Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Xue Dizi's mouth, as if he had seen Jiang Tian screaming and falling.

But then, his face changed drastically!

I saw that the blood demon formation whose atmosphere had reached its peak suddenly began to reverse its breath.

The eight-armed blood demon let out a scream, and the entire bloody vortex began to shrink sharply.

Jiang Tian, ​​who had been hidden for a while, reappeared, with an indifferent face and cold eyes.

Above him, a short black log was suspended!

The whole body exudes a strange aura, even weirder than the blood demon formation.

It is the magic vine of primordial beginning!

"what is that?"

Xue Dizi exclaimed in horror, his face changed drastically!

"The magic vine of primordial origin!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Hiss!" Xue Dizi was startled, and two monsters of blood ignited in his eyes.

The whole person became extremely excited!

"Absolute Beginning Magic Vine, Absolute Beginning Magic Vine!"

"Hahahaha, it seems that the rumors are not false, my opportunity has arrived, and the opportunity of the Blood Flame Sect has also arrived!"

Seeing that the blood droplet was so strange, Jiang Tian couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Why are you afraid? Hahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​let me show you my tricks that I have never revealed before!"

At this time, the Absolute Beginning Demon Vine had swallowed up the entire Blood Demon Formation.

The menacing eight-armed Gorefiend spread out his might, and before he had time to swallow people, he was directly swallowed by the primordial magic vine.

The next moment, the blood drop pinched his fingertips, and unleashed an amazing bloodline secret technique!

"In the name of blood, I invite the blood ancestor to come down, to rule all directions, and only blood is the only one!"


The moment Jiang Tian heard this formula, the corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank suddenly, and he was taken aback!

Sacrificial blood ancestral technique!


The moment the magic formula sounded, the sky suddenly split open, and scarlet blood gushed out of it like a bank of the Milky Way, quickly filling the void!

"Jie Jie Jie! People from the lower world summon me, what request do you have?"

The sea of ​​blood rolled in the air, making a surging sound.

This is not an illusion, but a substantial sea of ​​blood!

Looking at this scene of deja vu, Jiang Tian's heart was full of waves.

Sacrificial blood ancestral technique!

He once encountered a similar scene in the dusty secret realm, but the vision at that time seemed to be just a cloud of blood.

But now this area is a genuine sea of ​​blood!

It can be seen that the strength of the summoned person is different from the three blood ancestors who were summoned in the "dusty secret realm".

With a fanatical expression on his face, Xue Dizi knelt down and kowtowed in homage.

"Junior 'Jiang Daoyu' vainly tops the blood droplet, I beg senior to suppress this person!"


There was a voice of doubt in the sea of ​​blood, and the huge will of blood instantly enveloped Jiang Tian.

It has to be said that although Jiang Tian is not very afraid of the scene in front of him, he is still somewhat afraid of this will of blood.

Because this will is more than ten times stronger than the blood demon formation just now!

The strong man in the sea of ​​blood was silent for a moment, and suddenly let out a strange laugh.

"Jie Jie! Such a junior, but let me take action, can't you deal with it?"

"Boy, you want the old man to be your thug, but you don't tell the truth to the old man, what should you do?"


A roar came from the sea of ​​blood, and a huge coercion fell on Xuedizi instantly.

Ka Ka Ka!

Xue Dizi's body shook violently, and his face changed drastically.

If he hadn't put his hands in front of him, he might have been completely crushed.

"Ex...Senior, calm down, this junior didn't...intentionally conceal it, it's's just that I haven't had time to report it in detail!"

"Hmph! The ants in the lower world also want to play tricks in front of the old man. If it is not restricted by the summoning rules, the old man will be the first to wipe you!"


Xue Dizi gasped, even saying he didn't dare.

"If you have any requirements, tell the truth. Don't think that you can deceive me because of the restrictions of the summoning rules. No matter how dishonest you are, you will definitely regret it!"

"Yes, yes! Senior calm down, and this junior summoned senior to come down, in order to seize a rare treasure in this person's hands. Of course, after senior suppresses this person, I will take all the treasures and opportunities from him, and at the same time, I will offer his flesh and blood for senior to enjoy!"

"What strange treasure, do you need me to take action?" The old man in the sea of ​​blood asked in a deep voice.

Xue Dizi rolled his eyes, and various thoughts came to his mind.

But in the end, he forced himself to deceive.

Answered truthfully: "What this junior wants is the Primordial Magic Vine in this person's hand!"

Hearing this, the old man in the sea of ​​blood laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha, boy, you still know how to live and die. If you mispronounce half a word, my punishment has already been lowered!"

"Hiss! Junior dare not!"

Blood Droplet was glad for his choice.

The other party has clearly seen the existence of the magic vine in the beginning, if he played tricks just now, he would surely be lost forever.

The blood ancestor sacrifice technique is evil and overbearing, although due to the restrictions of the summoning rules, the summoned blood ancestor cannot directly kill the summoned person.

But such a level of terror exists, there are all kinds of terror methods, and there are ways to punish the summoner.

But he was also worried that the Blood Ancestor would forcibly occupy the "Magic Vine of Absolute Beginning", otherwise he wouldn't have wanted to hide it just now.

"I have to say that the old man from the beginning of the magic vine is also very moved, but..."

The old man in the sea of ​​blood stopped talking halfway.

After a blink of an eye, he spoke again.

"Hmph, what am I supposed to be? It turns out that I'm just a young vine that hasn't awakened yet. Let me come down to do this kind of thing. It's really overkill!"

"But since I'm here, of course I will fulfill my summoning promise!"


After all, the sea of ​​blood rolled violently.

The terrifying will of blood shrouded it, its power far surpassing that of the blood droplet in the early stage of the original god realm.

It is even more than twice as strong as Long Xuan, the elder of the true dragon family that he met in the "Critical Dao Domain" back then!

"It's so strong, it really is that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Jiang Tian looked dignified, secretly surprised.

This kind of coercion far exceeds the three visions of blood ancestors that appeared in the "dusty secret realm".

And until now, he still hasn't seen the true face of the blood ancestor in the sea of ​​blood.

"Boy, take the initiative to offer the Magic Vine of Absolute Beginning, and I can give you a chance to kill yourself."

A domineering voice came from the sea of ​​blood, as domineering as a decree, and could not be resisted.

Jiang Tian sneered and waved his hand, completely arousing the Primordial Demon Vine.

Boom... Roar!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the black magic vines spread wildly, plunging into the sea of ​​blood.

The billowing black demonic energy is released crazily, and it is very likely to turn against the customer!

"Hiss, so strong?"

Xue Dizi's face changed slightly, and he was horrified!

The power of the Primordial Demon Vine was far beyond his imagination. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. Could the summoned Blood Ancestor really suppress the Primordial Demon Vine?

Wouldn't it be swallowed up by the magic vine in the beginning like the blood demon formation?

If that's the case, it will be troublesome!

At the same time, he understood that when the blood demon formation was devoured just now, the Absolute Beginning Demon Vine hadn't fully activated at all.

Is this really just a young vine that has not yet awakened?

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