Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6805 Don't mess around!

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From the beginning to the end, he didn't show obvious passivity, as if the plateau stage of the tenth level of power was as simple as eating and drinking for him!

"Great Elder?"

"Huh?" Hearing Jiang Tian's voice, Feng Wumou woke up instantly.

"Jiang Daoyou...do you have any advice?"

"Can the plateau period of the body forging formation end early?"

Feng Wumou was taken aback!

"Fellow Daoist is coming out, just quit directly, no need to wait for the end of the platform period!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately realized something was wrong!

Jiang Tian wants to go out, so does he need to ask?

"Sorry, the old man is not..."

Jiang Tian waved his hand and interrupted: "The pressure of the plateau period has little effect on me, I want to challenge a higher intensity!"

"Higher intensity?" Feng Wumou shrank the corners of his eyes, his heart darkened!

This middle-aged junior is a bit arrogant!

But I have to say that he does have the capital of arrogance.

He can't even stand at the platform stage of the tenth-level array, how enchanting is this talent?

Feng Wumou suppressed the shock in his heart.

"Normally speaking, the plateau period of the large body forging formation will last for ten days. As for whether it can be broken ahead of time, Feng does not know, because the highest record since the founding of this sect is that the patriarch with a congenital domineering body survived the plateau period for three days. During this period, that patriarch did not take the initiative to attack the large formation, so I cannot judge whether the plateau period can be broken in advance."

"Don't talk about ten days, three days is too slow. The current array has almost no pressure on me."

Jiang Tian frowned and said.

"In that case..." Feng Wumou gritted his teeth, as if he had overcome some scruples, and said solemnly: "Fellow Daoist, maybe you can give it a try, but don't mess around, so as not to cause accidents!"

Jiang Tian nodded: "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I won't blame you, let alone vent my anger on your Silver Elephant Sect!"

Feng Wumou was silent for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "I wish fellow Taoists success!"

"here we go!"


Jiang Tian shook his arms, and his tyrannical physical strength exploded.

"So strong!"

Even though he had witnessed Jiang Tian's physical strength for several days, Feng Wumou was still stunned at this moment.

Because the physical coercion erupting from Jiang Tian's body at this moment has broken a certain limit.

It can be confirmed that Jiang Tian's physical strength has improved significantly compared to three days ago!

But whether this is Jiang Tian's own background, or the improvement brought to him by the body training array, it is impossible to determine for a while.

Jiang Tian raised his right fist and blasted at the silver giant elephant above the center of the formation!

Crack... Rumble!

The purple light suddenly appeared, and the violent physical power shook the void, and blasted the surface of the silver giant elephant against the might of the plateau stage.

hold head high!

The silver giant elephant remained motionless, but let out a domineering roar, as if its majesty could not be violated!

At the same time, a powerful physical coercion came down.


The silver light was turbulent, and Jiang Tian felt a strong impact.

This force was obviously higher than the array power in the plateau period, but it just passed by and returned to normal immediately!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned, quite disappointed.

Is this the reaction of the silver mammoth?

Only this little wave?

"not enough!"

Jiang Tian shook his head, his eyes slightly cold.

It seems that his strength is not enough, not enough to directly touch the silver giant elephant.

In other words, his shot was not enough to provoke the will of the idol and demon blood, triggering a continuous and powerful response from the opponent.

Jiang Tian shook his right hand and blasted out again.

Crack... Rumble!

The purple light suddenly appeared, and the void was directly exploded.

This time, Angel Jiang showed her peak physical strength.

Containing the most powerful blow of the "True Dragon Overlord Body", it crushed the void and slammed on the silver giant elephant.

hold head high!


The silver giant trembled, and its breath suddenly became violent!

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, looking forward to it!

Feng Wumou's expression suddenly changed.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian was so eager to make a move, and his posture was so powerful.

Although there is no record of any warrior provoking the will of the god, it is clear that once the god is provoked, the consequences will be extremely terrifying.

"Friend Jiang Daoist can't..."

hold head high!


Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a terrifying loud noise.

The silver light on the surface of the silver giant elephant soared, releasing frightening silver fluctuations!

The coercion that erupted was more than double the normal level!

"Well done!"

Feeling the terrifying power coming from his body, Jiang Tian's spirit was greatly lifted!

This is in line with his imagination, this is the power he wants!

Boom... ang!

The first silver light surged past, and the violent coercion hit him like a mountain.

Jiang Tian's body shook violently, and he couldn't restrain himself, so he retreated more than ten feet one after another!

"good very good!"

Jiang Tian was extremely excited and applauded again and again.

Such coercion is only useful to him!

The normal plateau coercion is simply tickling for him.

For other warriors, the coercion of the plateau period will become more terrifying as time goes by.

And for him, once he got used to the coercion of the plateau period, he couldn't put any more pressure on him.

This is the biggest difference between him and others, and it is also the reason why he feels dull after three days of "hard work" in the platform period.

At this moment, this violent coercion knocked him back more than ten feet.

Before he could react, the second silver light blasted towards him!

"Come on... hum!"

Jiang Tian snorted, and was knocked back more than ten feet again.

Bang... Ka Ka Ka!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, and he noticed the changes in his body surface.

When the first silver wave fell, the power of the true dragon hegemony appeared turbulent.

After the second silver wave passed by, the powerful defense of the True Dragon Overlord finally showed signs of loosening!

"not enough!"

"not enough?"

Hearing Jiang Tian's angry shout, Feng Wumou was shocked!

This is not enough, what else do you want?

"Jiang Daoyou, don't be brave!"

Feng Wumou was a little worried that Jiang Tian would be hit hard.

Although it was agreed that he would not blame him and would not vent his anger on Yin Xiangzong, but after all, he never believed that Jiang Tian could remain calm after suffering a loss.

At that time, even if Jiang Tian wouldn't wantonly retaliate, how could Yin Xiangzong watch?

No matter what, I have to come up with a sum of "sincerity" to compensate him.

If you can use "sincerity" to appease Jiang Tian's anger, that's pretty good.

Even taking out a few more pens is not a problem.

What he was most afraid of was that Jiang Tian would become angry from embarrassment, break his words, and then take revenge on Yin Xiangzong.

Then, all the efforts and concessions made now will be in vain!

"Jiang Daoyou, don't be reckless, calm down, calm down!"

Feng Wumou was afraid, so he tried his best to dissuade him.

Jiang Tian ignored him completely, and when the third coercion hit, instead of retreating, he took a few steps forward to face the difficulties!

"Oh My God!"

Boom... bang, click!

The terrifying silver wave hit Jiang Tian's body, and there was a strange sound of cracking hard objects.

Jiang Tian's robe was completely turned into dust, revealing the powerful body of a real dragon!

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