Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6685 Crazy looking!

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"Squeak... squeak!"

The Spirit Swallowing Mouse kept turning its head to scan the void, but it was powerless to resist the strong will of the woman in blue.

In a blink of an eye, he was wrapped and carried by the woman in the green shirt into the void.


In a certain void in the "Critical Dao Domain", Jiang Tian had just escaped from the turbulence caused by the will of heaven.

Suddenly there was a terrible feeling!

"Spirit-swallowing rat... the master-recognition contract is gone!"

Jiang Tian's face was full of horror!

What happened?

Tunlingshu went to look for Weifeng and Weiyu, and within a short moment, the contract of acknowledgment of the master was erased!

Did he fall, or did he meet an irresistible strong man?

Jiang Tian's face changed again and again, and he thought of all kinds of possibilities in an instant, each of which made him tremble.

At the same time, a worse situation appeared!

The bloodline imprints he planted in Weifeng and Weiyu's books can no longer be sensed!

What happened?

Why did the spirit-swallowing mouse recognize the master's contract and the blood imprints in the bodies of the two sisters disappear?

Jiang Tian's face was extremely ugly.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation.

Although he had been separated from Spirit Swallowing Mouse and the two sisters in the past, at least the master-recognition contract and the bloodline imprint induction still survived.

But now, nothing can be sensed!

"Could it be an abnormality caused by the fluctuation of the will of heaven?"

Jiang Tian tried his best to comfort himself, trying to dispel all kinds of bad guesses.

But after thinking about it, this possibility is almost impossible!

Although there is space turbulence caused by the fluctuation of the will of heaven in the "Critical Dao Domain", it is only a short-lived existence, and it does not affect the overall environment of the "Critical Dao Domain".

After those turbulent currents disappear, the "Critical Dao Domain" remains intact and will not be divided into several independent pieces.

After ruling out this possibility, his heart became even heavier!

There are roughly three possible scenarios:

First, when the Spirit Swallowing Mouse and the two sisters met a mysterious strong man, the other party used powerful means to erase the owner's contract and the bloodline imprint;

Second, they left the "critical area" for some reason, thus cutting off the induction;

Thirdly, the Spirit-Tuning Mouse and the two sisters suffered an accident and unfortunately passed away, so the master-recognition contract and bloodline induction ceased to exist.

Any of these three possibilities is dangerous.

But if it is the first two, at least they still have the possibility of survival.

But if it's the last one, it's simply hopeless!

"Impossible, no, they must still be alive!"

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth, trying to get this bad guess out of his mind.

He would rather this was just a nightmare, as long as he woke up, the Soul-Tuning Mouse and the two sisters would return to him.

But this is not a dream after all!

It was the cruel reality that he had to face!

What exactly happened that caused Tunlingshu and the two sisters to lose contact in such a short period of time?

Jiang Tian couldn't guess the specific situation out of thin air.

But it was obvious that this time the change was extraordinary, and any accident on either side of Tunlingshu and the two sisters would be an unprecedented loss for him.

If accidents happen to both parties, it will be an unimaginable disaster for him!

"try to find!"

Jiang Tian is in a hurry!

The longer it dragged on, the worse the situation became.

The more unknown, the more terrifying.

He must find the mouse and the two sisters as quickly as possible in the shortest possible time!

But one person's power is limited after all, the "Critical Dao Domain" is so big, where can he find it?

Let the mountain-swallowing turtle help?


As soon as this idea came up, he decisively dismissed it.

This time, Wei Feng and Wei Yu were swept away by the will of Heaven.

Then he sent the Spirit-Tuning Mouse to look for it, but before anyone found it, the Spirit-Tuning Mouse was gone.

Now under all unknown circumstances, it is absolutely unwise to rashly send out the Swallowing Mountain Turtle!

Faced with this situation, he can only find a way by himself.

The Spirit Swallowing Rat is a strange beast with extraordinary value and immeasurable potential.

Once it shows up, it will be enough to trigger the pursuit and scramble of all powerful people.

If it is still in the "Critical Dao Domain", it will definitely cause some fluctuations, and it is a way to find it through some unusual signs of warriors from all sides.

As for Wei Feng and Wei Yu...they are the rare bloodline of Super Furnace Ding in the world.

Once encountered by other powerhouses, they will definitely suppress and fight for the first time.

So, compared to the Soul Swallowing Mouse, he was actually more worried about the safety of the two sisters!



Jiang Tian didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately set up a spirit-seeking array and started searching.

He tried his best to move the magic circle, hoping to find the mouse and the two sisters in the shortest possible time.

But after some induction, I didn't find the slightest clue!


Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian opened the Great Formation of Transforming Space and escaped for millions of miles.

Use the spirit-seeking array induction again!

The result was still the same, within the sensing range of millions of miles, there was no trace of the mouse and the two sisters at all.

Every time the induction failed, Jiang Tian's worry increased.

In the next few days, he didn't have any thoughts on treasure hunting.

Going crazy, searching frantically in the "Critical Dao Domain", and even asking everyone.

But after so much hard work, he didn't get any useful clues!

And his crazy actions really scared the warriors in the "Critical Dao Domain"!

"That Jiang Tian is crazy!"

"Have you met him too? I was almost scared to death by him!"

"He came out of the void and rushed in front of me with murderous intent. I was about to kneel down and beg for mercy. Unexpectedly, he asked me if I had seen a spirit devouring beast and a pair of maids?"

"In the past few days, there have been too many people who have had this kind of encounter. You can meet such people almost everywhere you go!"

In the "Critical Dao Domain", a large number of warriors are talking about this matter.

The disappearance of the spirit-devouring beast and the disappearance of the pair of fire-type bloodlines became hot topics of discussion in the entire "Critical Dao Domain".

For everyone, the spirit-devouring beast and the pair of fire-attribute furnaces are of extraordinary value, to some extent not weaker than the chance of heaven.

What happened in front of them is really very beneficial to them!

As a result, Jiang Tian was eager to find the two and one mouse, so he didn't have more energy to compete with them for the opportunity of heaven.

This greatly reduced the difficulty of their treasure hunt, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

Secondly, the spirit-devouring beast and the pair of fire-attribute bloodlines are of super high value, which is equivalent to two more important opportunities in the "Critical Dao Domain".

All of a sudden, everyone was busy.

They were busy, not to help Jiang Tian in treasure hunting.

Instead, he wants to be the first to take down the spirit-devouring beast or the pair of bloodlines of the same origin!

Of course, if you can't have both, there are great benefits to only winning one of them.

The warriors in the entire "Critical Dao Domain" are busy at an unprecedented speed.

Warriors and flying boats can be seen galloping through the air at any time, some warriors are hunting for treasure in groups of three or four, and some casual cultivators are flying alone.

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