Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6743 Humble Blood Ancestor

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But fortunately it's not the main body, and there are restrictions on summoning rules, otherwise he might have to worry about whether the blood dragon will covet the whole body of blood.


Jiang Tian was secretly vigilant.

The bloodline of the brutal blood dragon is very important. Although it is just a drop of ordinary blood and does not contain the real blood essence of the brutal blood dragon, it still alarmed the blood dragons to come across the border.

It seems that in the future, you can't easily use your own blood to perform this kind of blood technique, otherwise it is very likely to cause unimaginable troubles.

"Boy, your blood is somewhat mixed. What kind of dragon is your original blood?"

The blood-colored dragon asked in a deep voice.

At this moment, the other two blood ancestors suspended in the void fell silent, and no one dared to interrupt its words.

Jiang Tian frowned and said, "This junior has fused many blood essences of dragons, resulting in mixed breaths. I don't know which one is dominant."

"Really?" The blood dragon's giant eyes narrowed slightly, exuding awe-inspiring dragon power.

The strong will hit Jiang Tian's mind directly, as if to torture him.

"Yes, this junior is also very confused. I even wonder if I am a descendant of your dragon clan?"

Jiang Tian stabilized his mind and said solemnly.

"Oh?" The blood dragon circled and flicked, looking at Jiang Tian endlessly.

Restricted by the summoning rules, it is inconvenient to use various methods against Jiang Tian.

Naturally, he didn't believe Jiang Tian's answer completely.

This descendant of the dragon blood obviously did not reveal the whole truth.

But what about its blood dragon avatar that descended across the border?

"You summoned the deity to come, just to deal with the two of them?"

"Yes, they summoned two visions of the blood ancestors to deal with the junior, and the junior can only ask the senior for help."

Jiang Tian said truthfully, with a serious expression on his face.

It looked as if he had been cornered.

"Hmph, the two of you have signed up. If there is not enough reason to convince the deity, I don't mind swallowing your supplements!"

The blood-colored dragon roared and said, the words were full of irresistible will, like a decree blasting towards the opposite side.


Longwei swayed away, and two huge waves of blood sea rolled.

This is not the two blood ancestors struggling, but the huge waves caused by the coercion of the blood dragon.

At this time, the sea of ​​blood was not completely under the control of the two blood ancestors, which made them extremely frightened.

The two stared at each other in silence.

Maybe they are communicating secretly through spiritual power sound transmission, but no one knows what they are talking about.

"My patience is exhausted!"

"Wait a minute..."


The roar of the blood dragon interrupted the two of them, and they opened their mouths to swallow.


Two huge waves of blood sea soared into the sky, each of which was swallowed by the giant dragon whale.


After the giant dragon devoured the blood wave, its aura slowly rose, and the dragon's power was unparalleled, overwhelming the sky!

Qian Jun frowned, his face was extremely ugly.

Even when the two elders were in a mess, she didn't panic at all, and she always felt that the victory was within her grasp.

But at this moment, she felt powerless!

In front of this terrifying blood dragon, the two blood ancestors were so suppressed that they didn't dare to say more.

The sea of ​​blood that the two of them were in, lost nearly 30% in this light swallow!


The faces of the two blood ancestors were so ugly that they had no choice but to report their families.

"I'm the elder of Blood God Mountain, Gu Yan!"

"I'm the elder of Blood God Mountain, Niu Tiangang!"

"Blood God Mountain! Jie Jie, is Wei Yifeng still alive?" The blood dragon's eyes were a little strange.

The corners of the eyes of the two blood ancestors shrank, and they couldn't help being a little shocked!

Wei Yifeng was the former owner of the Blood God Mountain. He abdicated the position of the mountain owner three thousand years ago and was promoted to the position of Supreme Elder.

A thousand years ago, for some unknown reason, he suddenly declared the forbidden area to retreat, and he never showed up again.

"Mrs. Wei suddenly entered the forbidden area for retreat thousands of years ago, and has never intervened in sect affairs since then!"

"Your Excellency... Are you familiar with Mrs. Wei?"

The two asked tentatively, and there was no lack of flattery in their words.

"Thousands of years ago, the deity just swept him with the dragon's tail. I didn't expect this kid to be so afraid of death, so he just hid back and retreated. With such an elder, his disciples must not be much better."

Xuelong sneered, his eyes full of mockery and contempt.


"So it's... hiss!"

Hearing this, the two blood ancestors were deeply shocked!

Thousands of years ago, Wei Yifeng, the elder of the Blood God Mountain, returned from a trip, and suddenly announced that he would retreat in the forbidden area.

Everyone found it inexplicable and too abrupt.

But Wei Yifeng didn't say a word about the reasons and various circumstances of the retreat, and no one dared to ask.

Unexpectedly, he was seriously injured by the blood dragon itself!

They want to refute it, but they don't want to believe it.

But in the face of this terrifying blood dragon clan, they don't have enough guts.

Even if you don't want to believe it, you can't help but believe it at this moment.

"Mrs. Wei's cultivation back then was unrivaled in the Blood God Mountain. If it is true what the senior said, then the strength of the senior is really unfathomable!"

"I'm not as good as waiting for myself, I'm willing to bow down!"

The two didn't know what to say, so they could only lower their faces and flatter each other.

The mighty Wei Yifeng was seriously injured by the opponent's tail and couldn't retreat.

What can they do?

"This deity doesn't need you to flatter me. Next, whether you are waiting to be swallowed by this deity to become nourishment, or how to do it, choose yourself!"

The blood dragon threatened nakedly.

The two Blood Ancestors looked at each other, not daring to hesitate.

"Senior was joking, how dare we two juniors offend senior's majesty?"

"We were summoned by coincidence, and we have nothing to do with these people, so let's go!"

As if they felt that flattery wasn't loud enough, the two Blood Ancestors looked at the two members of the Blood Flame Sect and sternly reprimanded them.

"Two bastards, what are you calling for nothing, do you want to kill the old man?"

"Hmph, don't think that you dare to be unscrupulous because of the restrictions of the summoning rules. I advise you to admit your mistakes to Senior Long immediately, otherwise the old man will never mind teaching you a profound lesson!"


The two elders of the Blood Flame Sect gasped, their faces extremely ugly.

Under the pressure of the two blood ancestors, he had to apologize to the blood dragon.

"This junior has no intention of offending Senior Blood Dragon, please forgive me!"

"Since Senior Blood Dragon has come forward, we naturally don't dare to embarrass Jiang Tian. Let's let this matter go. What do you think, Senior?"

The attitude of the two is extremely sincere, and their posture is extremely humble.

But that's not the worst.

What they were most worried about was that the blood dragon swallowed them in a fit of anger.

The two blood ancestors couldn't afford to provoke an existence, and it was effortless to swallow them.

"get out!"

"Yes Yes!"

"Junior, get lost!"


Hearing the blood dragon's angry reprimand, the two blood ancestors seemed to have been pardoned, and the two blood seas crazily reversed and escaped from this world as quickly as possible.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, looking at the blood dragon.

Although the threat from the two blood ancestors has been resolved, it seems that the matter is not over yet!

Xuelong looked at him and said with a smile: "Although the blood is a bit mixed, the potential is not bad after all. The old man is in a good mood today, and I will make an exception and give you a great opportunity!"

"What chance?"

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