Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6417 Long Huang's decision

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"The Great Elder is right!"

"Now it seems that we have underestimated the enemy too much!"

Out of anger and contempt, everyone never regarded Jiang Tian as a truly terrible opponent.

But after being repeatedly reminded by the Vein Master and the Great Elder, he suddenly realized that it was a terrifying existence that even the Supreme Elder could not deal with.

The Supreme Elder is already the top fighting force in the Saint Venerable's lineage.

If it were someone else fighting Jiang Tian, ​​I'm afraid it would have the same ending! But they're not really desperate.

Because there are still many great powers in the veins of the saint, in the starry sky, and in the later stage! "That being said, our Saint Venerable's veins are ultimately strong!"

"Even if it's just the addition of all the starry sky realms present, the combat power is far beyond the Supreme Elder alone!"

"With such a powerful combat force and a joint siege, can't Jiang Tian be killed alone?"

Although everyone has realized the danger of the situation, they still have the self-confidence they should have.

In fact, no matter who it is, they will think so.

"No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, he can't withstand so many starry sky realm powers rushing forward!"

"The dragon soul formation of our Saint Venerable is infinitely powerful. If he really dares to attack the door, he will definitely have a dead end!"

"Main master, my holy vein, I must not be intimidated by him alone!"

After much deliberation, everyone was still unwilling.

With the powerful background of Shengzun's pulse, why should he be afraid of Jiang Tian alone?

"The life and death of the entire Saint Vein depends on you alone, please think twice and make a cautious decision, old man" Hum! Before he could finish speaking, the golden light in the center of the hall faded away, and the phantom of Long Li's golden body completely dissipated.

Everyone was silent for a while, feeling extremely sad and indignant.

When Long Li had just left Shengzun's veins, everyone was shocked and astonished, unbelievable.

The dignified Supreme Elder actually personally went out to chase and kill a foreign junior.

This looks, even a little funny! But no one expected that today, Long Li would be beheaded by that "junior", which became the greatest tragedy of Shengzun's vein.

Everyone looked at the pulse master and waited silently.

After a moment of silence, Long Huang spoke again with a determined expression on his face! "The legacy of the Supreme Elder must not be violated, but the majesty of my venerable veins cannot be lost just like that!"

The deep and powerful voice echoed in the hall, and the elders were stunned for a moment, and then looked expectant.

The meaning of Tingmai Master is not to withdraw immediately, but to make other arrangements?

"The third elder, the fifth elder, the sixth elder, the eighth elder, and the tenth elder obey orders!"

"The subordinates are here!"

The five elders came out and bowed to listen.

"Just wait for a few people, go to the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave immediately, and take the dragon butterfly out!"


"Leave the Dragon Butterfly!"

"Master Maizhu means to let him also participate in the pursuit of Jiang Tian?"

Several elders were shocked, and even showed shock on their faces.

Longdie is a big hidden trump card of Shengzun's pulse, but his cultivation level should not be comparable to the Supreme Elder Longli.

How useful would it be to let him go out at this time?

Shengzun has many powerful veins, is this the only one missing?

"No! After Long Die leaves the customs, you guys immediately take him away, keep him safe, and never let him get caught up in this fight, at least now, it's not the time!"

"But in this way, let's just..." Several people hesitated to speak, their faces were a little weird.

If Jiang Tian came to the door at this time, they obviously had no chance to participate in the siege operation, and they would undoubtedly miss the opportunity to make meritorious service.

"Are you questioning my arrangement?"

Long Huang asked with a cold face.

"Don't dare!"

"I will never dare to question the decision of the vein master!"

"Then don't do it right away?"

Long Huang scolded.

"Main Lord calm down, we'll do it now!"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, although there were some murmurs in their hearts, they did not dare to hesitate any longer.

Immediately exit the hall and head to the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave.

After the few people left, Long Huang scanned the audience, his gaze fell on the Great Elder and the others.

"Great Elder, you lead several other elders, Dharma protectors, and priests, and together with the master of this vein, surround and kill Jiang Tian!"


"Siege and kill Jiang Tian!"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Long Huang nodded heavily: "Isn't it surprising, Jiang Tian has already come to kill him!"


"Damn it!"

"He really dares!"

Boom boom boom boom! The elders were shocked.

I didn't expect Jiang Tian to dare to come, let alone he came so fast.

The phantom of Long Li's golden body had just been annihilated, and Jiang Tian had reached the gate of Shengzun's veins, this speed was really too fast! "Since he is so eager to seek death, let us fulfill him!"

"The opportunity to avenge the Supreme Elder has arrived!"

"Kill him, tear him into pieces and throw his bones into ashes!"

Rumble! The First Elder, Second Elder, Fourth Elder, Seventh Elder, and Ninth Elder all rushed out of the hall with their auras soaring.

"My lord, we have to do our part!"

"And us!"

More than a dozen starry sky realm elders, including Dharma protectors and priests in the hall, also pleaded for orders one after another.


With a wave of Long Huang's hand, these people immediately rushed out of the main hall and towards the outer area of ​​the Saint Venerable's veins.

"Quick, he's over there!"

Sensing that the prohibition fluctuations became stronger, everyone immediately sped up and rushed to the southeast of the hall.

There, Jiang Tian was being trapped by the outer restrictive array.

Space fluctuations surged up one after another, and the visions they aroused were extremely astonishing! Long Huang, the venerable vein master, also stepped out and disappeared in front of the throne.

The next moment, he appeared above the clouds in the east of the hall.

With a wave of his hand, a large void shook violently, and space fluctuations swept towards where Jiang Tian was.

"Peripheral restrictions have been fully activated, and you will immediately use all your strength to capture this person alive!"


Everyone was taken aback! In their view, beheading Jiang Tian is obviously not a big problem. After all, with so many people joining forces, the rebirth of the Supreme Elder may not be able to resist.

But if it is said to be captured alive, it will be a bit difficult! And it will be mixed with all kinds of unpredictable variables.

"If you can't capture him alive, then kill him with all your strength!"

Long Huang shouted in a deep voice.


The crowd rushed to the void where the space fluctuations were the most violent.

There, Jiang Tian seemed to be caught in a huge whirlpool.

Space fluctuations one after another, pressing down one after another like water waves and surges, made him struggle hard and couldn't get rid of it.

"Look, he's trapped!"


Ha ha ha ha! "

"The Supreme Elder also said how scary he is, and the attitude of the pulse master is also so cautious. How is he now? Is this person really that powerful?"

"If he is really powerful, will he still be trapped by the air ban?"

"Obviously, we all overestimated him!"

It was too late for everyone to think about why Jiang Tian was trapped, and almost all the doubts in their hearts had been fulfilled.

It seems that Jiang Tian is not as powerful as he imagined, and he is even quite embarrassed.

"The spiritual power of the space is layer upon layer, and it is really hard for ordinary people to resist!"

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