Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6424 You are all dead!

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I saw that purple giant dragon suddenly roaring and rushing into the spiritual storm! This made it not only have to face the core pressure of the Dragon Soul Formation, but also directly resist the tearing and crushing of the spiritual storm gathered by everyone.

In their view, almost no bloodline secret technique and vision can withstand this kind of shock.

But then, a scene that shocked them appeared! Roar boom boom boom! hold head high! Accompanied by a violent dragon chant, the spiritual storm actually slowed down again, and began to tremble unsteadily.

And the coercion of the dragon soul formation seems to have no effect on it, and there is no obvious suppression at all! "Damn it!"

Long Huang's face suddenly changed! If even the dragon soul formation can't be suppressed, it can only show that Jiang Tian's bloodline level is far beyond his expectation.

And in this way, the variables suddenly increased, and the situation might be beyond his control! "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Long Huang took a sharp breath, and his face became extremely ferocious.

Holding the dragon soul formation in his hand, and more than a dozen strong people in the starry sky and later stage joined forces to assist him, he must not allow Jiang Tian to come back! "Dragon Soul Conjurer, smoke it for me!"

Long Huang's hands quickly formed seals, and blood appeared from the fingertips of his index fingers.

Buzz! The two drops of blood essence turned into two groups of golden flames that burst into the air and merged into the void.

Ho Ho Ho Ho! The aura of the dragon soul array soared, and the invisible coercion increased sharply, trying to forcibly extract Jiang Tian's dragon soul original power.


Feeling threatened, Jiang Tian's mind moved, and a storm of spiritual thoughts suddenly set off in the sea of ​​​​spirituality.

Crack, crack, rumble! The sky of Shenhai was filled with golden thunder, and the violent thunder of divine sense swept across in an instant, forcefully repelling the prying of the dragon soul formation.

"Damn it!"

The seal on Long Huang's hand instantly disintegrated.

If all plans fail, he makes a decision! "Since you can't draw the original power of the dragon soul, then draw this bloodline first!"

Long Huang roared wildly, urging the dragon soul formation to cover it downward.

At the same time, with the help of the power of the formation, he controlled the spiritual storm and bombarded Jiang Tian frantically.

Such a violent storm, if one hits Jiang Tian, ​​it can stab his body surface.

And even if there is a small gap, the devouring power of the Dragon Soul Formation will exert its force like a bloodthirsty mad beast, draining Jiang Tian's blood! "Dragon Soul devours blood, swallow it for me!"

Long Huang knotted the seal and urged, and the spiritual storm launched a mad attack.

Boom, boom, boom! The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the spiritual storm began to fall crazily, bombarding Jiang Tian impatiently.

The "Empty Transformation Formation" is difficult to work, Jiang Tian can only use other means to resist this sinister situation! "Sword Field, get up!"

Rumble! The purple-black "Sword Domain" circled up, and Jiang Tian activated the "Star Sword Body" at the same time.

Countless purple starbursts soared into the sky and poured into the "Sword Domain", causing its aura to soar, which was extremely frightening.

But such a method cannot withstand the double crushing of the dragon soul formation and the spiritual storm.

Boom, boom, boom! In the blink of an eye, it was torn and crushed, and it completely collapsed! The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, knowing that this was not the way.

The "Empty Formation" was difficult to work, and the purple-black "Sword Field" collapsed instantly.

As for other means, they are even more useless in this situation.

And it was impossible for his proud physical body to properly support such a violent attack.

In order to avoid the dangerous situation of blood being swallowed, he decisively recalled the blood vision.

"Blood anomaly, take it!"

Ho ho ho! The purple giant roared unwillingly, turned into a purple light, ignored the obstruction of the spiritual storm, and returned to Jiang Tian's body in an instant.


"See, he's at the end of his skills!"

"Under the pressure of the dragon soul formation, he is doomed to a dead end and has nothing to struggle!"

The Great Elder and others sneered, believing that Jiang Tian must be defeated.

No matter how strong a person is, how can he fight against the big formation that monopolizes the void?

What's more, there are those strong players in the starry sky waiting for them.

If they didn't need to take action at this moment, they would definitely not watch.

It's just that Long Huang misunderstood, so no one acted rashly, otherwise they would have rushed to surround and kill Jiang Tian desperately.

As for the colleagues who were injured and even swallowed by Jiang Tian's blood vision, they have retreated behind them.

One by one cursed with hatred and gritted teeth.

But at the same time, they are also very happy.

Glad I escaped! If Long Huang hadn't activated the Dragon Soul Formation in time, they might have fallen and died the moment Jiang Tian left and returned.

Although the loss was heavy now, one life was saved after all.

"so close!"

"This is indeed a terrible opponent!"

"But he can't escape the suppression of the vein master after all!"

"His arrival is a big crisis for my Saint Venerable Vein, but the Vein Master obviously wants to take this opportunity to break the bottleneck in front of me!"

"At that time, my Saint Venerable's veins will greatly increase!"

"If the pulse master can break through that big bottleneck, maybe there is a way to restore our strength?"

"It is indeed possible!"

Looking forward to the follow-up, these people have hope in their hearts.

The loss of the bloodline vision means that the bloodline is greatly damaged and the potential is greatly reduced.

But if there is an unimaginable strong person to help them recover, it will be very different! Even if the pulse master won't raise them directly, at least he will have the opportunity to use some other means to help them recover from their injuries.

In short, in the face of strong enough cultivation and strength, the predicament they are facing will no longer be a problem! Just when everyone thought Jiang Tian was in a dead end.

Even Long Huang felt that when Jiang Tian was at the end of his rope, an astonishing scene appeared! "Absolute Beginning Magic Vine, go!"

"I'm coming too!"

A male and female indisputable voice suddenly sounded! Jiang Tian flipped his palm, and a black light shot out.

In an instant, he pierced through many storms, ignoring the violent will of the dragon soul formation, and soared into the sky! "Um?"

"what is that?"

Everyone was surprised and didn't know what method Jiang Tian had used.

That black light looked extremely small, insignificant in front of the huge formation.

But it pierced through the spiritual storm in an instant, and rushed into the air regardless of the coercion of the large formation! "You and others are all dead!"

The indistinguishable voice of male and female resounded through the void.

Then a cloud of black air burst out.

boom! The black air spread thousands of feet in an instant, and instantly turned into countless black dragon-like giants! "hiss!"

"What is this?"

"Oh My God!"

The complexions of the Saint Venerable Powerhouses changed drastically! Long Huang was also taken aback! Staring at it, I saw that the huge monsters transformed by the black smoke were black strange vines twisted like horned dragons! "wrong!"

"Everyone be careful!"

"Master Maid Lord, quickly suppress it with a large array!"

The Great Elder and the others exclaimed incessantly, and began to panic.

The speed at which this giant black monster spread was completely beyond their imagination.

Although I haven't really felt its power, I don't need to think about it to know that it is definitely not an ordinary method.

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