Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6415 Saint Venerable Vein

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Is he stronger than Longli, or is he a junior in the clan?

All kinds of doubts flooded into his mind, and Jiang Tian couldn't help being curious about the strongest bloodline of Shengzun's vein! His hatred with the Saint Venerable Bloodline and other bloodlines has long been irresolvable, and such a super-strong bloodline will be a threat to him sooner or later.

Long Li's strength is already so strong, as long as the strongest bloodline cultivates normally, its strength will never be inferior to Long Li's.

For him, this is a problem that must be faced! "Holy Vein!"

Jiang Tian looked at the direction where the dragon-shaped golden light disappeared, with a look of determination on his face.

I must go to Shengzun's pulse! boom! Jiang Tian stepped out and came to Wei Feng, Wei Yu and Jin Lei Yao Falcon.

"My son, how is it?"

"Master, are you injured?"

The two sisters and Jin Lei Yao Falcon asked anxiously, looking up and down.

"It's nothing serious, don't be nervous!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand lightly, smiling.

Although this battle was relatively passive at the beginning, and was even overwhelmed by the opponent for a while, but generally speaking, it was safe and sound.

"Young master, this person" "That's right, he is the Supreme Elder of the Shengzun lineage, the head of the three lines of the Dragon Clan, Long Li!"


The two sisters gasped, their faces full of fear.

Jiang Tian didn't have time to say more, and immediately looked at the injured Jin Lei Yao Falcon.

This mid-level fourteenth-level monster was severely injured by Long Li in just one encounter.

The originally extremely hard golden giant wings were almost completely torn apart. If he was slower to react, it would be a trivial matter for the falcon's wings to be torn off.

It may even be killed on the spot! "Master, I" "Needless to say, you have suffered!"

Jiang Tian spoke comforting words, and raised his hand to press the injured falcon's wing.

Rumble! "Owner?"

Jin Lei Yaofalcon's monster body trembled, and its huge demon pupils stared round.

Jiang Tian is impressively using his own blood and spiritual power to heal it! "shut up!"

Jiang Tian interrupted Yao Falcon directly, preventing it from unnecessary consumption.

Rumble! Jiang Tian frowned again as the blood spiritual power poured into the giant wings of the Yao Falcon.

Yao Falcon's injuries were quite serious, and even with the help of his blood and spiritual power, he couldn't recover in an instant.

"The prestige of the dragon bloodline is really amazing!"

Long Li's attack was not just a spiritual attack, but also contained the power of the dragon blood.

With such means, even he couldn't fix it immediately.

Ka Ka Ka! With Jiang Tian's efforts, the injured giant wings of Jin Lei Yao Falcon healed quickly.

But it was only superficial recovery, and the inner injury was not so easy to eliminate.

"Jin Lei Yao Falcon, your injuries are serious, and you are only recovering initially, and you must rest for the rest!"

"Master, I" "Needless to say, Weifeng and Weiyu have some natural and earthly treasures that nourish the body and restore the blood, feel free to use them."

"Thank you for the gift, Master!"

"Wei Feng, Wei Yu, before your injuries recover, don't summon the Golden Thunder Yao Falcon again!"

"Yes, son!"

The two sisters didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly put the Jin Lei Yao Falcon into the spirit beast ring.

At the same time, a batch of nourishing and recovering treasures of heaven, material and earth were put in for it to use by itself.

"My lord, where are we going next?"

"Go to Shengzun's pulse, and as soon as possible, go!"

Jiang Tian left without hesitation.

Directly cast the "Empty Formation", leading the two sisters to disappear into the void! At this time, Jiang Tian had no time to check Longli's storage ring first.

The moment the dragon li fell, the magical artifacts such as the Dragon Soul Orb that it kept in Shengzun's veins must have been broken, and the news of its fall had already been known to the senior management of Shengzun's veins.

That dragon-shaped golden light may carry more news.

After it returns, Shengzunmai will definitely make various responses.

Therefore, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately used the "Void Transformation Formation" to escape with all his strength, and rushed to the vein of the saint! And falling under the "Xianjue", even to Longli, it is not considered wronged.

Of course, Jiang Tian never underestimated this opponent from the beginning to the end.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have resorted to various methods, and after swallowing Longli's blood vision, he would have to use the "Space Transformation Formation" and self-destruct the "Sword Field" as a cover.

Then the "Immortal Jue" was cast! Because he deeply understands that there is a hard power gap between him and Longli that cannot be ignored.

Putting aside the advantage of blood, he is not sure of defeating this unprecedentedly powerful enemy in a confrontation with hard power alone.

And under the cover of various means, facing Longli whose strength has been depleted, the attack of "Xian Jue" is already unstoppable! Hum rumbling! The purple pattern continuously escapes in the void with an unimaginable span.

The power of the "Empty Formation" was brought into full play.

The three of Jiang Tian ran wildly all the way at the fastest speed! A few hours later, a misty mountain range came into view! "Is this the place where the vein of the saint is?"

Jiang Tian looked ahead.

Below the wispy clouds and mist, there are rolling giant peaks.

Between the giant peaks, there are huge valleys one after another! According to the remaining spiritual power of the dragon li he refined, this place should be the lair of Shengzun Vein.

The divine mind swung away and swept forward, but it seemed to be trapped in nothingness, giving people a feeling of uncertainty.

Instead of being surprised by this, Jiang Tian was overjoyed, his eyes shone brightly! This feeling does not mean that he has found the wrong place, on the contrary, it is the shielding effect caused by a special prohibition circle.

And to be able to cover such a large area of ​​void with this kind of magic circle, perhaps only a super powerful force like the Saint Venerable Vein can do it! All in all, he came to the right place! "Sheng Zunmai, I, Jiang Tian, ​​are here!"

boom! Jiang Tian stepped forward and swept forward.

However, after skimming thousands of feet, it was discovered that the mountains in front had always maintained a relatively fixed distance.


Jiang Tian frowned, and suddenly realized something was wrong! From the looks of it, his skimming seemed to have no effect.

It seems to have been standing still! But in fact, he has already gone a thousand feet in one step.

The situation in front of him can only show that besides the effect of confusing divine thoughts, the magic circle of Shengzun's pulse also has the effect of some kind of space restraint.

This kind of effect is enough to make foreign warriors fall into some kind of strange cycle in this void, unable to enter this mountain range for a long time! "Sure enough, there are ways!"

This is a kind of space restriction that he has never seen before.

After weighing it for a while, Jiang Tian immediately activated the magical power of "Phantom Eye".

Buzz buzz! Layers of purple halos spread out, and the void in front showed translucent fluctuations like water waves, but the mountains at the end of the line of sight did not change significantly! "oh?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, hesitating.

Under the gaze of the "Phantom Eye", the mountains themselves have not changed significantly.

The only difference is the wave-like fluctuations in the void ahead.

This shows that the secret of this prohibition is hidden in these fluctuations! "Space restriction!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, stepped forward, and stepped forward.

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