Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6758 Blood Light Palace

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Jiang Tian nodded slowly, quite satisfied with this tonic.

Pure spiritual veins can't achieve this effect at all, and they can't even make the Absolute Beginning Demon Vine produce an obvious reaction.

Only this kind of evil thing can make it excited, and then wantonly swallow it for nourishment.

However, there is obviously still a long way to go before the full recovery of the Primordial Demon Vine.

It is not enough to rely on this mere one tonic!

However, this tonic made Jiang Tian have greater expectations.

If the Blood Spirit Hall can have such a blood spring spirit vein, will the other two branch halls also have it?

It has to be said that this possibility is quite high!

Jiang Tian looked in the direction of the Blood Light Palace, put away the Primordial Demon Vine, and fled away!


Hum rumble!

The void oscillated violently, and Jiang Tian appeared over a certain valley with purple formations.

This is the Blood Light Hall, one of the three main branch halls of the Blood Flame Sect!

It is about millions of miles away from the Blood Spirit Palace that was just destroyed.


"Purple pattern, space escape...he is Jiang Tian!"

"Jiang Tian is here, go and report to Lord Palace Master!"


With the appearance of Jiang Tian, ​​the territory of the Blood Light Palace screamed wildly.

An elder quickly rushed to the main hall to report, while the others retreated quickly, shrinking their defenses.

The master of the Blood Light Palace has already made full preparations since he received the order from the suzerain.

Jiang Tian's strength is too strong, ordinary people are no opponents at all, and they will only die if they rush up.

Only the strong at the original god level can deal with it.

But relying on the original gods of the Blood Light Palace, they couldn't last long at all.

Although the Zongmen sent an enshrined in the middle of the original god realm to sit in the guard, the guarding power here has been greatly improved.

But as the master of the Blood Light Palace, he didn't pin all his hopes on it.

Therefore, he used his personal relationship to invite three mid-term support from the original gods!


At this time, without waiting for the elder to enter the hall to report, Xue Jinxuan, the master of the Blood Light Hall, rushed out with the two deputy masters.

At the same time, there was also the mid-term enshrinement of the original gods sent by the sect to sit in the town!

Before that, Xue Jinxuan was communicating with the other two branch halls.

The Blood God Palace just sent back a message, but the Blood Spirit Palace never responded.

He has already guessed some possibilities!

And when Jiang Tian arrived, that possibility was no longer a guess, but a fact.

"The Blood Spirit Hall is gone!"


"So fast!"

Hearing Xue Jinxuan's judgment, the two deputy palace masters were stunned!

The master of the Blood Spirit Hall and the two deputy masters are both in the early stage of the original god realm.

The enshrinement assigned by the sect is in the middle stage of the original god realm.

The four original gods teamed up and were instantly wiped out.

Jiang Tian's method is really strong!

"Master Blood Palace, it seems that your consideration is correct!"

The blood-robed old man next to him spoke in a deep voice, his eyes serious.

This person is one of the enshrined members of the Blood Flame Sect, Qi Yunyang from the middle stage of the original divine realm!

At this moment, he looked at Jiang Tian with fear in his eyes.

If it weren't for the mission, he would run away without hesitation.

But he was appointed by the suzerain, so he had to fight!

Xue Jinxuan stared at Jiang Tian with both eyes, as if he was facing an enemy!

"Qi Confucian has won the award. If you hadn't expressed your support, maybe I would have been hesitant."

Xue Jinxuan let out a sigh of relief slowly, thankful that his decision was not hindered.

In fact, it was not entirely his idea to ask for strong support.

In other words, he just had an idea at the beginning, but he was not very firm.

But what he didn't expect was that after saying this idea, the first person to agree was the sect enshrined Qi Yunyang who came to sit in the town!

This mighty man in the middle stage of the original god realm is not as contemptuous and arrogant as he imagined.

On the contrary, this person's attitude is even more cautious than him, and he is even more nervous in the face of Jiang Tian's possible attack!

This is not because of lack of confidence in one's own strength, but because the opponent is too strong.

"Let them out!"

Qi Yunyang said in a deep voice.

At this time, there is no need to hide anymore.

There is no need for the so-called hidden backhand.

Only by besieging Jiang Tian with all his strength at the first time can it be possible to repel Jiang Tian.

If the three of them were slower to attack, the Blood Light Palace might have completely collapsed, and the few of them would also be swept into the long history of the "Critical Dao Domain".

"The enemy has arrived, three fellow Taoists, come out!"

Xue Jinxuan did not hesitate, calling decisively.

Three old men with deep breaths appeared from the clouds and landed in the field.

These three people have different costumes, they are obviously not members of the Blood Flame Sect, but they are all in the middle stage of the original god realm, and their aura is not weaker than Qi Yunyang's!

Including them, there are four powerful mid-stage original gods and three early-stage original gods in the Blood Light Palace.

There are a total of seven original gods, this lineup is not weak!

But even so, the palace master Xue Jinxuan remained cautious, with no trace of joy on his face.

"Three fellow Taoists and Qi Gongfeng, this time it's all up to you!"

"Xuemou's promise will never be changed: Repel this person and reward him with a heavy reward; kill this person, all the treasures will be selected by you first, and Xuemou will hand over the rest to the sect!"

"Good to say!"

"Master Blood Palace, you are being polite. We are best friends and old friends. Even if you don't get paid to help you fight the enemy, it's our duty."

"The few of us should do our best to help you kill this person!"

The three strong supporters looked at Jiang Tian with cold eyes, not hiding their fighting spirit.

On the contrary, it was Qi Gongfeng sent by the sect, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

As a sect enshrined, he cannot retreat in this battle.

The three outsiders next to him are different!

If Jiang Tian was really invincible, they could withdraw at any time.

One can imagine what will happen to him, Xue Jinxuan and others at that time.

"Don't worry, the three of you. When you choose the treasure, Qi will let you come first."

Qi Yunyang made it clear to reassure the three of them.

"Fellow Daoist Qi is open!"

"In this case, we are not polite!"

"Let's do it!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the powerful aura of the four original gods in the middle stage surged, and they all shot together.

The three strong supporters directly sacrificed their magic weapons, the green-robed old man used a knife, the blue-robed old man used a gun, and the other yellow-robed old man held two strange black hooks.

The green-robed old man held a long knife in his hand and slashed out with all his strength!

Crack... Rumble, crack!

The silver knife light tore through the void, creating a terrifying crack three thousand feet long.

The aura of heaven and earth in the surroundings was crazily poured in, causing the power of this saber light to skyrocket.

It seems that with just one knife, he has the momentum to crush Jiang Tian!

The blue-robed old man was also unambiguous.

A blue-patterned long spear is dotted with thunder light, piercing through the air, and the light of the thunder-pattern spear pierces through the void, piercing out quickly.

The speed of the gun light was faster than the light of the knife, and once it was shot, it pierced Jiang Tian's body, and it was about to pierce him through!

And at this moment, the old man in yellow robe held the strange hook in his hand, and crossed it fiercely in front of him!

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