Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6433 It's better to stay!

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There are more than one spiritual power restrictions in the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave, and Long Huang has obviously tampered with each of them.

How could he get out of this dangerous place when he couldn't get through any of them?

"Big deal...let's die together!"

Knowing that it was impossible to leave, the third elder roared and rushed towards Long Huang, ready to die with him.

Long Huang smiled coldly, and swept back directly.

At the same time, Longdie, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, suddenly appeared in front of the third elder.



"Uh uh uh... oh!"

With one right hand, Long Die pinched and broke the third elder's neck in an instant.

During the whole process, the third elder hardly reacted, only let out a few extremely suppressed hisses, and then fell to his death!

"Quick, swallow his blood immediately before it's stiff!"

Long Huang reminded.

"Thank you for the great gift, Master Vein."

Long Die smiled strangely, and performed the secret art of blood, drawing out all the blood of the three elders in an instant.


Long Die let go of his right hand, and a mummy fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave was dead silent!

"This gift is really good. I have already touched the bottleneck, and the breakthrough is just around the corner!"

Long Die's face was full of excitement, and the aura of his blood was like a boiling river, which made him exude a violent blood aura.

And these blood energy, a considerable part of it comes from these five family elders, who are strong in the starry sky!

"My bloodline avatar has fallen, it's too late to advance now, let's talk about it after leaving here."

With a painful expression on his face, Long Huang signaled Long Die to leave.

"Is that monster from the lower realm really that strong? If you say that, I want to meet him even more!"

Long Die's eyes were full of fighting intent, and he had a strong desire to make a move.

"No, that person has weird tricks and a lot of cards. It's too risky to fight him now. Get out of here immediately!"

Long Huang urged.

"Is this the end of Shengzun's pulse?"

"Hey!" Long Huang shook his head and sneered, "As long as you and I are alive, we can create a more powerful Saint Vein at any time. Let's talk about the follow-up when we get there!"

"It makes sense, but don't you plan to destroy that altar?"

"Why destroy it, leave it...maybe it's better!"

Long Huang said sadly, with a weird sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that this account can only be settled later!"

"Compared to the next thing, what is Jiang Tian? Let's go!"

With a wave of Long Huang's hand, the entire forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave suddenly became brighter, and the originally dark grotto was as bright as day!

The majestic spiritual power rose up, instantly overturning the top of the Dragon Cave.

This was originally a huge mountain peak, but at this moment, it began to melt into nothingness from the ground, revealing the misty blue sky of spiritual mist.


Hum rumble!

Blazing white light shot up into the sky, enveloping the two of them into the void!

at the same time!

The Dragon Scripture has led Jiang Tian and the others to the vicinity of the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave.

"My lord, the Dragon Cave is ahead..."


The appalling loud noise stunned Long Jing.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Tian saw a huge white light rising into the sky and sinking into the sky!

"That's... space spiritual power, teleportation array? Not good!"

Feeling the majestic fluctuation of spiritual power, his face suddenly sank.

Obviously, they came one step too late!

Jiang Tian stepped into the air, overlooking the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave below.

Except for a large piece of stone dust, nothing useful can be seen.

After sweeping with spiritual thoughts, only a chaotic remnant of spiritual power was found.

The entire forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave is completely abolished!

"Big... my lord..."

Long Jing looked at Jiang Tian in horror, worried that the other party would take his anger out on him.

At the same time, he was also very scared.

If he had come earlier just now, he might have been killed by the force that blasted away the mountain, or by the beam of light that soared into the sky.

In short, his luck is not bad.

"The one who teleported away should be Longdie, right?"

"It should be, there is no one else here except him." Long Jing nodded repeatedly.

"No one else?" Jiang Tian shook his head slowly, "Two people were sent away!"

"Two, who is that person?" Long Jing said subconsciously.

Immediately realizing something was wrong, he quickly apologized to Jiang Tian.

"My lord, calm down, the villain is not disrespectful at all, but I really don't understand who else there is."

Jiang Tian ignored him.

The forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cave was in ruins. He withdrew his divine sense and turned around.

"Go to the Forbidden Land to have a look!"

"My lord please!"

Long Jing hurriedly rushed forward, leading the way attentively.

The Forbidden Land of Saint Venerable Maiden is located in a secluded valley, shrouded by a powerful restriction.

A group of people came here and were blocked by the forbidden barrier.

"The Supreme Elder has fallen, but I didn't expect the restriction to still exist. I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome now."

Long Jing frowned, his face full of embarrassment.

"My lord, this Supreme Forbidden Land is strictly forbidden to approach the people of the tribe on weekdays. Even the masters and elders rarely come here. The villain really doesn't know much about the situation here, but in the early years, a certain Starry Sky Realm elder accidentally broke into this place and was severely injured by the forbidden magic circle. The power is extraordinary!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian waved his hand, signaling him to stand aside.

Long Jing backed away a few steps with a face full of apprehension, still a little scared in his heart.

Although he has never been to the Supreme Forbidden Land, he has heard about the power of this prohibition.

Ever since the Starry Sky Realm elder who strayed into this place by mistake in the early years was seriously injured, the warriors of the Holy Vein have been full of awe and fear towards this place, and dare not approach it even half a step away.

Although Longli has died now, this restriction has not been extinguished.

In his opinion, it might be impossible to get in.

Jiang Tian let go of his divine sense and swept forward, but was immediately blocked by an invisible force of restraint.

It can be seen that this prohibition has the effect of blocking the exploration of divine sense.

"Stand back."

"Yes, son!"

The two sisters backed away quickly after hearing the words, and Long Jing also stepped aside.

Jiang Tian urged a sword intent to probe the void in front of him.


A violent roar followed, and after the sword intent flew a hundred feet, it was blocked by an invisible restraint.

The powerful forbidden wave crushed the sword intent in an instant, and the originally dazzling purple light disappeared without a trace like a spark of fire.

All that was left was a violent wave towering in the void!


"What a powerful formation!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu felt the aftermath of their spiritual power from a long distance away, and the majestic coercion made their faces change drastically, and they were extremely fearful.

"My... my lord, be careful, this restriction is extremely powerful, don't be hurt by it!"

Long Jing was even more frightened and took a few steps back, his face pale.

While backing away, he reminded me flatteringly.

"No problem!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and didn't care.

This prohibition is indeed as powerful as the Dragon Scripture said, but it is nothing to him.

Ordinary starry sky warriors might be helpless, but for him, a mere restriction is useless.

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