Although it couldn't wait to know Jiang Tian's situation, it didn't dare to take the risk of taking over that area, and only dared to fly over that airspace to check the situation.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, after getting closer, it's even more frightening! The space storm is getting stronger and stronger, and it has been rising continuously.

This kind of strength can pose a huge threat to it. Even if Jiang Tian has extraordinary combat power, it seems difficult to resist.

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