Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6435--Andrew Dragon Root Forbidden Land

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Longli's identity token didn't work, and from the perspective of Longli, things seemed a bit troublesome.

But I saw Jiang Tian flipped his palms and took out another identity token! "This is hiss!"

Long Jing's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help but gasp.

This is the identity token of the vein master Long Huang! When Long Huang summoned the starry sky realm powerhouses of the entire family in front of the Holy Venerable Hall, this token was hung on his waist, attracting a lot of attention.

Compared with the piece of the Supreme Elder Longli, this piece is the symbol of the power of the holy vein.

How many clansmen have fantasized about the authority day and night! But now, this token, which has attracted the imagination and covet of countless Saint Venerable disciples, is already Jiang Tian's spoils of war! "open!"

rumble! With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, the restriction in front of him was slowly opened.

A group of people immediately walked in.

"My God, the aura conditions here are stronger than those in the Supreme Forbidden Land!"

"indeed so!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu repeatedly exclaimed and sighed.

"My lord, according to the rumors in the clan, the Dragon Root Forbidden Land was formed by the fallen body of a real dragon in ancient times. There are at least three dragon marrow veins suppressed here, reaching the level of holy veins!"

Long Jing explained excitedly, breathing in the rich aura here while speaking.

"Three ways?

No, more than that! "

"It's not just the adults, the villain has absolutely no lie!"

Long Jing hurriedly explained, feeling both shocked and surprised.

Jiang Tian came here for the first time, how can he conclude that there are more than three spiritual veins here?

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were also a little strange.

"There are at least four super-strong spiritual veins here. Although their breaths are very similar, there are some subtle differences after all."

"I see!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu firmly believe in this.

Since Jiang Tian said so, it must be true! "My lord is really powerful. The villain has been in the clan for so many years, and I thought there were only three ways!"

Long Jing praised again and again, and took the opportunity to flatter him.

Jiang Tian ignored it and walked straight forward.

Let go of your spiritual thoughts and scan around, except for the strong spiritual energy in the forbidden area of ​​Longgen, you can't find anything unusual for the time being.

He continued to move forward along a strange path, and finally came to a strange valley.

"The breath here is really weird!"

"Compared to the previous one, it's much worse!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were shocked! Now, even they can easily distinguish more than three spirit veins.

In this position, the difference in these breaths is very obvious.

"Your Excellency is really discerning. It's all because of my ignorance. I almost misled you."

Dragon Scripture is still taking the opportunity to please.

"The place where the spirit veins of the Dragon Root Forbidden Land gathers is roughly here."

Jiang Tian pointed to the valley ahead and said.

"Why is it barren?"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were surprised.

There are no stone temples to be seen here, not even an obvious cave.

The spiritual veins gather here, has the Saint Venerable's veins never been used?

Of course not! This problem can be understood without thinking about it. With such a powerful spiritual vein, it is impossible for the upper echelons of the Shengzun vein to ignore them.

"Of course they won't abandon it. The real reason is that there is a shelter here!"

"I see!"

hum! With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, his vigorous spiritual power swept forward, and was blocked in a blink of an eye! Amidst the dull roar, a translucent prohibition pattern appeared in front of their eyes.

After a short period of turbulence, it quickly fell back, and the translucent pattern also quickly disappeared.

Jiang Tian threw Long Huang's identity token directly, and an unexpected scene followed! Slap! When the token hit the invisible barrier, it was bounced and fell to the ground.

"This" Dragon Scripture is a little embarrassing, but also very unexpected.

Even the identity token of the vein master Long Huang can't break through this concealment restriction?

"The restriction in the Dragon Root Forbidden Land is so complicated?"

"It seems a bit redundant, right?"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu shook their heads again and again, a little confused.

The restrictions outside are already very strong, so if we use this method to cover up here, won't the upper echelons of Shengzunmai think it's troublesome?

"Sheng Zunmai naturally has their considerations in doing this."

Jiang Tian said lightly.

As for why, it's not something he should care about, and he doesn't bother to find out.

Raising his hand and waving forward, the purple spiritual power spread out.

The translucent restriction appeared again.

"It's not too strong a spiritual restriction."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly, raised his hand and patted forward.

Boom! The turmoil of spiritual power suddenly raged, and the restriction was broken by his palm.

Buzz boom boom! The dull roar resounded through the void, but Jiang Tian's expression changed! "not good!"

He yelled violently, and the purple light all over his body suddenly brightened, and the majestic spatial spiritual power suddenly surged out, wrapping up the three people behind him and moving them into the air in an instant.

Boom, boom, boom! The terrible roar kept ringing, shaking the mountains for a while.

The four stood in the air, except for Jiang Tian, ​​the other three were all shocked! "My lord, what happened?"

"Why did that restriction suddenly explode?"

The two sisters asked in amazement.

Long Jing rolled his eyes, and boldly said: "Needless to say, it must be that the power of the lord's palm was too violent, and it exploded that hidden barrier!"

Jiang Tian shook his head slowly: "This is a clever trap set by Shengzunmai!"


Long Jing's face froze immediately.

Unexpectedly, the slap on the butt actually landed on the horse's leg.

Fortunately, Jiang Tian ignored him.

He continued: "The invisible restriction itself is not complicated, but there is likely to be a hidden restriction hidden under it. The moment I blasted the outer restriction, that hidden restriction detonated the spiritual power that had accumulated for a long time."

"Oh my god, it's scary!"

"Why would they do this?"

The two sisters looked at each other with apprehension on their faces.

"Maybe it is to prevent someone from sneaking in, or to activate this spiritual vein privately."

"I see!"

"The people of Shengzun's veins are really too meticulous."

The two sisters complained again and again, with contempt on their faces.

"It's not difficult to understand when you think about it."

Jiang Tian looked calm.

After all, there are more than four super spiritual veins here, each of which is suspected to have reached the holy level, so of course it is necessary to cover it.

In this way, once someone uses it on his own initiative, he will definitely be severely injured by the sudden burst of spiritual power, and awaken the upper echelons of the Saint Venerable.

Now that the lineage of Shengzun has collapsed, no one will come to check no matter how big the movement is.

And as the restriction collapsed, the exploding spiritual power blasted a huge hole here.

A deep passage was revealed, leading directly to the mountain wall on the left.

"It seems that this is the spiritual channel of the Dragon Root Forbidden Land, let's go!"

Jiang Tian stepped down through the air and swept towards the passage.

Wei Feng and Wei Yu followed closely.

Long Jing hesitated for a moment, and bravely wanted to follow.

"you can go now."

Jiang Tian said without looking back.

"My lord let me go?"

Long Jing froze on the spot when he heard the words.

"If you don't want to leave, you can stay here forever and be buried with the saint."

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