Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6833 Crazy Refining

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This box is actually a magic weapon of space.

There are more than a dozen kinds of elixirs with different natures stored in it, which is a lot of money!

This box is the pill box of Jinxuan Pill Line!

The so-called pill box is actually a portable pill storehouse!

If it's an ordinary pill, Jiang Tian naturally doesn't like it.

But he found that all the pills in it were rare pills corresponding to the strong in the early and middle stages of the original god realm!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian's spirits lifted.

These elixirs are suitable for him. With these things, he no longer has to worry about cultivation resources in a short time.

Combining the heaven and earth aura of Daoyu with these pills, his bloodline spiritual power will increase rapidly.

Although it is also important to go to the next city to find the Golden Profound Alchemy, it is more important to improve the cultivation level.

Because as he continued to move forward, he found a complicated situation.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Daoyu becomes purer the further south you go!

This means that the strength of Dao domain warriors will become stronger and stronger.

In the area of ​​Yuantong City, it is no problem for him to kill the middle stage of the original god realm with his instant killing skills, but if he continues to move forward, the pressure will continue to increase.

After all, when facing those dark wolf killers before, the power of Xingyun's instant killing skill has obviously declined.

In the end, he had no choice but to sacrifice the Chixue Sword Essence to kill all the opponents.

In the next city, this situation is likely to become more obvious!

Therefore, he can't go with hidden dangers, he must be prepared.

The most important point he has not forgotten!

Yuantong City is just a marginal city in the Dao Domain, and it cannot represent the martial arts level of the entire Dao Domain at all.

The powerhouses in the middle stage of the original god realm here cannot bring him real pressure.

Their combat power is far from that of Longxuan back then!

In other words, if he continued to move forward, there would soon be a strong man he couldn't handle in the city ahead.

Even the younger generation of talented monsters there will be extremely difficult to deal with.

This is by no means just imagination, but a practical inference!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian directly opened the pill library, took out a lot of pills from it, and started refining.

Jiang Tian's way of refining the elixir is a bit scary.

Others eat them one by one, but he directly holds handfuls of pills in his palm, infiltrates them with bloodline spiritual power, and then uses the talent of "bloodline devouring" to devour them into his body!



It was the first time for him to formally refine the elixir of the original god realm.

Moreover, there were more than a dozen of them at once, and the powerful medicinal power entered his body, which brought him strong pressure, and even almost caused a backlash.

"The mere elixir of the original god realm also wants to counterattack? The real dragon dominates the body, increase!"

Roar... Boom!

A purple light flashed all over Jiang Tian's body, and the powerful power of the real dragon's overlord body instantly appeared!

He didn't choose to suppress these medicinal powers, but used his physical strength to stimulate and disperse them, so as to speed up the refining.


The violent medicinal power surged wildly in his meridians like an angry dragon.

The explosion of physical strength really had a miraculous effect!

His efficiency in refining pills has more than doubled!

"Very good, come again!"

Although it was already very exaggerated, Jiang Tian felt that it was not enough.

The next moment, he directly doubled the number of pills, crushed dozens of pills at the level of the original gods at a time, and forcibly swallowed them into his body.


The terrifying medicinal power turned into a huge torrent that slammed into his meridians and bones, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

If it were someone else, they would definitely not be able to bear it at this moment!

Even in Jiang Tian himself, if time goes back to the "Critical Dao Domain", he will face huge repercussions at this moment, and his meridians may explode.

However, he who has stepped into the Starry Sky Realm and has improved his physical body more than once, has enough strength to deal with the impact of the medicine at this moment.

"True dragon overlord, go up again!"

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

Jiang Tian pushed the true dragon body to the extreme, frantically refining torrents of medicinal power, and the spiritual power of the blood continued to rise at an astonishing speed.

After entering the starry sky realm, the total amount of spiritual power in his blood became more and more terrifying.

Even if he got used to his own conditions, he felt extremely shocked!

Correspondingly, the resource requirements brought about by this terrifying physique are even more terrifying!

But if, like others, he refines the pills one by one step by step and improves them bit by bit, it will be a huge torture for Jiang Tian.

With Jiang Tian's talent, aptitude, physical body, and total blood and spiritual power, it is doomed to be impossible to take the long road of practice that is accumulated bit by bit.

What he needs is a huge amount of resources and a violent upgrade!


The medicinal power of dozens of pills was forcibly refined by him, and the spiritual power of the blood was like a surging river rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But it's still not enough, and it's just the beginning!

"Come again!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

More than one hundred pills were crushed by him with spiritual power, and then forcibly swallowed into his body.

The real dragon overlord body let out a domineering roar again, refining the medicinal power at a terrifying speed.

"Seventy percent!"

As early as after visiting the three major sects of the "Critical Dao Domain", his blood spiritual power reached 50% of the initial stage of the Starry Sky Realm.

At that time, there was still half of the progress left before the middle stage of Starry Sky Realm!

And now, his bloodline spiritual power has reached 70%!

Two steps closer to the middle stage of Starry Sky Realm!

Boom, boom... Roar!

More than one hundred pills were refined at an astonishing speed, and Jiang Tian's aura continued to rise.


Clap, clap... boom!

More than a hundred pills were crushed by him, but as the medicine entered his body, he frowned!

It's not a nourishing elixir!

What kind of elixir is this?

Jiang Tian was very surprised.

Eager to improve, he didn't carefully distinguish the nature of the elixir, but it was obviously not a poisonous elixir.

And even if it is a poison pill, after being attracted into the body by the talent of "blood devouring", the toxicity will be suppressed and finally resolved.

But at this moment, he found that the medicinal power of this elixir was a bit strange.

It turned out to be a healing elixir!

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed.

He refined it in such a hurry that he wasted more than a hundred healing pills at once.

One must know that these elixirs are quite precious even to those in the original god realm.

Their powerful effects are enough to allow a strong man of this level to recover quickly in actual combat, thus maintaining a strong combat power.


Jiang Tian ignored the potency of these medicines and took out another kind of elixir.

Also more than a hundred, crushed without hesitation, and forcibly swallowed into the body!


The power of the pill soared wildly, and after entering his body, his face changed suddenly!

"Hiss! This is..."

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched wildly, and his heart was horrified!

The potency of this batch of elixirs is more violent than the nourishing elixirs just now, obviously not ordinary elixirs.

"Explosive pill?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback, and remembered some kind of elixir that stimulated the potential of the blood and enhanced the combat power.

Although this kind of elixir is not so low-level, its efficacy looks similar.

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