Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6484 The Tao of Heaven is now!

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"Does this really work?"

Jiang Tian was a little puzzled.

"Chong Ling Talisman" is not a rare object, many warriors will prepare one.

But in the final analysis, this is just a more advanced cover-up method, and it cannot solve the fundamental problem.

In the blink of an eye, that person rushed to the entrance! Everyone stared at him to see if the talisman would work.

If it works, they will surely follow suit.

After all, entering the "Critical Dao Domain" is an irresistible temptation for any warrior.

"Critical Daoyu, here I come!"

rumble! This person rushed towards the entrance under the aura of the "Chongling Talisman", and was about to pass by.

But the next moment, a terrifying scene appeared! Boom boom boom! A special wave suddenly rose up, crushing the power of the talisman covering this person in an instant! "Damn, how could this happen!"

The man's face changed greatly, and he only let out a cry of surprise, and his body was crushed by the violent force! Hiss! Witnessing this tragic scene, everyone gasped.

Some people were even glad they didn't stand up with him, otherwise they would have exploded and died at this moment.

"Did you see, this is the end of using the 'Chong Ling Talisman'!"

"Chong Ling Talisman can't fool the 'Critical Dao Domain', and can't pass through this entrance!"

"Fake ones are fake after all, but the entrance to the 'Critical Dao Domain' is too strong. How does it know whether the warrior's cultivation base is real or fake?"

"That's right, the effect of that talisman is difficult even for us to distinguish!"

Everyone was discussing and deeply puzzled.

The "Chongling Talisman" can almost perfectly deceive their spiritual perception. If they hadn't known it in advance, everyone would think that it was a genuine peak of the Galaxy Realm.

But as soon as the one touched the entrance, its camouflage was broken and its flesh was crushed.

It's embarrassing to be so self-defeating and lose your life! "Chongling talisman really doesn't work!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, dispelling the idea of ​​using the Chongling Talisman.

He also has such talismans in his hands, and even Wei Feng and Wei Yu have quite a few of them, and they are all of extremely high grade.

But it turns out that this is not only useless, but also fatal.

Therefore, this approach is obviously not feasible.

"Since rushing the spirit talisman doesn't work, then think of another way!"

Jiang Tian was thinking hard about the countermeasures.

If the false state doesn't work, then it can only come true.

And with his current situation, it may be quite difficult to advance to the peak of the Galaxy Realm! The only little consolation may be the gap in his realm.

There is a complete small realm between the middle stage of the Star River Realm and the late stage of the Star River Realm.

However, there is only half a small difference between the late stage of the Galaxy Realm and the peak of the Galaxy Realm.

If the former is one step away, then the latter is half a step away! It is much easier to cross a half-step gap than a complete step.

But this is just a theory, the actual situation is not so simple! He was nourished by the five holy-level spiritual veins in the holy vein, and he successfully entered the late stage of the Star River Realm when he had all the previous accumulation and everything was in place.

Now there is no spiritual support here, and there is no other opportunity to assist. It is not easy to break through this half-step gap?

But now he has no other choice, only advanced one way! "Wei Feng, Wei Yu!"

"Young master, we are here!"

"Get ready, I want..." Before Jiang Tian finished speaking, loud voices suddenly sounded in the void.

Just like Hong Zhong Da Lu passed down from ancient times! Boom, boom, boom! "Um?"

"what sound?"

"what happened?"

All warriors looked up and scanned the void, their faces full of shock.

This sound was played nine times in total, mixed with a mysterious will that directly hit the warrior's mind.

Whether it is a star river realm warrior or a starry sky realm peak power, they are all deeply shocked by it! "What exactly is this sound, and why is it so loud?"

"This is definitely not an ordinary noise, it seems to contain the terrifying will of heaven and earth!"

"Who can make such a grand sound, not even me at the peak of the Starry Sky Realm?"

Many warriors were horrified, and some even stopped before the entrance of the "Critical Dao Domain" and kept watching.

Click, boom, boom! Suddenly, the high sky seemed to split open, and a terrifying loud noise came out.

Immediately afterwards, a strange light like a river of heaven crossed the void and appeared under the split sky! "Um?"

"Oh My God!"

"what is that?"

Countless lines of sight stared at the strange light.

It exudes a dazzling light, it looks like the Milky Way is flowing backwards, and it looks like a river of stars is flowing! The brilliance flowed on it, and one after another huge visions continued to bloom, and they were fleeting.

At the same time, huge ancient runes jumped out one after another, and fell into the strange light like the Milky Way in an instant, and disappeared! "Um?"

"That's" "Hiss! If I'm not mistaken, this is just like the legendary Heavenly Dao List!"


"Heavenly Dao Ranking!"

Hiss! Hearing the word "Tian Dao Bang", the audience was in an uproar! "Heavenly Dao List?"

Jiang Tian is relatively unfamiliar with this name, but he just vaguely feels as if he has heard it somewhere.

But judging from the reactions of the crowd, this so-called "Tian Dao Bang" is obviously extraordinary! "The Heavenly Dao Ranking is now appearing, and the sound is filling the sky. This is a sign of great changes!"

"Is there going to be a huge change in the martial arts world in the central region?"

"It's okay to say whether there are great changes, but I hope it won't turn into a catastrophe!"

"That's right. Personally speaking, Heavenly Tribulation is already quite terrifying. To the world of martial arts, Dao Disaster is even more terrifying. I hope it won't develop to that extent!"

The warriors were deeply worried and extremely worried about the subsequent changes.

"As far as I know, the Heavenly Dao List never appears easily, and it doesn't come every time the 'Critical Dao Domain' is activated. Why are you here to join in the fun this time?"

"This list is said to be in charge of a certain mysterious force in the 'Dao Domain'. I don't know if it's true or not?"


Heck, we haven't even been in the 'Critical Dao Domain', how dare we talk about the 'Dao Domain'? "

"I dare to assert that none of the colleagues present can know the situation of Daoyu!"

Everyone sighed and expressed their opinions one after another.


Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

That is a place higher than the "Critical Dao Domain", even if it is the peak powerhouse of the Starry Sky Realm in the Central Domain, I am afraid that it has never stepped into it.

For him, only by first adapting to the environment in the "Critical Dao Realm" and reaching the corresponding martial arts height can he look forward to the real "Dao Realm".

It is too far to say these things now.

First of all, he must do everything he can to enter the "Critical Dao Domain" first! "The Dao of Heaven has appeared, and the sound is shocking to the world. It is said that every time it will bring all kinds of amazing news and changes, what will it be this time?"

"I don't know, but wait and see!"

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