Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6821 Is there anyone else from the Protoss at the beginning?

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Rumble... hiccup!

The spirit-devouring beast's belly was swollen, but it quickly shrunk down, forcibly refining the nine-aperture spirit turtle at an astonishing speed.

"Hi! Thank you, Master, for the reward!"

"Hee hee, how does it taste?"

"Smells delicious, hiccup!"

"Very good, it's not good to eat this kind of thing all the time, I'll grab something else for you to try next time."

"Thank you, master!"

"Hee hee, come on!"

The green-clothed woman raised her hand, and the spirit-devouring beast landed on her shoulder.

At this time, it felt a burst of fear in its heart!

The Nine-Aperture Spirit Turtle knew it. When it was first subdued by this master, the Nine-Aperture Spirit Turtle was in full swing.

Relying on the favor of the master, he is in the limelight for a while!

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, it became a delicacy in its stomach.

For it, this is of course a good thing.

But at the same time, it also puts a lot of pressure on it.

Different from the last owner!

This young master seems to be smiling, and he is extremely fond of all kinds of rare spirit beasts.

But no one could guess her true thoughts, whether she would feed herself to other spiritual pets.

At this moment, it has an unprecedented sense of urgency!

It must do its best to grow and maintain its weight in the mind of its master.

Otherwise, who knows that this master will come up with a whim one day, and treat it as food to another new pet like now?

"Such a master is too scary!"

The heart of the devouring beast twitched, secretly warning himself not to slack off!

"Nine-Aperture Spirit Turtle, that is Nine-Aperture Spirit Turtle!"

"A divine beast with an innate super bloodline let her feed it to a spiritual pet!"

"Feeding the larvae of the Divine Tree of Absolute Beginning and the Nine-Aperture Spirit Turtle to pets is too wasteful!"

"I can't help it. Will the person who owns both the Nine-Aperture Spirit Turtle and the Spirit-eating Beast be an ordinary person?"

"Her background is probably more terrifying than we imagined!"


Everyone gasped secretly, looking at the woman in the blue shirt with guarded and frightened eyes.

This kind of person must not be provoked, otherwise, if he offends the other party, he will usher in a catastrophe at any time!

The woman in green shirt scanned the audience, cleared her throat, and spoke leisurely.

"Why are you not talking anymore? Did I interrupt your train of thought? Where were you talking just now?"

As far as the eye can see, no one dares to agree!

"Oh, I'm standing here, it makes you uncomfortable, doesn't it?"

The woman in the blue shirt shook her head and smiled: "Then let me stand taller!"

As he spoke, he took a step forward and appeared at a higher place!

"..." The corners of everyone's eyes twitched, speechless.

But no one dared to refuse, and the fear in their eyes became even more obvious!

The woman in the green shirt frowned: "It's not good, it's not convenient to talk."

After saying that, she swiped down and stood at the same level as everyone else.

Looking around, everyone looked much more relaxed!

"Everyone, please express your opinion. What do you think of this Fairy Festival, and what predictions do you have?"

The woman in the green shirt looked at everyone.

After a moment of silence, someone finally couldn't help but speak.

"This grand event caught up with the first blooming of the dao lotus, which is a great spectacle. I don't think there is much suspense about how the grand event will unfold. The real suspense is the blooming of the dao lotus itself!"

"Fellow Daoist is right. Rather than saying that we are here to participate in the Fairy Festival, it is better to say that we are here to observe the first blooming of Daolian!"

"The last time Dao Lian bloomed, I don't know how many epochs ago. At that time, we people and even our ancestors were not born yet."

"I'm afraid there is no way to find the records at that time. For us, this is an unprecedented event!"

"Yeah, speaking of it, we have a good chance!"

Everyone spoke one after another, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

And the focus of their discussion is the Daolian that is about to bloom!

The woman in the green shirt nodded slowly: "So, what do you think will be born this time when Daolian is opened?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"The opening of Daolian is driven by the power of the Dao and the intersection of opportunities. As for what it can produce, I'm afraid it's impossible to guess!"

"It's useless to say more, let's just wait for Daolian to open up!"

After a moment of guessing, everyone stopped talking and looked at the cyan light spot in the void ahead.

The woman in the green shirt was deeply disappointed.

"If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have killed the strong man of the Absolute Beginning Sacred Tree family so quickly. He should have a different opinion on this issue."

"By the way, is there anyone else from the Absolute Beginning Divine Tree family?"

The green-clothed woman scanned the void, trying to find the second member of the Absolute Beginning Sacred Tree clan.

"..." The corners of everyone's eyes twitched, speechless.

Don't say no, even if there is, will the other party dare to show up?

After scanning around, the woman in green shirt let out a depressed breath.

"Forget it, just wait."

While speaking, the woman in green shirt stepped back directly.

In the empty void, the light of the stars suddenly gathered and turned into a bright star throne, holding her firmly.

The woman was leaning on the back of the chair, with her long legs crossed, her head resting on her right hand, her eyes staring at her like a queen!

She looked up and scanned her surroundings.

At the end of this void, there are traces of terrifying aura looming.

Those were some terrifying powerhouses, but they didn't show up.

There are also some strong men with strange shapes who have appeared here in some way, but no one can directly observe them!

The woman in the blue shirt retracted her gaze, her eyes were more solemn, but there was always a weird smile on the corner of her mouth.


Hum rumble!

A certain void was distorted and turbulent, and Jiang Tian appeared with purple patterns.

It was night at this time, and he was still on his way!

"The dao domain is so far away?"

Jiang Tian was a little surprised.

He originally thought that the space escape technique would reach the Dao domain soon, but he didn't expect that after traveling for a long time, he hadn't arrived yet!

But at the same time, it also solved some doubts in his heart.

Given that his space escape technique is so far away, it is not difficult to understand why the powerhouses in the Dao domain rarely appear in the "critical Dao domain".

For a powerhouse of that level, the "Critical Dao Domain" really has nothing to plot.

Even in the eyes of those people, the "Critical Dao Domain" is a remote place, and it is not worth wasting any time at all.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian couldn't help frowning and sighing.

In this case, he could still meet Longxuan in the "Critical Dao Domain". It has to be said that it is also a kind of "chance"!

Jiang Tian stopped for a while and looked up at the starry sky.

That piece of starry sky is far away from him, and under that starry sky, it should be the land of Dao Domain, right?

Will there be secrets hidden in the starry sky above the Dao Domain?

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Think too much!

I really think too much!

He hasn't even arrived at the Dao Domain, but he has already started to think wildly about the starry sky above the Dao Domain.

This kind of thinking seems redundant!

Jiang Tian withdrew his thoughts and planned to move on.


Suddenly, his pupils contracted, and he looked at the starry sky again!

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