Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Three major bottlenecks

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Such a low realm, such terrifying combat power and cultivation base, means that after Jiang Tian enters the starry sky realm, their bloodline value will drop sharply again.

"Sister, do you really understand my worries?"

Wei Yu asked meaningfully.

"Of course I understand, but I'm afraid we can't help it!"

Wei Feng sighed silently, feeling extremely complicated.

If one day, their "furnace cauldron" attribute is completely useless to Jiang Tian, ​​at that time, what value will they have to Jiang Tian?

I'm afraid they will be completely reduced to a pair of burdens! "Some things may not be up to us, such as the progress of your son's cultivation, but our own cultivation process can be completely controlled by ourselves!"

Wei Yu's expression was determined, and a bright light appeared in her eyes.

Wei Feng was a little nervous: "What do you want to do, and do you want to take risks, but just now" "Sister!"

Wei Yu interrupted: "Do you think there is any way out for us?"

"of course not."

"So, we must do everything we can to break through to the advanced level faster and narrow the gap in cultivation with the young master, so that one day when the young master encounters difficulties, we can still give him strong support!"

"I see!"

Wei Feng nodded heavily, fully understanding Wei Yu's painstaking efforts.

She really couldn't help herself to think about this matter.

The situation is already quite serious. If they continue to procrastinate like this, they will completely lose their value to Jiang Tian in a short time.

"Come on, with such good conditions and opportunities, if we can't advance, then there is really no hope!"


With Wei Yu's encouragement, Wei Feng overcame his worries and absorbed it with all his strength.

Rumble boom boom! The speed at which the spiritual power entered the body increased rapidly, and the red pillars of fire rising from the two sisters became visibly thicker.

Their blood aura accelerated, which surprised Jiang Tian in the formation.

Feeling the breath of the two silently, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing secretly.

It seemed that the two sisters did not fully follow his warning, and were still a little eager for success.

Fortunately, after a short period of suppression and rest, their blood was no longer restless, and there was no abnormality for the time being.

He knew the other party's mood very well, seeing that he kept breaking through, he couldn't hold his breath anymore.

In this case, persuasion is useless, otherwise it will only make them turbulent, which is also harmful.

"In that case, let it be natural!"

Jiang Tian looked away and stopped thinking about it.

rumble! Rumble! The dull roars came and went one after another, Jiang Tian and the two sisters practiced with all their strength, frantically absorbing the essence of the spirit veins in the forbidden area of ​​Longgen.

A few days passed by.

"The effect of the holy vein is indeed powerful!"

In the past few days, Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power has risen sharply, and he has reached the late stage of the Galaxy Realm! What surprised him even more was that the two sisters, Wei Feng and Wei Yu, had advanced once in the past few days.

Both have entered the middle stage of the Galaxy Realm! After the advanced stage, they were not too excited, let alone hesitated for too long, and immediately invested in the follow-up training.

Now they are already mid-star river realm warriors.

The improvement of their realm doubled their cultivation speed, and their momentum became more and more rapid.

"Sister, hurry up, hurry up!"

Wei Yu repeatedly urged.

"It's only been a few days, are you really going to risk doing that?"

Wei Feng looked dignified and worried.

"What do you think sister?

The holy-level spiritual veins are powerful, and one advancement is far from the limit of you and me. For us, the essence of the spiritual veins here still has powerful effects. If you miss this opportunity, when do you think there will be a next time? "

"That's right, if that's the case, let's fight!"

After entering the middle stage of the Star River Realm, their adaptation to the spiritual veins has greatly improved, and they no longer need to be as restrained as before.

Weifeng put aside her worries and rushed to the late stage of the Galaxy Realm with all her strength! At the same time, Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power is filling up, and it is still going on! In the past few days, Neptune's blood crystals have been refined, coupled with the promotion of the essence of the five spiritual veins, the blood spiritual power has reached 90% of the total.

This speed surprised him a little.

He thought he would fill up to fullness within three days, but he didn't expect it to reach 90% after several days.

"This is only the middle stage of the Star River Realm, what will happen if it reaches the later stage?"

Jiang Tian looked solemn.

Thinking about it later, what kind of terrifying amount of spiritual power will be needed when one day breaks through the great barrier of the Starry Sky Realm?

Jiang Tian secretly sucked in a breath of cold air, and quickly collected his mind and stopped thinking about it.

The bloodlines of the more than ten starry sky realm dragons that were devoured a few days ago have not been fully integrated and absorbed.

Fifty percent of it was divided into two parts and integrated into his body.

Half of it belongs to Zixuan Realm, and the other half becomes his blood supply.

The other 50% were forcibly sealed up by him using blood restraints.

Because he was worried that the sharp increase in blood would cause strong fluctuations in the realm of cultivation.

And it is not a good thing for him to accidentally advance to the next stage when his foundation is unstable.

But now, when his bloodline spiritual power is close to being full, he can finally completely release and release the previously suppressed bloodline power.

"bring it on!"

Boom, boom, boom! Jiang Tian let go of the blood restriction.

The majestic dragon blood was instantly released like a flood.

A violent roar resounded through the forbidden area, and violent dragon chants scattered in all directions.

Wei Feng and Wei Yu's expressions changed greatly in fright, thinking that something went wrong with Jiang Tian's cultivation.

After watching for a while and found that there was nothing wrong, he suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind and continued to practice.

Roar boom boom! The violent roar kept ringing, and the dragon blood essence merged with his blood quickly, setting off a blood storm in his body! The purple light all over Jiang Tian's body was condensed wildly, and the speed of absorbing the spiritual veins also increased sharply.

"Come on, hurry up!"

Jiang Tianlang roared loudly, full of enthusiasm.

He has not enjoyed this kind of carefree feeling for a long time.

Only such an environment where several sacred veins are united can bring him such a strong improvement.

"I wonder if the 'Balong Battle Body' will use this opportunity to break through?"

Jiang Tian longed silently while feeling the power of the mighty blood.

Right now, he is facing at least three important bottlenecks! One is the realm of cultivation, which is about to break through from the middle stage of the Galaxy Realm to the late stage of the Galaxy Realm; the second is the "tyrannosaurus battle body", the bottleneck of the physical body has already been touched, and it seems that it will be broken at any time;

Of these three bottlenecks, the one that is most likely to be broken is the first one.

The second is the second way.

What's more, the two will be broken one after another. As for who comes first, it is unpredictable.

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