Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6431 What do you want to do?

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"Who is that foreign enemy who can actually behead the elder with a terrifying cultivation?" Long Die asked with a frown.

"He is a super evildoer from the lower realms, named Jiang Tian, ​​whose cultivation level is roughly at the level of the Star River, but his combat power is surprisingly strong. The Sixth Elder can testify to this!"

As soon as the Fifth Elder finished speaking, the Sixth Elder was immediately embarrassed, but he had no choice but to nod repeatedly.

"The fifth elder is right. I was ordered by the pulse master to lead ten starry sky realm powerhouses to chase and kill this person, but I ended up in a disastrous defeat and returned alone!"

"The evildoer in the Galaxy Realm has such combat power?"

The corners of Long Die's eyes shrink slightly, and the smile on his face slowly recedes.

But in his eyes, there was an unprecedented light!

"What a foreign evildoer, what a genius from the lower realms, I never thought that I, Longdie, would meet such an existence when I was growing up!"

Long Die took a deep breath, her face showed excitement, and there was even some deep anticipation between her words.

All the elders frowned, secretly slandering.

Long Die's reaction somewhat surprised them.

But considering that both of them are top monsters, it is reasonable to have such a reaction.

As far as Long Die is concerned, he thinks that his blood, root, talent, aptitude, and potential are all unique to the line of the saint.

There is no one in the younger generation in the clan who is his opponent, and most of the strong men in the older generation are already hard to match him.

In fact, if he had left the test early, his strength might have surpassed most of them... no, it should be above most of the elders.

Even boldly speaking, among the existing elders, protectors, and priests of Shengzunmai, almost no one can defeat him!

With such strength, he has always regarded himself very highly.

I even often lament that I have been practicing in seclusion all year round, and besides pursuing the Dao, I often don't even have a specific goal on weekdays.

But now, hearing Jiang Tian's amazing performance, his eyes suddenly burst into unprecedented light!

It was a feeling of sympathy between super evildoers, and it was also a strong image of feeling the attack of the enemy.

His heart, like a pool of stagnant water, moved!

"Since that's the case, then I have to meet Jiang Tian for a while!"

Long Die's eyes burst out with brilliance, which almost made these elders stare at him closely.

The five elders looked at each other with shock on their faces!

But their will has not changed.

"Impossible! The master of the vein ordered that Longdie immediately leave the customs and leave the vein of the saint!"

"In the future, the cultivation base will be great, and then we will return!"

"But if things are really as the Supreme Elder said, and as predicted by the master of the pulse, I am afraid that at that time...whether the holy vein will still exist is unknown!"

The atmosphere was suddenly a little oppressive. Although the elders said so, they didn't really believe it.

It's just that the fall of the Supreme Elder Longli is an indisputable fact.

It is also this point that has always suppressed their unwilling emotions.

Forcing them not to question the pulse master's instructions.

"Longdie, I'll give you half a cup of tea time. If you still can't get up, I will have to forcibly carry out the order of the pulse master!"

The third elder shouted in a deep voice.

In Shengzun's vein, the pulse master's order is greater than the sky, and no one can disobey it.

Things have come to this point, it is no small matter in itself, Long Die is young after all, if they are confused at this time, they can't make mistakes anyway.

"Is this really the case?" Long Die asked with a frown.

"Do you dare to disobey the master's order?" the third elder snapped.

"Hehe, of course the pulse master's orders must be respected, but my cultivation is now at a critical juncture, so I don't want to stop just now."

Long Die shook his head slowly, with a strange look on his face.

"A critical moment?" The third elder frowned, showing hesitation.

Sixth Elder Long Shengyi's face darkened: "Third Elder, don't listen to him fooling around. This kid is very smart and cunning. If he really comes to a critical juncture, how can he have the time to talk about this with us?"


"Good boy, how dare you lie to the elders?"

"Longdie, you are so courageous!"

"Longdie, you must face up to your identity. Although you are highly valued by this vein, you are still a junior in front of us. What's more, we came here on the orders of the pulse master. If you dare to deceive us, you will be disrespectful to the pulse master!"

"What will be the consequences of disobeying the vein master's will, don't we need to say more?"

Several elders reprimanded repeatedly, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense!

In their view, such a warning already carries great weight.

As long as Longdie is not stupid, he should obediently leave Shitai at this time and follow them.

But what surprised them was that instead of cooperating, Longdie shook his head and sneered.

"Hehe, hahaha! The elders' words are so serious that I almost scared Long Die, but if I really have no way to leave immediately, will you really fight with me?"

Longdie smiled strangely and asked repeatedly.

In the eyes of everyone, this is a great offense and provocation!

"How dare!"

"Longdie, I think you are arrogant because you are favored, and you don't know who you are anymore!"

"In that case, then don't blame us for being rude, take it down for me!"

The third elder waved his hand, and the four people around him strode forward, holding it towards Longdie without any explanation.

Shengzunmai is facing a huge threat, and they don't have time to play tricks here.

This moment of persuasion and warning is already the maximum, after that, they are not in the mood to say more.


The Fifth Elder, Sixth Elder, Eighth Elder, and Tenth Elder each had their auras soaring, and they all raised their hands to hold the Dragon Butterfly.

"A few elders, do you really want to fight with me? Well, let Long Die measure your strength!"


"Is this kid's head broken after all these years of retreat?"

"We must teach him a lesson today!"


Enraged by Long Die's attitude, the four elders suddenly increased their attack momentum. While they were about to take him down, they also made him suffer a little.

The moment they shot, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Long Die's mouth, and a seal was suddenly formed on the right hand that was folded in front of him.





Accompanied by a dull roar, the bodies of the four people who were making the shot trembled in unison!

An indescribable strange aura hit from all around, covering them all.

"Forbidden circle!" The fifth elder shouted sharply!

"Longdie, what are you doing?"

"Do you want to rebel?"

The Sixth Elder and the others were furious.

Not only did Long Die not cooperate with them, but even activated the restraining circle, which really caught them by surprise.

"No, the situation is wrong!" The Third Elder standing behind frowned tightly.

He sternly said: "I have followed Lord Vein Lord to enter this forbidden place, and there is no such restriction here!"


"Could it be that he arranged it privately?"

"Longdie, what do you want to do?"

Everyone looked at Longdie, extremely furious!

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