Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6535--Andrew Giant Tree Vision

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From time to time, there was a sound of cracking in the tree, as if something was about to come out.

At the same time, there are various lights flickering on the crown of the tree, which looks really amazing!

More than a dozen starry sky warriors were attracted by the strange noise. As soon as they arrived here, they were attracted by the strange light on the canopy.

"What's happening here?"

"The vision is so amazing, the treasure must be extraordinary!"

"It looks like we're going to have a big chance!"

Everyone was discussing around the giant tree with a strange glow, as if they had seen the spectacular scene of the strange treasure appearing in the world, everyone was extremely excited.

The crowns of this jungle of giant trees are connected to each other, covering the sky and the sun, like a dark forest.

Every tree is extremely thick, but this one is the biggest, the tree is hundreds of feet thick and thousands of feet high!

Not long after, the movement of the giant tree began to intensify.

At the same time, a series of colorful ripples erupted from it, heading straight to the sky!

"Everyone be careful!"

"The opportunity is about to appear!"

Everyone is ready to compete for the rare treasure that is about to appear.

Although they are from the same faction, when it comes to snatching opportunities, they will not be humble.

After all, most opportunities can only belong to one person, and the people behind may not even be able to drink soup.

No one will be a fool for this kind of thing that concerns their own interests.

Boom...Crack, crack, crack!

Accompanied by an astonishing noise, the trunk of the giant tree hundreds of feet thick suddenly exploded.

Rays of majestic light overflowed crazily from it, without passing over everyone in an instant, covering the void of more than a thousand feet!

"Hiss! The vision is so amazing!"

"What a powerful spiritual coercion!"

Everyone exclaimed one after another, with fanatic expressions on their faces.

Undoubtedly, the stronger the fluctuation of spiritual power, the higher the value and level of the strange treasure.

The greater the chances they can get.

Judging from the strength of the spiritual power in front of them, the value of this strange treasure is probably far beyond their imagination.

"I don't know what this rare treasure is, but there is no doubt that those who can get it must have a chance!"

"Heaven and Earth Rare Treasures are for those who are destined to get them, come on!"

"Hahahaha, that's wrong, those who are capable of heaven and earth can get it, this treasure belongs to this old man!"

The two warriors in the late stage of the Starry Sky Realm rushed up impatiently.

Compared with those companions at the peak of the starry sky, they obviously need this opportunity more.

Because once they win this opportunity, they will no longer be subject to these companions, and will walk out of their coercion, and become powerhouses on par with them, or even at a higher level.

By that time, their identities, positions and future prospects in the sect will also be quite different!

"This treasure is about to be ordered by the old man, and no one will try to snatch it from me!"

The one who rushed to the front is already determined to win.

At this moment, his words revealed the meaning of madness, and his eyes were as red as blood, glowing with scorching light!

The other followed closely behind him, but did not show any weakness.

"That's not necessarily the case, it's too early to tell who the treasure will belong to!"

The two rushed over impatiently, completely ignoring the fragments of the giant tree that had just exploded.

In their view, these fragments pose no threat at all, and are not enough to affect them at all.

Even if there are some obstacles, it will not delay the treasure hunting plan!

"The two are good means, but Yan was a little caught off guard!"

With a sneer, the third figure chased after him, coming first!

This is an old man at the peak of the starry sky realm, and he is the second strongest person among the crowd.

His speed was faster than those two, and he overtook him to the front with one step, and he seized the opportunity in an instant!

"It makes no sense!"

"Damn it!"

The two people who were pressed behind were suddenly out of breath.

"Old Monster Fu, you are already at the peak of the Starry Sky Realm, don't you have enough opportunities?"

"Hahaha, as far as Yu Fu is concerned, the more rare treasures and chances in the world, the better!"

Boss Fu laughed and fought back, showing his wildness.

That's right, no one thinks that they have too many opportunities, and no one is not tempted by the rare treasures of heaven and earth.

Even if he is already an existence at the peak of the starry sky realm, there is no exception.

"You don't even think about it. If it wasn't for the chance and the treasures here, why wouldn't Fu Mou stay in the sect and take risks in such a place?"

Old Monster Fu sneered repeatedly, his words full of sarcasm.

Now that the opportunity is at hand, he doesn't care about the level of his cultivation.

Although he has a small advantage in cultivation, he still feels that it is not enough.

At least as far as this small group is concerned, his strength is only second, and there is still a slight gap from the first.

And with the help of the strange treasure in front of him, it is very possible to catch up from behind. By then, he will enjoy the pleasure of being at the peak, and he will no longer have to be overwhelmed by others all the time!



The two behind them gritted their teeth and cursed angrily, but their footsteps did not stop at all.

The strange treasure was right in front of them, although Fu Bobo was a little faster, but as the saying goes, chances are unpredictable, they may not lose this special contest.

"Stop him!"

The two looked at each other and reached an instant agreement.

Shoot at the same time, intercept the floating monster!

Because at this moment, they have become a community of destiny, and they are all facing a major decision that disappears in a blink of an eye.

Either he will stop the old monster Fu and forcefully seize the treasure, or he will be preempted by the old monster Fu and miss this great opportunity to change his fate.

Faced with such a problem, no matter who it is, it will not hesitate!



The two immediately made lightning strikes and launched a powerful offensive against the old monster Fu.

"Do you really think the old man is a fool?"

Fu Laoguai did not panic.

Before he made a move, he had already anticipated the reaction of the two of them, and had long been on guard.

At the same time as the two shot, he clapped his palms back without looking back.


Amidst the violent roar, two blue palm prints suddenly appeared, standing behind him like a giant wall.

But the two behind them had ferocious eyes and were not afraid of it.

The strength of Fu Laoguai is only slightly stronger than them, and the gap has not widened too much.

It is not a problem for the two to work together to suppress each other!

Boom... Boom!

In the blink of an eye, the attacks of the three collided fiercely, causing a shocking explosion.

The next moment, something unexpected happened!

Fu Laoguai's two blue palm prints were thick and long, and they were defeated by them in an instant, but instead attracted the palm force of the two and spat it out.

"not good!"


The faces of the two changed suddenly, and they exclaimed in unison.

Before he had time to react, he was sent flying hundreds of feet away by the violent recoil.

Uh... hum!

The two stood still forcibly, each groaning.

Fu Laoguai's method focused on using strength to counter the shock, rather than focusing on attacking, so the two of them were not injured.

But the huge counter-shock force caused their blood and spiritual power to churn for a while, which was really uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that this shock made them completely lose the chance to compete, and the distance between them and the old monster was instantly opened!

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