Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

Among those treasure houses, apart from a large number of natural materials and earth treasures, there is hardly any inherited secret technique, nor any dragon skills or martial arts.

As for whether there are any in the other treasure houses that were emptied in advance, he can't judge.

However, according to his analysis, it is unlikely that the secret art inherited from Shengzun Vein will be placed in those treasure houses.

Because this kind of thing is different from ordinary treasures, to some extent it can be regarded as the foundation of the holy blood! Such things obviously cannot be put together with ordinary treasures.

Maybe they are stored in secret somewhere, or they are secretly collected by the senior management of Shengzun.

But he beheaded many powerful people in the lineage of Saint Venerable, but he didn't find anything related to it.

There is no inheritance secret technique in Long Huang's storage ring, and the storage rings of several other elders, dharma protectors, and offerings are also absent.

Some of these storage rings are just various treasures of heaven and earth, spiritual herbs and strange fruits.

If you think about it, the Dragon Clan is born with noble blood and a strong physical body.

The inheritance of various exercises often does not require an external carrier.

Even if there is, it is impossible to show others easily.

The most commendable harvest for beheading so many great powers in the starry sky is that piece of blood-colored reverse scale and the word "jue" contained in it.

This made him deeply aware that although the Vein of Saint Venerable seemed to have collapsed on the surface, its heritage might not be completely cut off.

But thinking about it the other way around, most of the high-ranking members of Shengzun's veins were beheaded by him, and even if they wanted to recover their vitality, it would definitely not be an easy task.

"That's all!"

Jiang Tian let out a sigh of relief and stopped thinking about it.

The vastness of martial arts is far beyond imagination.

Even if it is the lineage of Shengzun, it is impossible for him to take all of its background and inheritance.

Some things cannot be transferred by his will.

Objectively speaking, he has benefited a lot from this conflict with Shengzunmai, and there is nothing to regret.

"The physical body can't go up or down. It should barely reach the level of the quasi-hegemony body. Let's call it the 'quasi-true dragon hegemony body'."

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, setting the tone for this embarrassing physical breakthrough.

Although the "Quasi-True Dragon Overlord Body" is far behind the "True Dragon Overlord Physique", it is far more powerful than the "Tyrannosaurus Battle Physique"! With his current combat strength, even if he only uses his physical strength, it is enough to compete head-on with an existence of Longli's level, and even win the battle.

If before, this is absolutely impossible to do! After putting aside the embarrassment of the physical realm, Jiang Tian's thoughts returned to his own cultivation.

Now he has entered the late stage of the Star River Realm! As a warrior in the late stage of the Star River Realm, while his combat power has skyrocketed, his various spiritual powers have also undergone a huge transformation.

The most basic thing is bloodline spiritual power! Thanks to the nourishment of the five holy-level spiritual veins, his bloodline spiritual power has been filled from less than 30% when he first advanced to nearly 70% now! This is a pretty amazing fact! Without the nourishment of these holy veins, his bloodline spiritual power might only reach about 20% of the total, or even lower.

Moreover, this advanced stage may not be successfully realized.

After filling up to 70%, the increase in bloodline spiritual power began to slow down sharply, falling into a bottleneck period.

Jiang Tian understands that this is a normal phenomenon, and it does not mean that he cannot continue to improve, but a natural reaction after a rapid increase in a short period of time.

A breakthrough in cultivation and quasi-advancement of the physical body, these are the two biggest gains of the trip to Shengzun's pulse.

At the same time, he is also examining his own situations.

With the breakthrough of the realm, "Sword Intent of the Stars" skyrocketed, and its power was greater than before.

But to his surprise and disappointment, the "Star Sword Body" did not achieve a breakthrough! "The Xingchen sword intent has changed so strongly, but why is the Xingchen sword body still stagnant?"

Jiang Tian frowned and thought hard.

In his prediction, with the skyrocketing price of the "Star Sword Body", the "Star Sword Body" should also be able to break through the bottleneck that has already been touched.

So as to achieve the major breakthrough he expected.

But the result was not like this, the bottleneck of the "Star Sword Body" was almost untouched! "The last time I advanced, I was interrupted by a storm caused by space spiritual power. This time, there is no interference from the space storm."

Why still can't break through?

This situation is somewhat unreasonable.

Silently analyzing various possibilities.

Jiang Tian felt that this was probably some trouble caused by the obstruction of the previous advancement.

Because that advanced step was about to be completed, but was interrupted by a sudden space storm.

Therefore, the subsequent advancement has also become complicated.

Situations like this are not uncommon in breakthroughs in the realm of cultivation, and it can even be said to happen from time to time.

It's just that it rarely appears on him.

"The source of the space storm's chaos can only be the spiritual power of the space. If it can't solve its problem, the breakthrough of the sword body may be far away."

After some weighing, Jiang Tian became more and more sure of his analysis and guess.

In this case, it doesn't make much sense to blindly toss the sword body.

The only solution is to continue to increase the spiritual power of the space and prevent the occurrence of changes in the next breakthrough.

"Space spiritual power!"

Jiang Tian examines the spatial spiritual power in his body.

Ever since he accidentally encountered foreign warriors Xuande and Xuanci, and obtained the "Empty Barrier" secret technique, he began to practice this strange space secret technique.

And fuse this secret technique with the "Empty Formation".

After the fusion, the power and efficacy of the "Space Transformation Formation" have been greatly improved, and it has made up for the major defects that existed originally.

This was a good thing in the first place, but thinking about it now, the blocking of the advancement of the "Star Sword Body" is mostly related to this.

It is the spiritual power of space after transformation that hinders the progress of the sword body.

From another point of view, this means that spatial spiritual power is also facing some kind of bottleneck.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to suddenly make trouble when the sword body is about to break through! It's just that compared to the sword body, the breakthrough of spatial spiritual power is more troublesome and unpredictable.

"Space spiritual power, can it also undergo a qualitative transformation and break through to a higher level?"

This question seems redundant.

Because there is almost no doubt about it! Along the way, his spatial spiritual power has been improving and evolving.

Today, compared to the time of the lower realm, it has been improved by an unknown number of times.

It seemed that his spatial spiritual power was already very strong, so strong that he was amazed by it.

But since encountering Xuande and Xuanci, and lovingly feeling the "empty barrier" they performed.

Jiang Tian is deeply aware that there are other powerful space secrets in this world.

The spatial spiritual power gained from practicing those secret techniques is far beyond what can be covered by the "Space Transformation Formation".

The spatial spiritual power obtained by different cultivation methods may vary widely, with distinct strengths and weaknesses.

Objectively speaking, the spatial spiritual power condensed by Xuande and Xuanci with the "Empty Spirit Barrier" is not much worse than his "Large Formation of Transformation".

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