Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6519 Amazing changes!

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The "Inverse Dragon Art" continued to run, urging the blood dragon to devour the remnants of the next bloodline.

Roar... Boom!

The violent roar sounded again. This time, the devouring by the blood-colored dragon was much faster and decisive than before.

Boom... Boom!

At this time, without Ziji Jinlei's cooperation, the blood-colored dragon could bite off a "blood tree" without too much effort, and began to chew it.



The "blood tree" disintegrated in an instant, and the aura of the bloody dragon rose again.

"Not bad, come again!"

Jiang Tian pinched the formula to cast the spell and continued to urge.

After breaking through the bottleneck, there are no less than a hundred "blood trees" remaining.

Repeatedly doing so, time keeps passing.

Half a day later, all the "blood trees" were devoured!

"It's finally done!"

Jiang Tian let out a sulky breath, his eyes glowing with excitement.

The hidden dangers caused by the forced advancement last time, a stone left in his heart, have finally been resolved!

From now on, he will no longer have to bear the price of this forced breakthrough, and he will not face any hidden dangers in his future practice.

At this time, the breath of the blood dragon that had devoured more than a hundred "blood trees" became stronger and stronger.

This level of strength made him astonished!

"It's so strong?"


The blood dragon swam wantonly in the sea of ​​blood, as if it had some kind of independent will faintly.

This surprised Jiang Tian even more!

"Anti-Dragon Art, scattered!"

Jiang Tian didn't have time to think about it, and planned to end this retreat completely.

Squeeze the formula with your hands, ready to disperse this blood dragon and let it return to its original state.

But what happened next took him by surprise!

The blood dragon circled and struggled, resisting his will!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and he felt that something was wrong!

The dragon body of the blood dragon was originally transformed by the "Inverse Dragon Art" through the power of blood.

To put it bluntly, it is not a real entity, but a cohesion and embodiment of blood will.

Ordinarily, with the cessation of the "Inverse Dragon Art", it should also dissolve quickly.

But the current affection is obviously not!

This blood dragon seemed to be a living dragon, with a certain kind of self-will, it began to resist the power of the formula, and it seemed faintly beyond his control.

"It makes no sense!"

Jiang Tian's brows became tighter and tighter, and his face was extremely solemn.

This situation was something he never expected.

"This blood dragon, what does it want to do?"


Jiang Tian closed his eyes, his mind suddenly immersed in his blood, trying to communicate with the blood dragon.

Then he found that the blood dragon didn't pay much attention to him, and was still swimming freely in the sea of ​​blood, circling and plundering.


Jiang Tian frowned, not knowing what to do for a while.

Could it be that those "blood trees" that were devoured accidentally evolved into the dragon body of the blood dragon, giving it some kind of almost substantial carrier?

Jiang Tian frowned and thought deeply, analyzing various possibilities.

If this is the case, it can only show that the nature of the more than one hundred "blood trees" is beyond his imagination.

Although it has been swallowed by the "Blood Dragon" and even chewed and refined, it has not completely disappeared!

The "Inverse Dragon Art" was no longer able to completely control the blood dragon, so Jiang Tian turned to other means.

"Dragon Transformation Art, get up!"


Jiang Tian turned to use the "Dragon Transformation Art", covering the blood dragon with the special will of this art.

Something unexpected happened to him!

The moment the power of the magic formula was covered, the blood dragon's dragon body shook violently, and the originally dull eyes suddenly burst out with dazzling divine light!


Jiang Tian was so shocked that he couldn't help but gasp!

At this moment, he seemed to be facing a living real dragon face to face!

The majestic and domineering will of the dragon, and the extremely strong blood aura made his heart tremble!

"How is it possible that the blood dragon evolved from my own blood will have such a strange will?"

Jiang Tian felt a little uneasy!

He didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Originally, it was just to solve the remaining bottlenecks, but now it unexpectedly gave birth to a blood dragon that even he could not control calmly.

For him, is this a good thing or a good thing?

Jiang Tian scratched his head and thought hard, feeling extremely entangled in his heart.

If he had known this earlier, he might not have used such a brutal method to break down the remaining bloodline bottleneck.

But now that things have come to this point, it is useless to regret.

The blood dragon had already appeared, and in such a special state, he could only face it and find a way to solve it.

"Dragon Transformation Art, up!"

Jiang Tian tried to activate the "Dragon Transformation Art".

The result was not unexpected. Under the will control of the "Dragon Transformation Art", the blood dragon circled and plundered.

Swim wantonly in his sea of ​​blood, like a duck to water!


Not long after, Jiang Tian suddenly had a strange feeling!

Under the agitation of this blood dragon, the speed of his blood circulation seems to have accelerated!

Is it accident and coincidence, or is it inevitable?

Jiang Tian's heart jumped and he was very surprised.

After a short balance, he urged the "Dragon Transformation Art" to control the blood dragon to swim freely.

as expected!

As the blood dragon continued to swim, the speed of his blood and spiritual power became faster and faster!

"It really has such an effect!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, astonished.

Apart from other things, from this point of view, the birth of the blood dragon obviously has benefits that cannot be ignored for him.

At this moment, just swimming around the bottleneck of the bloodline, the blood dragon can significantly accelerate the spiritual power of the bloodline. If you let it go completely and let it swim freely in the bloodline, so what?

As soon as this thought came to him, his heart skipped a beat!

Although the benefits are obvious, once the blood dragon gets out of control, what will happen?

Jiang Tian frowned in thought, and weighed silently.

After a moment of deliberation, he put aside his worries and tried to expand the swimming range of the blood dragon.

After all, this blood dragon was born from the fusion of his own blood will and the remaining bottleneck, so it is unlikely to cause any civil strife.

But there are contingencies in everything, not to mention that he is facing a strange existence, so he must be vigilant enough.

Next, with the help of the "Dragon Transformation Art", he repeatedly controlled the blood dragon, swimming in the bloodline continuously, swimming farther and farther.

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

As the blood dragon continued to swim, the speed of his blood vessels was also accelerating.

In less than half an hour, the increase was about doubled!

"Hiss, that's too exaggerated!"

Jiang Tian gasped, shocked, his eyes widened!

How can this happen?

You know, after forcibly entering the peak of the Galaxy Realm, the strength and purity of his bloodline spiritual power have increased several times.

The speed of operation has also been increased several times!

But now, on the basis of the peak of the Galaxy Realm, it has doubled in an instant!

This is almost equivalent to doubling his combat power!

Of course, the actual effect may not be so exaggerated, and may be far from doubling the increase.

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